- demo change
This True README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get your application up and running.
- Quick summary
- Version
- Learn Markdown
Get PostgresSQL, info can be here
Get RVM (unless you already got it), info in here
Install the correct Ruby version (currently 2.4.1) ->
rvm install ruby-2.4.1
Install the Bundler gem ->
gem install bundler
Install the other gems ->
ORbundle install
Setup the database.yml file (There's a guide ->
). -
Setup the .env file for sending emails from development on your local machine (There's a guide ->
). -
Setup the database ->
rake db:setup
Run the server ->
rails s
rake db:test:prepare
Test coverage report can be found in
- Automated with Heroku and CircleCI, don't fret.
We use Rspec for writing tests, if unfamiliar with it, can find a guide here
Project uses HAML instead of the normal ERB/HTML based Rails templates, if unfamiliar with HAML you can find a guide here
Before submitting pull requests for review, make sure to run
rubocop -a
, which will find code offenses, it will auto-fix some and point out the rest for you to fix. A guide of Rubocop use can be found here -
To generate a visual guide of the database model run ->
, a guide of the ERD gem can be found here
Repo owner or admin
Other community or team contact