This is a repository for the Wizcli Wrapper v1 GitHub action.
You can use this action for the following:
- scanning Infrastructure as Code (IaC) files in your repository for vulnerabilities and compliance issues:
- Terraform -> HCL (.tf) files
- Terraform -> JSON output of Terraform plan. Generate this file in your plan stage using this command:
terraform plan -out plan.tfplan && terraform show -json plan.tfplan > plan.tfplanjson
- AWS CloudFormation -> JSON or YAML files
- Azure Resource Manager -> JSON files
- Kubernetes -> YAML manifest files
- Helm -> YAML chart files
- Docker -> Files named Dockerfile or with a .dockerfile extension
- scanning local Docker images for vulnerabilities
- The wiz-cli scans local Docker images, analyzing binaries and packages in the container image, performing full vulnerability and secrets scans, and then outputting the results to the terminal
- scanning for secrets in your repository and Docker images
- the wizcli will search for secrets during the IaC and the Docker scan by default
Not supported:
- scanning of VM Images
- scanning of Virtual Machines
- Wiz service account
- The following secrets in GitHub repo or organization. (
WP only
) We already completed this step for your Github EMU Organization and added the secretsWIZ_CLIENT_ID
- Linux runner (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.)
uses: aleksei-aikashev/wizcli-wrapper@v1
wiz_client_id: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_ID }}
wiz_client_secret: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET }}
This section contains all inputs of the action and their default values. You can use this section as a template for your workflow file to modify some of the values. You can find detailed descriptions of the inputs in the action.yml file.
name: Wiz Full Scan
- "**.tf**"
- "**.tfvars"
- "**.tfplanjson"
- "**.json"
- "**.yaml"
- "**.yml"
- "**Dockerfile"
- "**.dockerfile"
- main
name: wiz-full-scan
runs-on: [REPLACE WITH YOUR RUNNER] # e.g. [ubuntu-latest] or [self-hosted,sg-kubernetes,ap-northeast-1]
# Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v3
# Run both wiz iac and docker scans, and upload the results to Wiz
- name: Wiz Full Scan With Default Values
uses: aleksei-aikashev/wizcli-wrapper@v1
# IaC scan defaults
iac_scan_path: "."
wiz_iac_policy: "Default IaC policy"
wiz_iac_report_name: "${{ github.repository }}-${{ github.run_number }}"
wiz_iac_tags: "repo=${{ github.repository }},commit_sha=${{ github.sha }},pr_title=${{ github.event.pull_request.title }},pr_number=${{ github.event.number}},event_name=${{ github.event_name }},github_workflow=${{ github.workflow }}"
skip_iac_scan: null
# Docker images vulnerability scan defaults
docker_scan_path: "."
wiz_docker_vulnerabilities_policy: "Default vulnerabilities policy"
wiz_docker_report_name: "${{ github.repository }}-${{ github.run_number }}"
skip_docker_scan: null
# Common inputs
wiz_client_id: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_ID }}
wiz_client_secret: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET }}
- name: Wiz IaC Scan
uses: aleksei-aikashev/wizcli-wrapper@v1
wiz_iac_policy: "YOUR_CUSTOM_IAC_POLICY"
skip_docker_scan: "skip"
wiz_client_id: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_ID }}
wiz_client_secret: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET }}
- name: Wiz Docker Image Vulnerability Scan
uses: aleksei-aikashev/wizcli-wrapper@v1
wiz_iac_policy: "YOUR_CUSTOM_VULN_POLICY"
skip_iac_scan: "skip"
wiz_client_id: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_ID }}
wiz_client_secret: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET }}
- name: Wiz Full Scan With Secrets Check
uses: aleksei-aikashev/wizcli-wrapper@v1
wiz_iac_policy: "Default IaC policy,YOUR_CUSTOM_SECRETS_POLICY"
wiz_docker_vulnerabilities_policy: "Default vulnerabilities policy,YOUR_CUSTOM_SECRETS_POLICY"
wiz_client_id: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_ID }}
wiz_client_secret: ${{ secrets.WIZ_CLIENT_SECRET }}
- Fork the repository
- Create a feature branch
- Test locally and create a pull request to the
- Locate the semantic version of the upcoming release (a draft is maintained by the
workflow) - Publish the draft release from the
branch with semantic version as the tag name, without the checkbox to publish to the GitHub Marketplace checked - After publishing the release, the
workflow will automatically run to create/update the corresponding the major version tag such asv0
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License