IslandAlertsForSwiftUI provides a variety of SwiftUI alerts that integrate perfectly with iPhone’s Dynamic Island and Notch!
- IslandLargeAlert: a large-size alert expanding from Dynamic Island with cancel and confirmation buttons
- IslandMediumAlert: a medium-size alert expanding into a top rectangle from the Dynamic Island, useful for small updates
- IslandSquareAlert: a small-size alert expanding into a square from the Dynamic Island, useful for quick animations
Let's not leave our dear old Notch behind!
The package includes the same animations also for the Notch. They may not be as beautiful, but they are useful!
- NotchLargeAlert: same of IslandLargeAlert but for Notch
- NotchMediumAlert: same of IslandMediumAlert but for Notch
- iOS 15.0 or above
- Xcode 13.0 or above
In Xcode go to File -> Add Packages...
and paste in the repo's url:
Copyright 2022 (©) Alessio Rubicini.
The license for this repository is MIT License.
Please see the LICENSE file for full reference.