This little toy project is intended to expose a simple yet effective model through a FastAPI endpoint, as well as deploy the model via Docker.
The models implemented are listed in an Enum class under app/utils/
but can be extended with the corresponding changes in app/
The data can be found in Kaggle and can be retrieved through the Kaggle API:
cd data/raw && kaggle datasets download -d purumalgi/music-genre-classification
The main model used is an XGBoost classifier with the DART booster. Other implementations such as a Multiclass SVM and an MLP classifier are implemented and briefly tested.
flowchart TD
A[Parse CSV Data] -->|data cleaning| B[Transformed Dataset]
B -->|encoding & transformation| O[Numerical features & labels]
O --> Z{Stage}
Z -->|Training| D[Entire dataset]
Z -->|Inference| E[Train & Test splits]
D --> K[Predictions]
E --> K
K --> I[Save to CSV]
: Get the Service Status./train_predict
: Preprocess the data, train the model and retrieve the predictions./predict
: Load a pretrained model and preprocessor, retrieve predictions.
The model can be trained and used for inference as a service accessible on localhost:8000
via Docker.
It must be noted that the produced CSV as per the requirements is by default
saved under data/raw/train.csv
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The service will be accessible via
The model can also be deployed on Docker:
docker build -t toy_class_predictor .
docker run -d --name toy_class_predictor_container -p 8000:8000 -v ./data:/dockerized_model/data toy_class_predictor # mount the data folder to have direct access to the output file
Again, the service listens to
To train and retrieve the predictions for the first time, use a payload such:
curl --location '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"csv_train": "data/raw/train.csv", "label_col_name": "Class"
After the model has been trained, the endpoint predict
can be used to perform the same operation
on other datasets:
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"csv_path": "data/raw/data.csv",
"pretrained_model_path": "model_XGBOOST.joblib"
NOTE: If the endpoint predict
is called with an untrained model, an exception will be raised.
If you want to read the CSV from e.g. MS Excel, use comma and ^ as delimiters.
I added the escapechar="^"
parameter to the stage saving the final CSV, as it
could not be parsed by Excel otherwise.