This Project is forked and inspired from fauria/lamp.
Main Goal is to build a LAMP-stack for simple semi-dynamic Websites as a monolithic Container.
The Container is static, Database/Filesystem changes on Runtime will be lost on restart.
Just replace the setup.sql with your datafile and set the link to your WebProject-git (Dockerfile: ENV GITREPO). Customize DB Credentials and Database settings at Dockerfile ENVs ( DATABASE, DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PW ).
Includes the following components:
- Debian slim latest
- Apache HTTP Server 2.4
- MariaDB 10.x
- PHP 7.4
- git
# build
docker build -t docker-lamp . --no-cache=true
# run
docker run -d -p 8080:80 docker-lamp
# phpinfo
curl "http://$(docker-machine ip):8080/info.php"
# example Sql-Connection
curl "http://$(docker-machine ip):8080/dbexample.php"
# example PHP-Project
curl "http://$(docker-machine ip):8080/"
This image uses environment variables to allow the configuration of some parameteres at run time:
- Variable name: LOG_STDOUT
- Default value: Empty string.
- Accepted values: Any string to enable, empty string or not defined to disable.
- Description: Output Apache access log through STDOUT, so that it can be accessed through the container logs.
- Variable name: LOG_STDERR
- Default value: Empty string.
- Accepted values: Any string to enable, empty string or not defined to disable.
- Description: Output Apache error log through STDERR, so that it can be accessed through the container logs.
- Variable name: LOG_LEVEL
- Default value: warn
- Accepted values: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg
- Description: Value for Apache's LogLevel directive.
- Variable name: ALLOW_OVERRIDE
- Default value: All
- All, None
- Accepted values: Value for Apache's AllowOverride directive.
- Description: Used to enable (
) or disable (None
) the usage of an.htaccess
- Variable name: DATE_TIMEZONE
- Default value: UTC
- Accepted values: Any of PHP's supported timezones
- Description: Set php.ini default date.timezone directive and sets MariaDB as well.
- Variable name: TERM
- Default value: dumb
- Accepted values: dumb
- Description: Allow usage of terminal programs inside the container, such as
- Variable name: DATABASE
- Default value: testdb
- Accepted values: any string which is a valid MariaDB Database name
- Description: set the Database which will be created and where the data from the setup.sql are imported.
- Variable name: DATABASE_CHARSET
- Default value: utf8
- Accepted values: any supported character set supported character sets
- Description: set the default character set for the given Database.
- Variable name: DATABASE_USER
- Default value: reader
- Accepted values: any string which is a valid MariaDB Username
- Description: set the Username which your PHP files are use for retriving data from MariaDB.
- Variable name: DATABASE_PW
- Default value: testtest
- Accepted values: any string which is a valid MariaDB password
- Description: set the password which your PHP files use for retriving data from MariaDB
- Variable name: GITREPO
- Default value:
- Accepted values: any reachable GIT-Repository via HTTP
- Description: Link to GIT-Repository which will be deployed at /var/www/html/
The image exposes ports 80
The user and group owner id for the DocumentRoot directory /var/www/html
are both 33 (uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data)
The user and group owner id for the MariaDB directory /var/log/mysql
are 105 and 108 repectively (uid=105(mysql) gid=108(mysql) groups=108(mysql)
docker run --rm -p 8080:80 -e LOG_STDOUT=true -e LOG_STDERR=true -e LOG_LEVEL=debug docker-lamp
docker exec -i -t docker-lamp bash
mysql -u root