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regionkinds.yml Old

alex9849 edited this page Jul 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Regionkinds are used to group regions. There are many possibilities with regionkinds. For example, can you limit the maximum amount of regions a player can buy with regionkinds. Players have also the option to search for free regions. Regionkinds help them to find the right region that fits their needs. You as an admin can run massactions. For example set the flagGroup for all regions wit a specific regionkind at once.

    displayName: 'Starter-Region'
    displayInLimits: true
    displayInGUI: true
    paypackPercentage: 50
    - 'A region for everyone'
    item: STONE_SHOVEL
    displayName: 'Small-Region'
    displayInLimits: true
    displayInGUI: true
    paypackPercentage: 50
    - 'A bit larger and good for small'
    - 'groups'

A region can have a regionkind. If it has, members can find it by searching for a free region with a specific kind via command or GUI. You have to select a MATERIAL that will be shown as an icon for the region and regionkind in the GUI. You find a list of all Materials here: click A regionkind also needs to have a displayname. The displayname is the name of the regionkind that will be shown to players. It can have color codes and blank-spaces. If users have the permission arm.member.sellregion they can sell their region back to the server. The number behind paypackPercentage is the percentage from the price they will get back if they sell the region. You can also write a description for the regionkind, that will be shown in the lore of the item in the GUI. If you set activateRegionKindPermissions to true your players are goint to need the permission arm.buykind.REGIONKINDNAME to buy these regions!

Default regionkind

  DisplayName: Default
  Item: RED_BED
  - 'very default'
  DisplayInLimits: true
  DisplayInGUI: false
  PaypackPercentage: 50

The default regionkind is the regionkind every region gets if it has no regionkind. It gets configured like all other regionkinds, but it can be hidden if you don't want players to notice it. With DisplayInLimits you can select if it should be shown if a player wants to see his limits (with /arm limit). With DisplayInGUI you can select if it should be shown in the regionfinder GUI.

Subregion regionkind

  DisplayName: Default
  - 'very subregion'
  DisplayInLimits: true
  DisplayInGUI: false
  PaypackPercentage: 0

The subregion regionkind is the regionkind that will be used for subregions. Subregions will always get that regionkind. It can't be changed.



How it works

  • Video tutorials - Watch and learn with Major Graft.
  • Create a region
  • Region settings
  • Presets - Define region settings before creating a region.
  • Autoprices - Calculate the price of a region automatically.
  • Regionkinds - Regionkinds and RegionkindGroups can be assigned to your regions to group them together and bring them into a context.
  • Limits - Limit the number of regions a player can buy.
  • Inactivity reset & Takeover - Automatically reset a region because of inactivity or let members of regions with inactive owners become the new owner.
  • FlagGroups - Assign certain flags to a region depending on its state.
  • Entitylimits - Limit the type and number of entities a player is allowed to have on a region.



  • Discord - Get involved with other AdvancedRegionMarket Admins, Plugin Developers, Testers. Support, General Discussion welcome.


  • Sponsor - Sponsor the development of AdvancedRegionMarket
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