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4653 lines (3063 loc) · 179 KB

File metadata and controls

4653 lines (3063 loc) · 179 KB


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Chris Barnes, Tom Kazimiers, William Patton, Eric Trautman


  • Python 3 is now required for the back-end. We recommend the use of Python 3.6.

  • CATMAID's version information is now presented in a different form. It follows the pattern <base-version>[-dev]-<commit>. The <base-version> is baked into the source code on a release. The -dev part will only be present if CATMAID's dev branch is used for deployment. It won't be present for master branch based setups. The <commit> part is the 10 digit version of the Git commit ID. This version representation is now also consistent with what is display in Docker images. In the rare event that no commit information can be found, <commit> will fallback to "unknown". This version will now also logged during start-up of the back-end.

Features and enhancements

Connectivity matrix:

  • The new checkbox labeled "Fractions" in the "Main" tab makes it now possible to display connector fraction instead of an absolute link number in each cell. The number of connections from one source row to a target column is divided by the number of total posynaptic connections that are made to the target skeleton (column). This makes columns better comparable to each other.

  • The auto-connectivity matrix of a large set of skeletons can now be exported as CSV without displaying it using the "Auto-connectivity CSV" button. This makes it possible to export larger connectivity matrices in a usable format.

  • The aggregation method for the connectivity count in groups can now be selected. Available are: sum (default), min, max and average.

3D viewer:

  • Treenodes that are linked to connector nodes can now be scaled independently from other node handles using the "Link node scaling" option.

  • Volume picking is now optional and disabled by default, i.e Shift + Click will go through volumes. To enable volume surface location selection, the "Pickable" checkbox needs to be checked.

  • If Reconstruction Sampler domain shading or interval shading is used, a list of valid domains and intervals can now be specified in the "Shadings parameter" tab.

  • The X/Y/Z rainbow coloring modes are now also available normalized to each individual skeleton.

  • Add custom connector coloring. The pre and post colors can be adjusted in the "Shading parameters" tab.

  • The X/Y/Z/ axes can now be displayed in the lower right corner using the "Axes" checkbox in the "View settings" tab.

Reconstruction sampler:

  • Improve performance of interval length computation

  • Sampled skeletons can now be split after the users confirm this is their intention. The split-off part of the skeleton will not contain any sampler information anymore. Intervals on the split-off part are removed, split-point crossing intervals are shortened and domain end points will be removed and recreated as needed.

  • Sampled skeletons can now be merged into. All samplers that reference the merged-in fragment are deleted. If the merged fragment is merged outside of a domain, nothing special is happening---it is a regular merge. If the merge treenode is in a sampler domain, there are currently three options, "Branch", "Domain end" and "New domain": 1. Branch: add the new fragment to the skeleton without changing domain end nodes or intervals. This is only allowed if the merge target is not the start or end of an interval. 2. Domain end: add a new domain end node right where the merged in fragment starts. This keeps the new fragment isolated from the sampled domain. 3. New domain: a new domain is created for the merged in fragment. This also adds the domain end node from (2).

  • Domain completion is now shown in percent along with interval coverage of the domain in "Interval" step.

  • Merge decisions can now be limited when the 'merge' or 'merge-or-create' leaf handling mode is selected. This means a percentage can be specified which defined below which ratio of extra cable versus interval length the extra cable should be merged into the previous interval (if possible) rather than a new interval is created.

  • Ignored lead segments can now be inspected in more detail using the "Uncovered domain parts" button the "Interval" step. This will open a dialog window with a histogram on all ignored leaf segments in the current domain. Clicking on individual bins will open a treenode table containing the respective start nodes of the ignored leaf segments. From this dialog, it is also possible to list all downstream/upstream partners linked to nodes in ignored segments of a domain.

  • For samplers using the 'ignore' leaf handing mode, it is now possible to update this to 'short-interval' mode including the generation of missing intervals for existing domains. A visual confirmation dialog is shown. To use this, press the "Set short-interval leaf mode" button in the Domain tab.

  • The Synapse tab now also shows all leaf nodes of an interval. This makes it easier to find the places where an interval needs to be continued.

Tracing layer:

  • Tracign layer: cycle open end in reverse using Shift + Alt + R.

  • Alt + Click now opens consistently the link type context menu, regardless of whether a treenode or connector node is currently selected.

  • The layer options now allow to select a user who's tracing data won't be fetched from the server. The main motivation is to hide data imported by a dedicated import user by default and not even fetch it from the server.

  • Similar to image data mirrors, it is now possible to configure read-only tracing data mirror servers from which the tracing data will load all data except for the active node, which will be read from the main server. This is particularly useful if connecting to the main server from a remote location. To make this work reliably, it is expected that physical replication is setup on the database level that mirrors the main server constantly. A separate CATMAID instance needs to be setup on the mirror server as well. To configure this, the "Read-only CATMAID mirrors" option in the settings widget can be used together with the "Read-only mirror index".

Neuron similarity:

  • The new Neuron Similarity Widget makes it possible to compare neurons to each other, to neurons transformed based on landmarks as well as to arbitrary point clouds. Point clouds can for instance be created from light microscopy data. It creates a similarity ranking based on NBLAST. To open the widget, use Ctrl

    • Space or the Open Widget button and then search for "Neuron similarity".
  • To compare two different objects, NBLAST will compare a query object pairwise with potential target objects. It iterates over each point of the query object, find the closest point in a target object and computes a score based on the distance of these points and their orientation to each other.

  • This scoring is done based on a scoring matrix, which needs to be created before any comparisons can be made. Scoring matrices are typically reused and don't need to be recomputed every time. The "Configurations" tab allows to create new similarity matrices and lists existing ones. For a new scoring matrix, probabilities for distance and orientation are computed for both a set of of similar neurons and a representative sample of random neurons. Both are combined into a single matrix in which a value of zero makes a particular a pair of points equally likely to be random or to be a match. Values above zero make a match more likely. Computed similarity matrices can be visualized by clicking the "View" link in the Scoring column of the respective similarity configuration.

  • With a similarity matrix computed, similarity queries ca be performed from the "Neuron similarity" tab. In its most basic form, this compares neurons to other neurons. It is also possible to select transformed neurons and point clouds as query type or target type in a search. This however requires additional setup (see below). Query and target skeletons can be selected by selecting a skeleton source for each. A similarity matrix has to be selected as well, but all other options have reasonable defaults. A click on "Compute similarity" queues a new similarity request, which is computed asynchronously. Once the task is complete its table entry will switch its status to "complete".

  • Once completed, the similarity query results can be viewed by clicking on "View" in the "Scoring" column. This will open a new result window (or dialog, if selected in the "View" option), which shows the similarity ranking.

  • To query with or against transformed skeletons, a landamark based "display transformation" has to be created. To do so, open the Landmark Widget, and create a transformation in its "Display" tab. Transformations created this way are selectable from the Similarity Widget, if "transformed skeletons" is selected for either query or target. Depending on available landmark groups, this could be for instance a skeleton transformation to its contralateral location.

  • The Point cloud tab allows to import individual point clouds, along with an optional transformation and representative images. It also provides a list of all point clouds that are visible to the current user. A group visibility option during import allows to restrict visibility of imported point clouds to selected groups (which need to be added from the admin interface).

  • The "Point cloud import" tab allows to import many point clouds at the same time, optionally transformed and with linked representative images.


  • The general widget controls are now distributed across tabs.

  • Annotations can now be used on volumes too. The "Annotate" button in the Volume Manager can be used to annotate all selected volumes.

  • The "Add from file" button in the Volume Manager can now be used to import volumes from STL files.

  • The "Skeleton innervations" tab allows to search for volumes that intersect with a set of query skeletons. A volume annotation can be specified to look only at volumes having this annotation. Optionally, exact result computation can be disabled to only compute skeleton/bounding-box intersections. This is slightly faster, but leads to false positives.


  • More CATMAID configuration options are now accessible through Docker environment cariables: CM_DEBUG, CM_FORCE_CONFIG_UPDATE, CM_WRITABLE_PATH, CM_NODE_LIMIT, CM_NODE_PROVIDERS, CM_SUBDIRECTORY, CM_CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS.

  • The Git commit from which a Docker image was built is now preserved and included in the CATMAID's version information.

CLI importer:

  • If no user information except for IDs is present in the imported data, the importer will by default ask for a username and create new inactive users for those IDs (and update the referenced IDs). Alternatively, the --map-user-ids parameter can be specified, which will make the importer map referenced IDs to existing users. If an existing user with the respective ID is not available, the user is asked for a username and a new user will be created.

  • With the help of a few additional progress bars, import progress can be better monitored.

  • Database statistics are now automatically recomputed after an import, i.e. ANALYZE is run.


  • Each Tracing Layer is now listed as a skeleton source. All skeletons visible in their fields of view are made available to other widgets that way.

  • Tracing tool: add icon button to toggle a node coloring mode in which each node is colored according to the length of their respective skeleton. The colors and cable length values when to use it can be set for three colors in the Settings Widget in the "Skeleton length coloring" section.

  • The SWC exporter can now optionally mark a node as soma if it either is tagged as "soma", if it has a radius larger than a defined value or if it is the root node. All three conditions can be selected, and they will be applied in the order they are listed above. If selected, a soma tagged node will always take precedence.

  • There is small copy-to-clipboard button left to the "URL to the view" link in the upper right corner of the user interface.

  • The Ctrl modifier can now be used with - and + to animate zooming.

  • New widget: stack info, which displays properties for stacks related to the active project.

  • The node cache update management command catmaid_update_cache_tables can now update all caches configured in the NODE_PROVIDERS settings variable automatically when the --from-config option is provided.

  • Admin: a projects/export JSON export of the visible project/stack structure can now be used directly in the Project/stack Importer by selection "JSON representation" as source and pasting the data into the text field.

  • Neuron search: regular expressions are now optional for the neuron name. Unless the search string starts with '/', no regular expressions are used, but a regular case insensitive text search.

  • Two new connector types are available: "tight junction" and "desmosome". Both can be created through the Alt + Click menu, are reciprocal and two links at one connector are allowed for each type.

  • Connectivity widget: all available link types can no be selected to be displayed. Both the gapjunction and attachment checkboxes have been removed in favor of a more generic list select element.

  • Tracing layer: the displayed tracing data can now be constrained to show only the N most recently edited skeletons. This settings adds to the skeletons selected by the N largest skeletons filter.

  • WebGL layers are now preferred by default.

  • Project statistics: a top ten of the largest neurons is now displayed.

  • Admin: a user import view is now available to import users from other CATMAID instances. It requires superuser permissions on the remote instance.

  • DB integrity check management command: volumes are now checked to make sure all faces are triangles. The --tracing [true|false] and --volumes [true|false] command line parameters now allow to explicitly test only some parts of the database. By default all is tested.

Bug fixes

  • 3D viewer: loading a single node skeleton with smoothing enabled no longer causes an error.

  • 3D viewer: nodes taged with 'uncertain' can be loaded again.

  • 3D viewer: various rendering bugs for Reconstruction Sampler domains and intervals have been fixed.

  • 3D viewer: stored node scaling settings are now properly restored.

  • 3D viewer: TODO tag coloring doesn't override custom label colors anymore.

  • 3D viewer: all synaptic site spheres are created and colored again.

  • 3D viewer: camera won't flip anymore if it is upside down during animations.

  • Tracing overlay: the border of the tracing window is now properly rendered.

  • Tracing overlay: child node edition times are now correctly updated if the parent is deleted, which fixes occasional state matching errors.

  • Tracing overlay: Shift + Click now works also with attachment connectors, should they be selected as default connector type in the settings.

  • Reconstruction sampler: deleting samplers while other samplers on the same neuron refer to the same created boundary nodes no longer causes an error.

  • Reconstruction sampler: cable length columns are now sorted numercially.

  • Reconstruction sampler: all settings are now correctly reset when a sampler is selected or "New session" is pressed.

  • Reconstruction sampler: a few corner cases for binary interval coloring have been fixed. Colors should now alternate in most cases.

  • Connectivity matrix: synapse count based ordering works again.

  • Connectivity widget: annotations on neurons (used for filtering) are now properly updated when they are changed in another part of CATMAID.

  • Graph widget: edge color updates now trigger a redraw operation again.

  • CLI importer: the ID sequence for the auth_user table is now properly reset after an import.

  • CLI importer: missing treenode-connector links are now imported between connectors and placeholer nodes.

  • CLI impoerter: the ID of reused objects is now proplery updated in imported data when --preserve-ids is used.

  • CLI importer: skeleton summaries and edge tables aew correctly created again.

  • CLI importer: unmapped imported users are now correctly saved.

  • The error dialog prints now linen breaks and spaces correctly again, which improves its formatting.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Pat Gunn, Tom Kazimiers, Will Patton, Eric Trautman


  • Both the standalone Docker image and the Docker-compose setup can now be updated after a Postgres version change. This makes it possible again to use CATMAID versions after 2018.02.16 with Docker. The documentation has more information.

  • This is the last CATMAID version with support for Python 2.7. Starting from next version, only Python 3 will be supported.

Features and enhancements

Volume widget:

  • Add a "List connectors" link to each volume, to show all connectors in a volume bounding box.

  • The new "Min skeleton nodes" and "Min skeleton length" options allow to further constrain volume based skeleton selections ("List skeletons").

  • The Connector List widget that is shown when clicking on "List connectors", now supports connector filtering. The volume of the link's row is now automatically set as filter in the new Connector List widget. This means connector links in this table are now shown only if they intersect exactly with the volume (and not only with the bounding box like before).

  • State saving is now supported.

3D Viewer:

  • The line width of skeletons can be adjusted again on platforms other than Linux. This Requires "Volumetric lines" in the "View settings" tab to be enabled (it is by default). Unchecking this option brings back the previous line rendering behavior.

  • The new "Focus skeleton" button in the "View" tab will look at the active skeleton's center of mass from the current camea location.

  • Volumes can now be smoothed by subdivision. The volume option panel available from the View Settings tab now contains a "Subdivide" checkbox.

  • A volume's bounding box can now be displayed using the "BB" checkbox that is available for visible volumes in the volume option panel.

  • New coloring option: X/Y/Z rainbow lookup table coloring for active stack dimensions.

  • The active node respects now a node radius by default and is scaled to 1.5x its size. This behavior can be disabled using the "Radius adaptive active node" checkbox in the "View settings" tab.

  • Catalog export: use global neuron name for sorting and display by default.

  • Catalog export: support for multiple neurons per panel has been added (separate from pinned neurons). The export dialog contains now a "Skeletons per panel" input field. Essentially, the displayed skeletons can bow be iterated in batches.

  • Catalog export: individual skeleton panels can now also be exported as PNG instead of SVG, which reduces the file size, export time, parsing time. Plus it allows for an exact copy of what is shown in the 3D Viewer.

  • Catalog export: in orthographic mode it is now possible to export a scale bar on either none, the first or all exported panels.

  • If the estimated size of the tiles to load for a Z plane exceeds 100 MB, users are asked for confirmation.

Connectivity matrix:

  • Connector node filters can now be applied using the funnel icon in the widget title bar.

  • The new "Groups" tab allows to group rows, columns or both by their displayed name.

  • State saving is now supported.

Reconstruction sampler:

  • Different leaf handling strategies are now available to be selected for a sampler. The behavior so far (and current default) is to just ignore leaf segments that are shorter than the interval length minus the error margin. Alternatively, it is now possible to merge the leaf segment into the last interval, to create new shorter intervals for the leaf segments or, combining both, it is possible to try to merge it into the last interval and if that's not possible (e.g. on a small twig with no previous interval on the same segment), then create a new short interval. This option is available in the Sampler tab.

  • Both the domain table and the interval table now show the cable length of each domain and interval in nanometers, respectively. Additionally, the interval tab also show the aggregated cable length of all completed intervals.

Tracing layer:

  • The new option "Update tracing data while panning" allows to configure weather the tracing data on the layer will be updated when the view is panned around.

  • A set of new options allows now to configure a "tracing window", which will restrict tracing data loading by allowing it only in view centered rectangle. Width and height can be configured independently. This is useful for remote review and tracing.

  • A new option to show only the N largest skeletons in a field of view is now available for the layer settings (and the API).


  • The behavior of the Ctrl modifier on section navigation with , and . can now be inverted using the "Animate section change by default" option in the Settings Widget.

  • Connectivity widget: annotations can now be used for additional filtering per partner table.

  • Split/merge dialog: the node count of the individual parts is now shown when hovering over their cable length information.

  • Review widget: the user who created the last node of each segment is now displayed in the review table. This allows to focus review on segments not created by oneself.

  • A skeleton cable length limit can be set so that a warning is displayed if a change to the skeleton morphology results in a cable length larger than the limit. This is available in the Warnings section of the Settings Widget.

  • Node filters: if a neuron name is provided for a rule, the rule is now valid for all neurons with neuron names that include the provided name and not only exact matches.

  • Neuron name display: neighboring duplicate name components are now removed by the default. This setting can be adjusted from the Annotation sections in the Settings Widget.

  • Boolean parameters for API endpoints are no case-insensitive, allowing the use of regular boolean values in requests from Python.

  • CLI exporter: the new --excluded-annotation parameter can be used to exclude neurons from the export based on annotations.

  • CLI exporter: placeholder nodes are now exported as completely new skeletons that are not linked to their original skeleton, unless it is part of the set of exported skeletons or the --original-placeholder-context flag is provided.

Bug fixes

  • Measurements table: column headers in CSV export are now quoted.

  • Export management command: the default output filename can be used again.

  • Export management command: class instances and links of skeletons and neuronsa are now exported alongside treenodes.

  • Neuron name service: missing naming components don't lead to removal of all whitespace between neighbors anymore.

  • Initial skeleton coloring of merge dialog when merging from smaller into larger skeletons is fixed.

  • 3D viewer: refreshing the active skeleton does not refresh all skeletons anymore.

  • 3D viewer: connector restrictions like "show only shared connectors" now respect the pre/post visibility toggles in the Selection Table.

  • 3D viewer: the initial text scaling for label text is now correctly set again.

  • Reconstruction sampler: during interval creation preview, only intervals from the currently active domain are now shown.

  • Graph Widget: when subscribed to other widgets, their skeletons are not removed anymore from the Graph Widget when the other widget is closed.

  • Neuron Search: annotation data range can be used again.

  • The Strahler number computation no correctly increases the Strahler number when two more children have the local maximum number rather than requiring all children to share the same number.

  • Radius editing: using undo (Ctrl + Z) after editing the radius of a node works now without an error message.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Chris Barnes, Rob Court, Tom Kazimiers


  • Requires a virtualenv update.

  • A new management command "catmaid_find_node_provider_config" is available, which can be used to compare different node providers on existing data, which is useful to configure the NODE_PROVIDERS setting.

  • The Docker images now support the options CM_HOST and CM_PORT to configure where uwsgi is listening.

  • When using the Javascript console, node positions returned from tracing overlays are now in project space coordinates (physical nm), not stack space voxel coordinates. Transformation to project space is no longer necessary.

  • Postgres 10+ is now required.

Features and enhancements


  • A new "Layouts" menu is shown in the top bar when a project is opened. It allows to save the current window layout under a name, it provides an option to close all widgets and will show all available layouts as menu entries.

  • Layouts store window arrangement, window sizes, tabs and subscriptions.

  • Saved layouts can also be manually configured from the "Custom layouts" setting in the Settings Widget.

  • Tabbed windows are now supported in layout specs by using "t([a, b, c])" where a, b, c or any other number of elements can be children of the tabbed window.


  • Support transformation of nodes that cross space between landmark groups and even reach into target groups. This allows to e.g. transform skeletons that cross the midline. Doing this is enabled by default, but can be disabled through the "Interpolate between groups" option.

  • Virtual transformed skeletons are now also shown on a separate layer in all open Stack Viewers. Nodes of those skeletons can currently not selected. To disable the Landmark Layer, uncheck the "Show landmark layers" checkbox in the Display tab's button panel.

  • The new "Edit landmark" tab provides a simpler interface to add new landmark locations to landmark groups. If the option "Update existing landmark locations" is selected, new landmark locations will replace existing ones shared between the provided landmark and the selected group. The lower section of this tab allows to edit links between landmark groups, which can be used for rule based display transformations.

  • As an alternative to selecting a target landmark group explicitly to create a display transformation, it is now possible to instead select a target relation in the Display tab. Doing so will automatically create all display transformations from the source group to all landmark groups transitively linked to the source group using the selected relation. The reciprocity of relations is respected.

  • The new "Create groups" tab provides an option to create landmark groups along with required landmarks from the bounding boxes of two volumes. This allow to quickly create simple landmark group mappings.

  • The color and extra scaling for nodes on Landmark Layers can be adjusted from the widget.

  • All 3D Viewers are now enabled by default as transformation display target.

  • State saving is now supported.

3D Viewer:

  • A scale bar can now be displayed when in orthographic mode. The scale bar can disabled via a checkbox in the View Settings tab.

  • PNG and SVG exports offer now a filename input field.

  • Loaded volumes are now stored along with their styling in the widget state.

  • Landmark groups are now show with landmark name labels. This can be disabled from the landmark menu.

  • Text scaling can be adjusted from the View tab.

  • The width and height of animation exports are now restricted to even numbers. This is required by the H264 codec we refer to in our documentation.

Graph widget:

  • The old "Graph" tab was split into two: "Nodes" and "Edges", each with the corresponding functionality.

  • New feature: color edges with the same color as the source node, the target node, or the general color specified in the "Properties" menu (from the "Main" tab). See the "Edges" tab.

  • New feature: change the arrow shape to a circle, diamond, tee, etc. The new "Set" button in the "Edges" tab applies the change to selected nodes.

  • New feature: the new "Selections" tab can record sets of nodes, stored as a named selection. Then these can be selected or deselected. The "Select all" button selects all nodes from all created selections.

  • Basic state saving is now supported.

Reconstruction Sampler:

  • Intervals are now displayed with only two colors by default, it makes distinguishing many intervals easier. The previous multi-color mode can be reactivated from the preview window.

Tracing general:

  • The settings widget allows now to configure a "fast split mode" and a "fast merge mode" to allow particular groups of skeletons to be split and merged without confirmation. Similarly to Visibility Groups, these Fast Split/Merge Groups can be defined in terms of a universal match (all skeletons), a required meta-annotation or a creator ID. In fast split mode, all annotations from the split skeletons are copied over to the split off part. In fast merge mode, all annotations are taken over from a skeleton merged in without confirmation.

  • The P shortcut (peek) will now show the closest skeleton to the cursor in all open 3D Viewers. To show the active skeleton use Shift + P.

  • A move/navigation mode can now be used using the new (third) button in the tracing tool bar. If enabled, no mouse based node actions will be performed anymore. Left mouse button clicks/movements are handled like right mouse button clicks/movements.

  • The Split Neuron Dialog has now "select all" checkboxes for annotations.

Statistics widget:

  • Statistics widget: The new option "All" in the time unit selection control allow to aggregate user data for the whole time range.

  • The number of newly created treenodes is now displayed alongside the cable length in the contribution table.

  • Each user can now be included in an aggregate statistics row at the end of the table by checking the checkbox in front of the username.

  • Add extra Refresh button to top bar.

Volume widget:

  • The new link "List skeletons" in each volume table row allows to open a new Selection Table containing all skeletons the bounding box of the respective volume intersects. Due to large numbers of skeletons in bigger volumes, this is currently mainly useful for smaller volumes.

  • When creating box volumes, the new button "Define cube at current location" allows to conveniently create a cube with a configurable edge length at the current location.


  • Basic Search: allow search for treenode IDs and connector IDs.

  • Project administration: selected projects can now be exported as JSON or YAML file using the respective action from the drop-down menu.

  • In addition to the '/apis' endpoint, the API documentation is now also available as part of the general documentation.

  • Connectivity Widget: partner header indexes can now optionally be replaced with the neuron name and rotated by 90 degrees.

  • The Keyboard/Mouse Help Widget has now a text filter, which allows to show only items containing a particular text.

  • The Tracing Overlay has a new setting "Allow lazy node updates", available in the Settings Widget. If enabled (default), stack viewers can skip node updates if a change didn't occur in the Viewer's field of view. This is useful when e.g. the Connector Viewer is open while tracing, because not all viewers get update due to the addition of a node.

  • Selection Table: Skeletons can now be imported from CSV files.

  • The status bar shows now both stack space and project space coordinates of the mouse cursor.

  • The skeleton projection layer works now with orthogonal views.

  • Detailed review colors are now enabled by default. To get the old behavior back, adjust your settings (admins can do this for the whole project or server).

  • Stacks can now be created whose planar axes have anisotropic resolution. The stack viewer will display these stacks correctly by scaling tiles separately along each axis. The tracing overlay is also compatible with these stacks in all orthoviews.

  • Added H2N5 tile source type.

  • Due to the new skeleton summary tables, some APIs are much faster now:

    1. Obtaining review info skeletons with /{project_id}/skeletons/review-status,
    2. API and connectivity information through /{project_id}/skeletons/connectivity,
    3. Listing skeletons with a minimum node count with /{project_ids}/skeletons/
    4. Getting skeleton node count with /{project_id}/skeleton/{skeleton_id}/node_count.

    In consequence the following widgets became faster too: Connectivity Widget, Selecting skeleton counts in the Statistics Widget, Review count based coloring (e.g. in Graph Widget). Opening the Merge Dialog is also faster due to this change.

Bug fixes

  • Reconstruction Sampler: 3D visualizations for interval preview and color mode were sometimes wrong and showed additional intervals. This is fixed now. Actual interval boundaries were not affected and are correct.

  • Reconstruction Sampler: Individual intervals are not silently deleted anymore if referenced start or end node is deleted. As consequence interval start and end nodes can't be deleted anymore.

  • Measurement table: no error is shown anymore after merging two listed skeletons.

  • Radio button drop-downs and checkbox drop-downs now hide on a mouse click outside of the control.

  • Review: fix node selection error appearing during review of some virtual nodes.

  • Tracing layer: when trying to create a second presynaptic node to a connector, a warning is now shown instead of a full error dialog. Also the previously created target treenode isn't created anymore in this case.

  • Tracing layer: prevent browser context menu on tracing overlay right click.


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Albert Cardona, Chris Barnes, Tom Kazimiers


  • Three new OS package dependencies have been added (due to a Django framework upgrade), make sure they are installed:

    sudo apt-get install binutils libproj-dev gdal-bin

  • Python 3.6 is now supported. Make sure to update your by replacing the line

    COOKIE_SUFFIX = hashlib.md5(CATMAID_URL).hexdigest()

    with the following line:

    COOKIE_SUFFIX = hashlib.md5(CATMAID_URL.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

  • A virtualenv upgrade is required. To correctly install one updated dependency, the django-rest-swagger Python package has to be removed first from from the virtualenv, before the virtualenv is updated:

    pip uninstall django-rest-swagger pip install -r requirements.txt

  • requirements files now inherit from each other: -test.txt includes the production requirements, -dev.txt includes test (and therefore production) and doc.

  • CATMAID extensions no longer require users to manually edit their INSTALLED_APPS in Remove if they are already in use.

  • The NODE_PROVIDER settings variable ( is replaced with the NODE_PROVIDERS variable. The new variable takes a list of node provider names, which are iterated as long as no result nodes are found. Replace the former single string value with a list with this name as single element, e.g. if the current setting reads NODE_PROVIDER = 'postgis2d', replace it with NODE_PROVIDERS = ['postgis2d'].

  • Three new types of cache backed node providers have been added: cached_json, cached_json_text, cached_msgpack. Tests suggest that cached_msgpack is the fastest.

Features and enhancements

Reconstruction Sampler:

  • 3D previews now allow to use a white background and toggle meta spheres.

  • To match a given interval length, the Reconstruction Sampler will now create new nodes during interval creation. This allows better sampling on long straight lines without intermediate nodes. To disable this behavior uncheck the "Create bounding nodes" setting. Newly created nodes are automatically labeled with the "sampler-created" tag.

  • By adjusting the new interval "max error" setting, it is possible to only create bounding nodes (if enabled) if the closest existing node is farther away from the ideal location than the max error value. This allows better reuse of existing nodes.

  • Created interval boundary nodes are also automatically deleted on sampler removal, if possible. If a created node has not been altered in any way during its life time and it still forms a straight line with its parent and single child, it can be removed. Otherwise the node is kept.

  • A new "Partner" step has been added. After a connector is selected at random, users are now asked to add all partner nodes to the synapse and let the widget choose a partner site for them.

  • Sections that should be interpolated (e.g. because of large tracing data shifts due to image data shifts) are now respected and not over-sampled anymore.

  • Completed intervals can now be optionally excluded from random selection.

Node Search:

  • Tagged connector nodes are now shown in search results.

  • Annotation search results allow now to open the Neuron Navigator page for the respective annotation.

Graph Widget:

  • It is now possible to show links of all connector types. By default, only synaptic connectors are available, but this can be changed using the "Link types" drop down control in the Graph tab. There also the edge color for particular link types can be set.

  • The edge color button in the option dialog has been replaced with a link type drop down which allows to set color and visibility per connection type.

3D Viewer:

  • Stored interpolatable sections are now loaded by default. Additional project space sections can be configured from the Skeleton filters tab.

  • Custom tags can now also apply to predefined labels like TODO or uncertain_end.


  • The maximum number of frames per second rendered by a stack viewer window can now be adjusted through the Settings Widget > Stack view > Max frames per second.

  • The Open Widget dialog is now only opened with Ctrl + Space when no other keys are pressed. This allows to use key combinations like Ctrl + Shift + Space + > to browse smoothly through the image stack while hiding the tracing layer.

  • The active node can now be moved in Z by holding the Alt key and using ,/.. The stack viewer follows the node.

  • Filters: a Reconstruction Sampler Domain node filer is now available. The required node ID can be optained from the Reconstruction Sampler Widget.

  • Neuron History: a lower and upper bound for the time window in which changes are respected and counted can now be set.

  • On CATMAID front-pages (project overview) the keys 0-9 can now be used to open the n-th stackgroup or stack, stackgroups have precedence.

  • Sections in which nodes should be interpolated for various displays can now be persisted in the database using the "interpolatable sections" data model from the admin interface.

Bug fixes

  • Reconstruction sampler: Strahler shading color updates work now reliably.

  • Reconstruction sampler: connectors in neighboring intervals are now not included anymore in connector listing.

  • 3D Viewer: SVG export styles are correctly applied again, the exported data isn't transparent anymore.

  • 3D Viewer: custom label matches are now always given precedence when multiple labels are matched on a node.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Chris Barnes, Tom Kazimiers


  • PostgreSQL 9.6 and Postgis 2.4 are now required.

  • A virtualenv upgrade is required. To correctly install one updated dependency, the django-rest-swagger Python package has to be removed first from from the virtualenv, before the virtualenv is updated:

    pip uninstall django-rest-swagger pip install -r requirements.txt

  • New settings field: CROPPING_VERIFY_CERTIFICATES. This controls whether SSL certificates should be verified during cropping and defaults to True.

  • The NODE_LIST_MAXIMUM_COUNT setting can now be set to None, which disables node limiting. If node count limiting isn't really needed in most cases, this can slighly improve query performance.

  • The file will now list all administration related changes for each release, including required manual tasks. These changes also continue to be part of this change log.

  • Requires running of: catmaid_update_project_configuration

  • Tracing data is now by default transmitted in a binary form, please make therefore sure your web-server applies GZIP not only to the "application/json" content type, but also to "application/octet-stream". For Nginx this would be the gzip_types setting.

Features and enhancements

Node filters:

  • A new node filter called "In skeleton source" has been added. This allows to add a filter which only allows nodes of a particular set of skeletons, accessed through a skeleton source. This can be useful to look at connectivity of a particular set of neurons. It can of course be combined with other filters like volume intersection.

  • New filter: Pruned arbor, which keeps the arbor proximal to the (tagged) cut points, discarding distal subarbors.

Connector table:

  • Node filters are now supported.

  • Attachment connectors are now supported.


  • The new "Landmark Widget" allows to create landmarks, form groups of them and use these groups to virtually transform skeletons from one landmark group into another one. This can be used e.g. to find homologues neurons. Virtual skeletons can currently displayed in the 3D Viewer.

  • Defining landmarks and their groups is done in two stages: 1. define abstract landmarks and group those abstract landmarks. 2. link locations to individual landmarks and their presence in a group.

  • Abstract landmarks represent e.g. a feature that can be found at multiple places in the data set, like the entry point of a particular neuron on the left and right side of a Drosophila brain. The left and right side of the brain would then be represented as groups, each one having expected abstract landmarks as members.

  • Creating new abstract landmarks and groups can be done through the respective "Name" fields and "Add" buttons in the Landmarks tab. To link an abstract landmark to a group, click on either an existing landmark group member in the landmark groups table or on the "(none)" placeholder. The newly opened dialog will allow to associate landmarks with groups. Landmarks can be member of multiple groups.

  • Linking locations to landmarks and the groups they are member of is done by using the right click context menu on either an existing location in the "Locations" column of the Landmarks table or the displayed "(none)" placeholder. Currently, the location of the active node or the center of the stack viewer can be linked. When using the latter option, it might be a good idea to enable the display of reference lines in the Settings Widget.

  • To be able to use a landmark location in a transformation, the locations linked to landmarks need to be associated with at least one group. If for instance a physical location for the abstract landmark representing a particular neuron entry point has been found for the left side of a Drosophila brain, this location would be linked to the landmark itself and to the group representing the left side of the brain. To link the location to the group, right click the index number in the landmark's row in the Location table, the context menu will allow to add the landmark to all groups the abstract landmark is a member of (removal works the same way).

  • Virtual skeleton transformations can be created from the "Display" tab. After selecting a target 3D Viewer from the drop down menu, the skeletons to create transformed virtual version for, have to be selected by choosing a skeleton source. With this done, a source and target landmark group can be selected. Transformations are only expect to provide reasonable results if the transformed skeletons are "enclosed" by the landmark group.

  • The "Import tab" allows to import multiple four-column CSV files into landmark groups. The expected format is: Landmark name, X, Y, Z. Each file can be associated with one landmark group, landmarks with the same name will be matched.

3D viewer:

  • Landmarks and landmark groups can be displayed. Similarly to volumes individual groups can be selected and adjusted through the "View settings" tab. Apart from the color and mesh-faces option for groups, it is possible to scale landmarks.

  • All visible skeletons can now be exported as Wavefront OBJ file. Each skeleton will be rendered as a separate group, colors are preserved and written out as material file (MTL). Both files can be compressed as ZIP file on the fly and it is possible to generate a simple line based export as well as a mesh based representation using a user definable radius. The generated ZIP file can be used with services like

Neuron history widget:

  • A user filter can now be applied through the respective checkbox drop down element. If at least one user is selected, only events caused by those users are respected.

New connector types:

  • Two new connector relations are available: attached_to and close_to. Like other connector relations, they can be used to link treenodes to connectors and can be used with the help of Alt + Click context menu when a treenode is selected. They are available as "Attachment" and "Close to".

  • If If a connector has at least one attachment relation is viewed as "Attachment connector" and additional clicks with such a connector selected will create "Close to" edges.

  • To add more information about the nature of an attachment, the connector should be labeled, e.g. as "vesicle".

Connectivity Widget:

  • All skeletons linked through a attached_to -> connector -> close_to relationship are now shown in a separate table if the "Show attachments" option is enabled.

Export management command:

  • The export management command will now also export meta-annotations when the --annotation option is set. All meta-annotations of annotations directly linked to the exported neurons are exported, too.

  • Users referenced by any of the exported objects are now also exported automatically. This can be disabled using the --nousers options.

  • User references are now stored as usernames rather than numerical IDs. This removes the requirement of always also exporting user models, because users can be mapped based on their usernames.

Import management command:

  • The new --map-users option allows to map users referenced in the imported data to already existing users in the database. This makes updating existing databases easier and removes the de facto import data requirement to contain user models. By default --map-users is not set.

  • The new --create-unknown-users option will instruct the importer to create new inactive user accounts for users that aren't included as objects in the imported data. If user mapping is enabled, accounts would only be created for users that can't be mapped and are also not included in the import data. By default --create-unknown-users is not set.

  • Imported class, class instance and relation objects are skipped when existing objects in the target project have the same name. This makes merging of projects also possible for semantic data (e.g. annotations, tags). The only exception are neuron class instances, where two different objects are allowed to have the same name.

  • The importer now won't keep the IDs from spatial objects in the input source, but will instead always create new objects. This ensures no existing data is replaced and allows importing different sources into a single CATMAID instance. If the original IDs have to be used, the --preserve-ids option can be used. This is done for treenodes, connects, and their links.


  • Users can now choose alternative markers for connector nodes, which do not obscure the object being annotated: this encourages manually annotating synapses etc. in a manner which is more comparable with automated detections

  • Exported sub-stacks now include the Z resolution.

  • Added table of reviewers vs number of nodes reviewed to the "Summary Info" in the Selection Table widget.

  • Synapse distribution plot: global and single-axis zoom and pan are now supported.

  • Neuron dendrogram: nodes linked to connectors (synaptic sites) can now be highlighted.

  • Tracing layer: cached tracing data is now used by default when showing sub-views of previously loaded data. This is useful for e.g. quickly zooming in. Like with the regular node cache, views not used for one minute will be thrown away.

  • All users can now view their user analytics plot with the help of the Project Statistics widget.

  • The NRRD file export can now transform from FAFB v14 into template brain space.

  • Synapse Fractions: the button "Group all ungrouped" will move all skeletons that are not part of a group already and not part of "others" into a new group. To also include skeletons in "others", use a synapse threshold of zero in the "Filter partners" tab.

  • Selection Table: Open/Save (JSON) does now preserve the order of skeletons.

  • Tracing data should load faster due to spatial query improvements and reduction of transferred data. The tracing layer transfers data now in binary by default, which can be adjusted in through the tracing layer settings.

  • The catmaid_setup_tracing_for_project management command does not require a --user argument anymore. If not provided, the first available admin user will be used.

Bug fixes

  • 3D Viewer: the visibility of skeletons with connector colors the same as the skeleton can now be controlled correctly.

  • Selecting nodes explicitly with multiple stackviewers open (e.g. by Shift-Click in the 3D Viewer) sometimes raised an error about not being able to find the selected node. This is fixed now.

  • Entries in the Treenode Table can now be correctly sorted by date.

  • Cropping tasks can now work with HTTPS URLs.

  • Graph widget: new skeletons can now be added again after individual skeletons have been split.


Contributors: Chris Barnes, Dylan Simon, Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • A virtualenv update is required.

  • This release adds optional statics summary tables, which can increase the performance of project/user statistics significantly, but statistics will also be correct without them. The additional table keeps aggregated information about various user actions. To initialize this table, the following manangement command has to be run after the migration:

    ./ catmaid_populate_summary_tables

    To maintain good performance, this command has to be run regularly, e.g. through a cron job or Celery every night. Because summary updates are incremental by default, they don't take much time to update.

  • CATMAID's Docker images changed: The existing catmaid/catmaid image is now only a base image that is used for a simple standalone demo image, available as catmaid/catmaid-standalone. Additionally, the base image is used in a new docker-compose setup, which can be used if persistent data is required. The documentation has been updared with all the details.

  • The Docker default port is now 8000 for both regular setups and docker-compose setups.

  • The data view "legacy project list" has been renamed to "simple project list". It now supports separate project title and stack title filters, which can be preconfigured using the data view config options "projectFilterTerm" and "stackFilterTerm". For both simple terms and regular expressions can be used. The filter input boxes can optionally be hidden by setting the "filter" config property to false.

  • Running periodic tasks is now easier and a default setup for cleaning up cropping data at 23:30 and update tracing project statistics at 23:45 every night is now available. All it needs is to run a Celery worker and a Celery beat scheduler. The documentation has more details.

  • The cropping output file file name prefix and file extension can now be specified from The defaults are:


  • CATMAID can now make use of a ASGI server to utilize WebSocket connections. Such a server (e.g. Daphne) needs to handle URLs that start with /channels/. Currently only messages can be updated this way, which already removes many requests for setups with many users. This allows for instance an immediate feedback after a cropping a sub-stack finished without requiring the client to check for new messages every minute.

Features and enhancements

Project/user statistics:

  • The widget should now be much faster.

  • Import actions are not counted anymore by default. The "Include imports" checkbox can be used to change this.

  • State saving is now supported.

Neuron history:

  • Events by different users are now collected in separate bouts to attribute parallel user activity. To restore the previous behavior (users are ignored) the "Merge parallel events" checkbox can be checked.

  • State saving is now supported

  • Individual neurons can be removed with the help of an "X" icon in the firs column.

  • A "total time" column has been added, which aggregates time across all active bouts formed by both tracing and review events. Since events are binnned in bouts, the total time is not just the sum of both tracing time and review time.

Node filters:

  • A Reconstruction Sampler interval can now be used as a node filter. This allows e.g. reviewing only an interval or look only at the connectivity of the interval.

Graph Widget:

  • Edge labels can now take different forms and can be configured in the properties dialog. There are two new label options available: "Fractions of outbound connections" and "Fractions of inbound connections". Instead of an absolute number they display the relative fraction. This works for both regular connections and connections involving groups.

Reconstruction sampler:

  • Intervals for a particular interval length can now be previewed before creating a new sampler. To do so, use the "Preview intervals" button in the Sampler tab.

  • Interval reviews can now be initiated directly from the interval step table. It will open a new review widget with pre-set interval filter and added skeleton. The same is possible from the synapse workflow step using the "Review interval" button.


  • The Stack View section of the Settings Widget allows now the configuration of a list of default layouts that can be applied to newly opened stacks and stack groups. Layouts are useful for having a reasonable default configuration of a newly opened CATMAID workspace including stacks and stack groups.

  • Layouts mimic nested function calls and are constructed from v(a,b) and h(a,b) elements for vertical and horizontal splits, o(a) for optional windows, where a and b can each be other v() or h() nodes, one of [XY, XZ, ZY, F1, X3D] or any quoted widget handle (e.g. "neuron-search", see Ctrl + Space). At the moment, in o(a), "a" can't be XY, XZ or ZY. To reference the 3D Viewer use X3D.

  • By default only one layout is available: organize XY, XZ and ZY in four quadrants using one additional window (if non available the help page). This is its specification: h(v(XY, XZ), v(ZY, o(F1))). With h() and v(), horizontal and vertical splits are declared, respectively. With o(F1) a help window will be opened as fourth window if not already another window exists.

  • Useful for organizing orthogonal views in a custom way and to create default workspaces. For instance, to always open a Neuron Search widget right to the a single XY view stack, the layout can be used: h(XY, "neuron-search").

CATMAID extensions:

  • As well as supporting standalone 3rd party static files, CATMAID now supports fully-featured extensions, which can include database models, API endpoints, and tests as well as static files.

  • CATMAID extensions are Django apps which follow a particular layout, and can be installed with pip

  • The goal is for CATMAID extensions to be reusable and interoperable between versions and installations of CATMAID, reducing the need to fork it and keep the fork updated in parallel.

  • More details can be found in the docs.

3D viewer:

  • Volumes can now be filtered in the volume drop-down menu with the help of a built-in text box.


  • The Open Widget dialog now displays a table that includes more information on widgets. Instead of the previously used auto-completion this table is now filtered.

  • If multiple tile layers are used, the stack viewer layer settings (blue white box in lower left corner) allow to set which stacks should be respected if broken sections are skipped. This can be done through the "Skip broken sections of stacks" drop-down menu. Whether layers added after the first layer should be respected by default when checking for broken sections can be set in the Settings Widget in the "Stack view" section.

  • The dialog to add a new annotation displays now the existing annotations as well.

  • Tabbed windows: changing window aliases are now reflected in tab headers.

  • The performance of node creation and deletion operations has been improved by preventing full node updates after these operations.

  • Widgets with state saving support now also support removing previously saved states through a button in the widget controls available through the window icon in the widget title bar.

  • The Selection Tool (the first icon in the top bar) has been removed, because it didn't provide any functionality. It is replaced by an icon to show the "Open Widget" dialog, which can otherwise be shown using Ctrl + Space.

  • When splitting a skeleton on a virtual node, the virtual node will now only be instantiated if the user presses OK in the dialog, canceling won't cause a change of the virtual node.

  • The default for hiding tile layers if the nearest section is broken (instead of showing the next available) can now be configured from the Settings Widget in its Stack View section.

  • plotly.js, a d3-based plotting library, is now available within CATMAID, making it much easier to generate common plots.

Bug fixes

  • Review widget: moving in reverse direction from a virtual node doesn't show error anymore.

  • Review widget: the Shift + Q key combination to select the next unreviewed node in downstream direction is respected again.

  • Review widget: Shift + W and Shift + Q work now correctly if the first unreviewed node is a virtual node.

  • Key combinations involving the Alt key were not respected on Mac OS. This is fixed now.

  • Reconstruction sampler: the list of connectors in the selected interval of the synapse workflow step is now complete when refreshed.

  • 3D viewer: the error shown when changing skeleton properties with an active connector restriction is fixed.

  • The neuron history widget now calculates both tracing time and review time correctly.

  • 'Peek skeleton' (P key) works again.

  • The Split Skeleton Dialog updates the embedded 3D view again after all skeletons are loaded.

  • Former partner nodes of deleted connector nodes can now be deleted without an additional tracing layer update.

  • The Skeleton Projection Layer can now use the skeleton source colors and other colors source again.

  • The simple front end data view's project filter works again

  • Skeleton source subscriptions: opting in and out of applying color changes in source skeletons to existing target skeletons works again.

  • Dragging nodes in stacks with smaller resolutions (larger nm/px) doesn't require large drag distances anymore, before the move is registered.

  • Node selection works now reliably with orthogonal views, including using the "G" key.


Contributors: Chris Barnes, Albert Cardona, Tom Kazimiers, Daniel Witvliet


  • Prepared statements can now also be used together with connection pooling.

  • A virtualenv update is required.

  • The following lines have to be removed from,

    import djcelery djcelery.setup_loader() INSTALLED_APPs += ("kombu.transport.django") BROKER_URL = 'django://'

  • Two new treenode and connector node providers have been added: postgis2dblurry and postgis3dblurry. They works like the regular postgis2d and postgis3d node providers except that they allow more false positives, because edges are only tested for bounding box intersection with the query bounding box. Depending on the dataset, this can help performance but might require a larger node limit.

Features and enhancements

Synapse Fractions:

  • New button "Append as group". Multiple neurons will be shown in a single column.

  • New UI functions to set the synapse confidence.

  • Default to Upstream (fractions for input neurons).

  • Shift-click to toggle selected state of partner neurons or groups, and then push 'J' to create a new partner group.

  • X axis labels can now be rotated, from the Options tab.

  • Node filters can now be applied to filter valid connector links.

3D Viewer:

  • New skeleton shading modes:

    • "Axon and dendrite": like the coloring mode "Axon and dendrite", but using shading like in the "Split at active node" mode.
    • "Single Strahler number": color branches of a specific Strahler number in full color, and darken everything else. The Strahler number is specified in the tab named "Shading parameters".
    • "Strahler threshold": color branches of a Strahler number equal or higher than the number specifed in the Stahler number field ("Shading paramters" tab) in full color, darken all others. When inverted, show in full color branches with a Strahler number strictly lower than the specified one.
  • The Z plane display now supports stack viewer layers. If multiple layers are shown in a stack viewer, its Z plane will render all visible layers on top of each other.

Review widget:

  • Large neurons are handled better, rendering tables with many segments is now faster.

  • The set of displayed columns can now be constrained with the help of the new "Visible reviewers" setting in the widget. Available options are "All", "Team" and "Self".

  • A new option to automatically scroll the active segment into view has been added ("Scroll to active segment"). With this enabled (default), when a node of a segment of the reviewed skeleton is selected in the tracing layer, the review widget will scroll the segment into view.

  • State saving is now supported.

Node filters:

  • A Strahler number filter has been added to only show nodes with a Strahler value below/same as/above a user defined number.

Neuron Search:

  • It is now possible to use the "not" operator with neuron name and annotation search criteria.

  • Both neuron name and type columns can now be sorted.

  • Filters are now supported. Only neurons will be shown of which at least one node is in the node filter result set.

Neuron History:

  • This new widget can be opened using Ctrl+Space together with the key "neuron-history" or through a button in the Neuron Navigator.

  • For all neurons added to this widget, time related information is presented. Currently, the following is calculated: Tracing time, review time, cable length before review, cable length after review, connectors before review and connectors after review.

  • The components that contribute to the tracing time can be adjusted with the "Tracing time" drop down menu.

Reconstruction Sampler:

  • This new widget can be opened using Ctrl + Space and the keyword "reconstruction-sampler". It allows to target reconstruction effort based on the spatial sampling of a skeleton. This is mainly useful for large neurons that can't be quickly traced to completion. The widget is organized as a workflow that prevents skipping steps.

  • To keep track of reconstruction progress, a so called sampler is created for a skeleton of interest. This skeleton is typically the backbone of a larger neuron. The sampler keeps track of some global properties for the sampling. Once created, a sampler can be "opened" either by clicking "Open" or by double clicking the respective table row. Also note that with a sampler attached to a skeleton, the skeleton can not be deleted. If a skeleton should be deleted, delete its samplers first.

  • Once opened, a sampler allows creating so called sampler domains, which are regions on the skeletons which should in principle be considered for sampling. Topological and tag based definitions of sampler domains are possible. Created samplers can be opened through a click on "Open" or a double click on the table row.

  • Once opened, sampler domains can be further divided in so called sampler intervals. To do so the "Create intervals" buttons has to be pressed. These have initially all the same length (defined in sampler) and no branches. Intervals are meant to picked at random through the respective button.

  • With an interval selected, the goal is now to reconstruct it to completion with all branches and connectors. CATMAID will show a warning when moved out of the interval. The workflow page will show both input and output connectors.

  • As soon as the interval is reconstructed completely, a synapse can be picked at random from which the next backbone can be reconstructed. Once the backbone is found and reconstructed, the sampling can start over. Alternatively, another interval in the original skeleton can be selected at random.


  • Split/Merge dialog: the node count for both respectively remaining/new and remaining/old are now on top of the annotation lists.

  • The General Settings section of the Settings Widget now provides an option to disable asking for confirmation when the active project is closed.

  • Tile layers can now be configured to not automatically switch to the next accessible mirror if the present one is inaccessible. This is useful for some custom mirror use cases and can be set through the "Change mirror on inaccessible data" checkbox in the layer settings.

  • Empty neuron name pattern components are now by default trimmed automatically. Empty components at the pattern endings won't leave any white space behind. Empty components between other components are allowed one space maximum (if there were spaces before). The difference is visible e.g. in the Graph Widget.

  • URL-to-view links now allow selected connector nodes.

  • Adding a custom mirror will now by default disable automatic mirror switching of the respective tile layer. Custom mirrors often come only with a subset of the data, which currently triggers a mirror switch by default if some tile is not accessible.

  • The tracing layer is now faster with creating skeleton nodes, connectors and partner nodes by avoiding unneeded node updates.

  • Export widget: exporting neurons as NRRD files is now supported. The NAT R package is used for this. Check documentation for setup.

  • The tracing tool has now a button to refresh CATMAID's caches for neuron names and annotations. This can be used to update neuron names with components that were changed by other users. Additionally, such a cache update is performed automatically once every hour.

  • URLs to a particular view work now also with a location and a skeleton ID only rather than requiring a node ID always.

  • Using "Shift + x" and "Ctrl + x" will now activate a checkbox selection mode and the cursor turns into a crosshair. In this mode one can draw a rectangle everywhere on the screen and all checkboxes that are behind the rectangle will be toggled using "Ctrl + x" (turned on if off and vise versa) or checked with "Shift + x". Either releasing the drawing mouse click or a second "Shift + x" or "Ctrl + x" will deactivate the tool again.

  • All skeleton source widgets (typically those with a skeleton source drop-down menu) now support copy and paste of skeleton models. Pressing "Alt + Ctrl + c" in an active widget will copy its skeletons (along with colors) into a clipboard. Pressing "Alt + Ctrl + v" in another widget will then paste those models into the now active widget.

  • When using the Z key to create new nodes, existing nodes are not as easily selected from a distance anymore. Before, the radius around a click event was too large and the closest node around the click was selected. Other nodes will now only be selected if the mouse cursor is close to their circle graphic on screen.

Bug fixes

  • Graph widget: re-layout works again.

  • The Docker image can be used again without requiring a manual restart of the uWSGI server.

  • Zooming in using the "=" key and using Shift + Z to join and create nodes both work again.

  • Links inside the simple Search Widget can be clicked again.

  • Back-end calls with large parameter lists can be used again (e.g. review status in the Connectivity Widget).

  • Highlighted tags in the Neuron Dendrogram widget are now correctly displayed next to the nodes they belong to. Before, each tagged node had all selected tags shown next to it, regardless of whether it would be tagged with them.

  • 3D viewer: the textured Z section rendering in the 3D Viewer now respects the mirror setting from the tile layer.

  • 3D viewer: a memory leak in displaying Z sections with images has been fixed. This allows long continued Z section browsing without crashing.

  • 3D viewer: the accurateness of object picking on neurons and location picking on z panes has been improved.

  • Cropping image data works again.

  • Setting a stack viewer offset won't cause an error anymore.

  • User interaction without a reachable server (e.g. due to a disconnected network) doesn't lead to image and tracing data freezing anymore.

  • Pressing key combinations before the tracing layer has loaded is now handled more gracefully (no error dialog).

  • 3D viewer: the active node split shading can now handle changed virtual nodes to which it is lacking information and won't raise an error.

  • All newly opened widgets that support it, appear now in the "skeleton source" drop-down menus of all other widgets from that moment on. This was a problem mainly with Analyze Arbor, Measurements Table, Morphology Plot, Neuron Dendrogrm and Treenode Table.


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • A virtualenv upgrade is required. To correctly install one updated dependency, the django-rest-swagger Python package has to be removed first from from the virtualenv, before the virtualenv is updated:

    pip uninstall django-rest-swagger pip install -r requirements.txt

Features and enhancements

Widget state saving:

  • Infrastructure has been added to store widget configuration client side in a browser cookie. This makes it easy to update widgets to support automatic saving and loading of state information. The automatic saving and loading behavior can be configured in the General Settings section of the Settings Widget. To explicitly save the state in a supported widget, the respective button available through the "Window Configuration" title bar icon can be used as well.

  • State saving support has been added for the 3D Viewer and the Connectivity Widget.

Generic node filtering:

  • A generic user interface for filtering nodes is now available to widgets. If a widget supports it, the filtering user interface is available through the filter icon in the widget's title bar.

  • The user interface has a "Filters" tab which lists all active filters for a widget and a "Add filter" tab, which can be used to create new filter rules.

  • Filter rules select nodes that are kept, i.e. the filter application results in a list of nodes that match the filter expression.

  • Different filter types are available at the moment: Only end nodes, only tagged nodes, only nuclei, only a sub-arbor starting from a tag, tag defined region, created by user(s), node creation/edite time, binary split, axon, dendrite, synaptic connectivity and volumes. Some come with own user input elements, but all can optionally be applied to only a subset of skeletons.

  • Multiple filters can be combined, e.g. all branch nodes with a particular tag and end nodes. All filter rules are combined in a left-associative fashion and union and intersection can be used as operators.

Connectivity widget:

  • Support for node filtering has been added, it can be configured through the filter icon in the title bar. All features listed under Generic Node Filters are supported. If a node of a skeleton from the top list doesn't match the filter expression, synaptic connections involving it will not be respected.

Review widget:

  • Whether detailed review colors should be used is now persisted.

  • The checkbox "Save review updates" allows to disable sending review updates to the server. Ending review or closing the widget will cause all review updates to be lost. If disabled, a warning is displayed. This is useful to only use the "navigational" features of the review widget.

  • Support for node filtering has been added, it can be configured through the filter icon in the title bar. All features listed under Generic Node Filters are supported. If nodes are filtered, all percentages are relative to the filtered set of nodes.

3D viewer:

  • The color of custom tag spheres can now be adjusted through a "color" button right next to the custom tag pattern.

  • The color of the floor can now be adjusted though a "color" button next after the "Floor" checkbox.

  • Skeleton coloring can now be set to not interpolate between different vertex colors and instead use always child colors for an edge.

  • The color and whether to display mesh faces of individual volumes can now be adjusted more easily. A color selector is available right next to the checkbox of each visible volume in the volume drop-down menu. The global color controls are used as default for newly displayed volumes.

  • Support for node filtering has been added, which can be configured through the filter icon in the title bar. All features listed under Generic Node Filters are supported.

Tracing layer:

  • When inserting a new node between two existing nodes, the new node's user will now be the logged in user as long as the skeleton is not locked. This makes it easier for reviewers to make corrections, because the new node can now be moved (instead of only initially placed). If the neuron is locked, it is only possible to create a collinear node between parent and child with the child's user (e.g. through tagging a virtual node).


  • When a node is selected a minimal node status line is now shown again using information already available in the client. If the "Show extended status bar information" setting is the Settings Widget is checked, additional information is fetched from the back-end.

  • The SWC export by default now maps real node IDs to incremental IDs starting with 1 from the root node, which is something some SWC tools expect. To disable this uncheck "Linearize IDs" in the SWC export dialog.

  • Neuron Navigator: It is now possible to delete multiple neurons from a neuron listing.

  • The importer widget now allows to allow multiple SWC files at the same time.

Bug fixes

  • Export widget: The SWC export link works again.

  • Tracing tool: using the personal tag set doesn't remove existing tags anymore when added or removed.

  • Fix catmaid_insert_example_projects management command.

  • Review widget: it is possible again to use Q/W to move along already reviewed segments (re-review of nodes).

  • Fix some accidental key mapping collisions of some special keys and media keys.

  • Connector nodes can be deleted again right after they were created.

  • 3D viewer: connector links are displayed again if connector restrictions are in use.

  • Radius creation works now in orthogonal views as expected.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Tom Kazimiers


  • A virtualenv update is required.

  • The location of the script changed: it moved a level up into django/projects. All other configuration files remain where they are. Make sure to update your file by replacing the line from settings_base import * with from mysite.settings_base import *.

  • Python 3.5 is now experimentally supported. Most functionality should work without problems. To test, make sure to update by replacing the fragment hashlib.md5(CATMAID_URL) with 'hashlib.md5(CATMAID_URL.encode('utf-8'))'.

  • To use the skeleton import API users or groups now need to have the can_import permission.

Features and enhancements

3D viewer:

  • Nodes on specific section of the focused stack can now be automatically moved to an interpolated location. The "Skeleton filters" tab provides now options to either interpolate nodes on broken sections or a custom list of sections. The new location in the average X/Y location of the parent and child. If only parent or child is available (leaf or parent), its X/Y location is used.

  • An started animation export can now be canceled through a "Cancel" button.

Review widget:

  • Segments can now be reviewed in downstream order by unchecking the "Upstream review" checkbox. Q will still move downstream and W upstream. Already reviewed nodes are skipped in both directions.

  • Only show "Done" message if 100% are reviewed in one of the selected columns, including Team. Team is now checked by default.

Import Export widget:

  • The Export Widget has been renamed to "Import Export Widget", along with it its short-name for Ctrl+Space.

  • If a user has import permissions on a project, an "Import" and an "Export" tab are displayed. The new import tab contains a simple SWC import, which allows to select an SWC file and import it. If successful, the new skeleton is selected right away.

Neuron Navigator:

  • Instead of a "Last used" column annotation tables now show an "Annotated on" column. The last used date used before reflected the last change of an annotation itself. Now the creation time of the link relation is displayed, which doesn't change during a merge or split operation, unlike "edition time".

Splitting and merging:

  • In the split and merge dialog, instead of selecting the skeleton/part with more nodes as default "winning" skeleton, the skeleton with a greater cable length is now chosen as default "winning" skeleton.

  • Keep original creation time and edition time of annotation links that are copied to the newly created part on a split skeleton.

  • When skeletons are merged and share annotations that should be kept, the older annotation link creation time will now be stored in the final neuron annotation link.


  • Refreshing the nodes on the StackViewer will not print the info on the active node in the status bar. This saves one additional request to the server, speeding up tracing from high-latency locations such as overseas.

  • The Measurement Table now highlights the active skeleton.

  • Alt+T can now be used to tag a node with a predefined set of tags. This set can be configured through the Settings Widget, using the "Personal tag set" field in the Tracing section.

  • The SWC export button in the Tracing Tool toolbar has been replaced with an Export Widget entry. Additionally, SWC files for multiple skeletons can be created at the same time and exported together in a Zip archive.

  • Many widgets can now have aliases, which will be displayed in parentheses after the name in the window title bar. A small window-like icon next to the window name toggles controls to change the widget alias.

  • Review status colors can now be more fine-grained. The Settings Widget contains now the option "Use detail review color status" as part of the Tracing section. If enabled, ten different colors plus the regular 0% and 100% color will be used instead of three.

  • Generating the URL to a view now respects loaded stack groups. If a stack group was initially loaded, it is included in the URL.

  • It is now possible to control the number of sections moved when Shift is pressed while using ",", "." or the mouse wheel. This step size is controlled through the "Major section step" setting in the "Stack view" section of the settings widget. Alternatively, for a dialog to set a new step size, the key combination Shift + # can be used.

  • The Connector Table now also displays the link creation time besides the edition time.

  • Tracing layer: Moving to a child node using "]" doesn't query the server anymore if child info is already available in client.

Bug fixes

  • 3D Viewer: active node sphere is now hidden if no node is selected.

  • Image data layers that are added to a stack viewer will be added after the last existing image data layer and before other layers. This makes sure tracing data stays on top.

  • Selecting an unreachable mirror won't hide the tracing layer anymore.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Tom Kazimiers, Andrew Champion


  • A virtualenv update required!

  • The 'classic' node provider has been removed, use 'postgis3d' or 'postgis2d' instead.

  • Performance of the default node query strategy (NODE_PROVIDER = 'postgis3d') improves now when connection pooling is used and PREPARED_STATEMENTS = True.

  • Both 'postgis2d' and 'postgis3d' node providers support now prepared statements for connector queries.

  • PyPy is now supported and can be used to improve performance of back-end heavy endpoints. Most functionality is available, except for the following: Ontology clustering, Cropping, Synapse clustering, HDF 5 tiles and User analytics. To use PyPy, a new virtualenv using the PyPy executable has to be created.

  • There is now a catmaid_prewarm_db management command, which can be used to populate OS and database buffers with heavily used tables.

Features and enhancements

Graph widget:

  • The "Selection" tab now has two new buttons that provide the ability to invert the selection, and also to select graph nodes based on matching a text string or by a regular expression (when the text starts with a '/').

3D Viewer:

  • With the help of the new "Update active" checkbox in the "View" tab it is now possible to automatically update the active skeleton if it changes.

  • It is now possible to hide edges that represent a link between a node and a connector. This is also respected with connector restrictions enabled and can be set with new "Show connector links" checkbox in the "View settings" tab.

Selection table:

  • To prevent accidental sorting the new "Lock order" checkbox can be enabled. Clicks on the table headers will have no effect if the order is locked.

  • Two new action icons are added on the right of each row: move a skeleton up or down in the table.

Annotation graph:

  • A new 'Annotation Graph' widget provides a graph like visualization of CATMAID's annotation space, which is mainly useful to visualize annotation hierarchies. Meta-annotation are linked to annotations through edges. This widget can be opened with Ctrl+Space together with the 'annotation-graph' keyword.

  • Optionally, the minimum and maximum number of linked annotations in a single hierarchy can be configured.

  • Selecting an annotation will query all (sub-)annotated skeletons, which can be used as through a regular skeleton source selection in other widgets.


  • Tracing tool: the "Show labels" setting is now remembered across sessions.

  • Right clicking on a stack viewer won't bring up the browser context menu anymore. Instead, the right mouse button can now be used for panning, too.

  • The merge dialog has now a "Swap" button in the lower left corner. It can be used to swap winning and losing skeleton in a merge.

  • Add a 'select' tracing modes to the tracing tool: Clicking an active skeleton or synapse tracing mode button (first two buttons in toolbar) will switch to the select mode where clicking doesn't create new nodes.

  • The layer settings of image data layers allow now to add custom mirrors, which is useful to e.g. make a local copy of the image data availabl in CATMAID. This can reduce latency due to remote image loading considerably. See the user FAQ in the documentation for more details.

  • Annotation pages in the Neuron Navigator now also list meta annotations and provide a way to de-annotate them.

Bug fixes

  • Fix occasional tracing overlay resizing problem where a portion of the screen would not show tracing data, but also won't update.

  • 3D viewer: broken sections can now be displayed again.

  • 3D viewer: the Z plane with stack images will now render correctly for the default maximum zoom level.


Contributors: Chris Barnes, Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • A new NODE_PROVIDER option can be added to, which can be used to configure the way node queries are executed. Options are 'classic', 'postgis3d' and 'postgis2d'. Depending on your environment, 'postgis2d' might be fastest, but 'postgis3d' is the current default (i.e. what has been used so far).

  • The new PREPARED_STATEMENTS option can be added to and set to True to improve node query performance when connection pooling is used. Without connection pooling, this setting hurts performance, which is why it is set to False by default.

  • Stack mirrors (see below) are not displayed by default in CATMAID's standard data views. To show them, '"show_mirrors": true' (including double quotes) has to be added to the respective data view configuration in CATMAID's admin interface.

Features and enhancements

Stack mirrors:

  • To reduce loading time of image data from different places around the world, it is common to copy the image data set and make it available from a server closer to its users. These "stack mirrors" are now handled differently by CATMAID. Until now it was common to select the closest mirror manually by clicking on an image on CATMAID's project list or by clicking on the respective link. To select a particular "stack mirror" one now only links can be used, individual images are not shown anymore. If no images were used before and only links were shown on CATMAID's home page, only small visual change was mode: an extra stack link on top of all mirrors is added. As an alternative to selecting individual mirrors, both, images and stack links can now be used to open a stack as well and CATMAID selects the fastest mirror automatically.

  • When using links to a particular view in CATMAID ("URL to this view"), CATMAID will automatically select the fastest available stack mirror.

  • Once a stack is displayed the stack mirror in use can be changed: After clicking on the white-on-blue square in the lower left corner of the image data display, the image display settings will show up. In there the active mirror can be selected from a drop-down list.

Treenode Viewer:

  • A new tool similar to the connector viewer, which allows users to quickly view the nodes in a treenode table.

  • The viewer is opened from the treenode table.

  • Nodes are shown only if they are filtered in the table, and appear in the order that they appear in the table.

  • When the sorting and filtering in the table is changed, users can refresh the viewer from the table to reflect these changes.

Connector Viewer enhancements:

  • Connectors can now be constrained by their pre-synaptic and post-synaptic skeletons.

  • If either is unpopulated, it is unconstrained on that side (i.e. all outgoing connectors can be found by clearing the 'Post- skeletons' set).

  • Sorting algorithms based on treenodes associated with the connector (e.g. depth) can be applied either to presynaptic or postsynaptic skeletons.

  • The 'Reverse' button switches the contents of the two skeleton sets.

  • The 'Sync' checkbox sets the pre- and post- synaptic sets to have the same contents (the union of their contents when the box is checked) and keeps them that way: this is useful for inspecting all connectors acting within a set of skeletons, such as reciprocal connections.

  • For undirected connectors (gap junctions, abutting etc.), you can use either the 'pre' or the 'post' set. If both sets are populated, only connectors touching a pre- skeleton and a post- skeleton (with 2 distinct edges) will be shown.

  • When using the connector viewer as a skeleton source, the output is the union of the two skeleton sets.

  • The controls have been separated out into tabs.

  • N.B.: Because the Connector Viewer is now populated in a different way to the Connector Table, you can now only open a Table from a Viewer if one of the skeleton sets is empty, and a connector type other than 'All' is selected.


  • Bookmarks are now persistent for each project.

  • The Graph Widget now offers two options when exporting SVGs: regular ones and Adobe Illustrator compatible ones (because Adobe isn't SVG standard conform). An option dialog is shown after clicking "Export SVG".

  • From the Graph Widget exported SVG files preserve now the view of the widget (zoom and pan).

  • The tag table can now be constrained by a set of skeletons.

  • The tag table now gives the user information on how many skeletons are being used as constraints, and how many tags/skeletons/nodes are selected.

  • When the tag table is refreshed, the filters and the last sort are persisted.

  • The treenode table can now be filtered by node confidence, creator and reviewer.

  • When creating new volumes with the help of the Volume Manager, the color and opacity of the 3D preview can now be adjusted.

Bug fixes

  • 3D Viewer: custom tag highlighting now also works for tags with upper case letters.

  • Layer settings: checkboxes now have correct default value.

  • Tag table: any tags with identical names are now treated as identical.

  • Tag table: fixed off-by-one error in node count.


Contributors: Chris Barnes, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • The h5py dependency has been removed. If tile source tile 3 should be used in a new instance, the h5py library has to be installed manually.

Features and enhancements

Connector Viewer:

  • A new tool used to view the connectors associated with a skeleton set of skeletons.

  • Shows a grid of mini stack viewers with their own tracing overlays, focused on connectors associated with the skeleton by a user-selected relation (i.e. outgoing, incoming, gap junction or other).

  • Connectors can be sorted by their absolute or proportional depth on their respective skeleton trees, by the connector ID or by the skeleton name.

  • Mini stack viewers can inherit settings from a user-defined main stack viewer; users can focus the main stack viewer on any connector by clicking on its ID in the mini stack viewer title bar.

  • Users can open a connector table from a connector viewer and vice versa.

  • Accessible with Ctrl+Space 'connector-viewer'.

Connectivity table:

  • Original colors of skeletons added to a Connectivity Table can now optionally be used when using its skeletons in other widgets (new checkbox: "Original color").

  • The colors used in the Connectivity Graph Plot are now the ones assigned to the input skeletons, i.e. the ones selected in the Connectivity Widget. These in turn are either its input skeleton color or the default skeleton color.

  • Manual re-ordering of partner count columns has been removed. Neurons can now be re re-ordered through the list at the top with the help of two icons in each row (up and down).

  • All partner tables are now paginated with a default page size of 50 entries. The page size can be adjusted for all tables at the same time with a drop-down menu at the top. "Select all" check-boxes select all entries across all pages.

Graph widget:

  • Active Graph Widget windows will now zoom in smaller steps if the Shift key is pressed.

  • Graphs saved to a JSON file now keep visibility information. Loading them will load all nodes hidden that have been hidden when saving the file initially..

3D Viewer

  • Meshes are replaced with volumes and the "Show meshes" checkbox has been removed. Existing meshes have been transformed into volumes.

  • The new coloring mode "Last Reviewer" will color skeleton nodes by the user color of the user that reviewed them last. The "User colormap" button can be used to show the mapping from color to user name.


  • The Selection Table can now be opened through Ctrl+Space by using the handle 'selection-table' instead of 'neuron-staging-area'.

  • Project and stack menu entries are now sorted by default, which makes it easier to deal with many projects and stacks.

  • Node bookmarks can now be removed through an X icon in their respective row in the bookmark dialog.

  • Skeleton Analytics in the Review Widget will now identify nodes in broken sections of all stacks linked to the current project.

  • The front page project list can now be loaded as a widget using Ctrl-Space with 'project-list'.

  • Synaptic fractions: colors of groups and partners can now be changed through legend of graph.

  • The tag table now has a refresh button to manually update the cache and redraw the table.

  • The tag table can now open a treenode table pre-filtered for nodes with the selected labels.

Bug fixes

  • The size of the embedded 3D viewer in the split/merge dialog is now adjusted dynamically based on the available space. This prevents some problems with lower display resolutions.

  • 3D viewer: loading of box volumes workes again.

  • The statistics widget back-end will now correctly use up-to-date time-zone information for the query time range. This fixes some time zone conversion corner cases.

  • Graph widget: SVG export works again. The exported SVG now groups labels with node/edge. Now also single node exports are supported.

  • If Ctrl-Z was pressed and released very quickly, two undo steps were taken. Now always only one undo step will be done per single Ctrl-Z click if not hold down.

  • 3D viewer: partner node spheres are now also shown for restricted connectors.

  • Multiple stack viewers no longer use the same ID to make requests to the database.

  • The connector table can now be used as a skeleton source, where previously an error would be raised.

  • The tag table now collapses any tags with identical names, but as a consequence does not show the tag ID (as there may be multiple IDs)


Contributors: Chris Barnes, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • Virtual env update required

  • Postgres 9.6 is now supported.

Features and enhancements

3D Viewer:

  • Shift+Click can now be used to jump to arbitrary locations on rendered skeletons. Objects already clickable in the past (like tags or the soma spheres) are still given precedence.

Tag Table:

  • New widget allowing users to get information about node label usage in the project, and select skeletons based on labels which their nodes have.

  • Accessible with Ctrl+Space by the name 'tag-table' or through the 'T' widget button in the Tracing Tool.

Measurement Table:

  • The neuron name is now quoted in the CSV file export. This makes it more robust when commas are used in the name representation (e.g. if annotations).

  • XLSX spreadsheet export is now supported through an "Export XLSX" button.


  • Add support for importing ontology and classification information along with projects, stacks and stack groups in project file based import ("Image data importer" in admin view).

  • Projects to be imported can be split across multiple documents, if local or remote file import is used. This helps organizing image collections manually.

Tracing tool:

  • Holding P will show the active skeleton in all open 3D viewers.

  • The semicolon (";") key no longer switches to skeleton tracing mode, because it is active by default.

  • Bookmarks can be set by pressing semicolon (";") and then a marker key, which will mark the active node (or location if no node is active) with that key. Pressing backtick ("`") followed by the marker key will return to the marked node or location. Pressing single quote ("'") followed by the marker key will instead activate the marked skeleton and move to the closest skeleton node.

  • Shift + H will go to the last node you edited in any skeleton.

Tracing layer:

  • Connectors connected to the active skeleton are now colored with a distinct, more yellow hue of orange, even if the connection is not in the visible section.


  • The Graph Widget can handle larger graphs much better now. Also its mouse action have slightly changed: moving while having the left mouse button down will pan the view, pressing additionally the Ctrl key enters rectangular selection mode.

Deprecations and Removals

  • Special behavior of tile source type 2 stacks to interoperate with a Volumina tile server prototype has been removed.

Bug fixes

  • Review widget: auto centering works again

  • Review widget: location lookup of warnings now works again in all cases.

  • Skeleton source subscriptions: fix accidental sharing of skeleton sources. This caused e.g. losing the connection between a Selection Table and a 3D viewer as soon as another 3D viewer was opened.

  • The Classification Editor of CATMAID's Ontology Tool can be started again.

  • Using the closing bracket ("]") to walk a neuron does not stop working anymore after the end of a branch is reached.

  • 3D viewer: finding the date of the most recent change among all skeletons considered in a history animation now works as expected. The end point of the animation is now calculated correctly and all changes can be seen.

  • The Classification Clustering Widget can be opened again.


Contributors: Gregory Jefferis, Tom Kazimiers


  • Virtualenv update required

Features and enhancements

Tracing layer:

  • Alt+Click so far created gap junction connectors. This behavior is replaced with opening a small context menu that provides access to all currently available connector types (abutting, gap junction, presynaptic, postsynaptic). Optionally, through the Settings Widget, remembering the last connector type created can be enabled. If this is the case, regular Shift+Click behavior is to create the last connector type, as opposed to pre/post-synaptic connectors.

3D viewer:

  • History replay now has a reset button to load the most recent version of each skeleton. The new pause button will stop the animation at the current time and pressing start will resume playback. Additionally, a slider control now allows to move to arbitrary points in time of the history animations. Touching the slider will automatically pause the replay.

Neuron dendrogram:

  • Controls are now organized in tabs and a new setting was added to change the line width.


  • If users have sufficient permissions, they can click on individual names in the Project Statistics Widget to show a User Analytics window for the respective user and currently selected time frame.

  • Pressing Ctrl+Space will now open a dialog which allows opening a widget based on its short name (e.g. neuron-dendrogram) or parts of it.

  • A small system check widget has been added, mainly useful for development. It currently only supports FPS measurement and can be opened by pressing F6 and entering "system-check".

Bug fixes


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

3D viewer:

  • Picking now respects the Z plane. if displayed. Shift+click any location on it and the stack viewer position is changed accordingly. This works just like picking nodes, except that the active node doesn't change.

  • The original camera location is now restored by default after exporting an animation.

  • A new tab called 'History' gives access to tools for replaying the reconstruction of the currently loaded skeletons. The time range as well as the time advance per frame can be adjusted. By default, the time range covered starts ith the first change and ends with the last one (when no custom date is entered). Optionally, empty bouts where no changes happend will be skipped if a length (in minutes) is specified. If not disabled through the 'Include merges' checkbox, arbors that only where merged in at one point will also be displayed before such a merge. Tags on individual nodes are currently hidden during animation.

Review widget:

  • Skeleton Analytics, which was a separate widget before, is now available through a new tab in the Review Widget. It still lists the same problems for selected neurons as before (i.e. missing end tags).

Connector table (available through Neuron Navigator):

  • Support for abutting connectors and gap junctions has been added.

  • The displayed table can now be exported as CSV file.

  • The listed information for connector relations with only one partner is now consistent with multi-relation cases: the linked node ID, node location and skeleton ID are shown instead of the connector location along an empty node and skeleton fields.

  • The widget can now pull skeletons to list connectors for from other skeleton sources. It acts itself as a skeleton source as well and provides all result skeleton IDs.


  • The project and stack importer now supports the customization of when projects are considered known as well as what to do with known projects: ignore, merge or replace.

  • If remote hosts are used as a project or stack import source, HTTP Authentication can now be used to get access to a server.


  • The tracing tool has a new icon.

  • If users get a permission denied error (e.g. due to being logged out or just having not enough permissions), a login dialog is now shown. It allows users to re-login or change the user entirely. The action causing the permission error, is not repeated automatically.

  • Using brackets to navigate along a skeleton now also works if the reconstruction data is hidden (e.g. when the space bar is held down).

Bug fixes

  • The statistics widget now properly respects time zones when grouping by day.

  • Partner neurons listed in the Connectivity Widget can now be filtered again with regular expressions (when the filter pattern starts with "/").

  • Loading stack groups through URLs now correctly respects the specified location.

  • H works correctly when a virtual node is active.

  • Pressing E in the Review widget now works again when a segment was completely reviewed.

  • The group membership permission tool in CATMAID's admin area works with groups again.


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

3D viewer:

  • The 'View settings' has a new option: 'Use native resolution'. When activated (default), the native resolution of the current display will be used. This improves image quality on HiDPI displays like Apple Retina. If the performance penality is too big for large scenes, this can be switched off again.

Connectivity Matrix:

  • With the help of the "Export XLSX" button, the currently displayed matrix can be exported as a Microsoft Excel compatible XLSX file. Colors are preserved.


  • With the help of the 'sg' and 'sgs' deep link parameters, stack groups can now be loaded directly through a URL.

Bug fixes

  • If multiple stack viewers are open, skeletons can now me modified again across all open tracing layers. E.g. with orthogonal views, selecting a node in one view and adding a child in another view work again.


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

3D viewer:

  • When coloring by creator the user colormap dialog only shows users who have created at least one node loaded in the view. Additionally, a new coloring mode, "By Creator (relevant users)", will generate a new set of colors for these users from the CATMAID color scheme. This is useful if many users have similar colors in their user profiles.

  • Rendering and removal of skeletons is much faster, which is especially noticeable for > 100 loaded skeletons. This also enables the use of a more accurate node picking (Shift+click) algorithm as default, which before was only used as fallback.

Volume manager:

  • Volumes an now be removed (given a user has the required permissions) by clicking on the 'remove' link in the last column of the volume table.

Statistics widget:

  • If a user has the can_administer permission for a project, the Statistics widget now displays an extra button to open the new User Analytics widget. It displays the same information as the admin view with the same name. The user analytics view now offers also options to adjust the max. inactivity time and whether all write operations should be included (as opposed to only node and review changes).

Tracing overlay:

  • Radii can now be set to be visible for no nodes, the active node, all nodes in the active skeleton, or all nodes through the Settings Widget.

  • Pressing Ctrl + O will set a radius with the measurement tool without bringing up the confirmation dialog.


  • Holding Ctrl with < or > will now smoothly animate through sections as fast as the active layers will allow. This also works with Shift to move 10 sections at a time.

  • The log now displays times in the local timezone.

  • The connector table now lists the confidence of both the link to the connector and from the connector to the target treenode.

Bug fixes

  • Remove major cause of CATMAID freezing after the display of an error message.

  • Annotation search lists all results again, not only first page.

  • When joining skeletons, the creation time of annotations is preserved.

  • Fixed an error preventing branching from virtual nodes in some cases.

  • The history widget correctly displays the action time, not the current time.


Contributors: Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • Release 2016.08.09 is deprecated. If you have it installed, please upgrade to this version, 2016.08.12.

Features and enhancements

Tracing overlay:

  • Node tags now respect visibility groups.

3D viewer:

  • Exporting an animation will now use the rotation axis selected in the regular widget controls.

Bug fixes

  • The browser link preview no longer obscures the status bar when hovering over the tracing layer.

  • Node tags are correctly hidden when holding Space.

  • Fixed an error that could sometimes happen on page load for anonymous users.

  • Missing documentation for curent volumes features added to


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • A virtualenv upgrade is required.
  • PostgreSQL 9.5 and PostGIS 2.2 is now required. When updating, update PostGIS first and update all databases in which the PostGIS extension is installed by running "ALTER EXTENSION postgis UPDATE;". Then perform the Postgres update.

Features and enhancements

Tracing overlay:

  • Visibility groups can be defined that hide or show nodes in the overlay based upon filtering criteria such as neuron meta-annotations or node creator. Unlike the skeleton source based visibility, visibility groups can be toggled instantly with HOME (for group 1) or Shift + HOME (for group 2). For meta-annotation based visibility, this does not require using a search as a skeleton source, and the set of skeletons matched by the meta-annotations is transparently refreshed in the background. Another visibility group, "Always visible", establishes a set of filters for overriding hidden groups such that skeletons matched by these filters will always be shown.

  • The active node color for virtual nodes can now be configured to be different than for read nodes.

  • The active node color for suppressed virtual nodes can be configured to be different than for unsuppressed virtual nodes. Note this only takes effect if the "Respect suppressed virtual nodes during navigation" setting is enabled.

3D viewer:

  • Through the "List connectors" button on the Main tab, it is now possible to open a connector selection with all currently loaded connectors in it. Skeleton visibility and connector restrictions are respected.


  • Projects and stacks available on remote servers can now be imported, optionally with API-key authentication on other CATMAID instances. The remote data source can of course be any URL in a JSON or YAML format understood by CATMAID. The import section in the CATMAID documentation holds more detail on this. For CATMAID, the new "projects/export" endpoint provides all required data that is visible to the requesting user.

Graph widget:

  • The new button "Open Connectivity Matrix" in the Export tab will open a new Connectivity Matrix widget for the current graph, including its groups.

Connectivity matrix:

  • It is now possible to manually change the order of multiple entries at once, which is useful to move sets of entries. The "Display" tab now has a "Manually edit order" option. If checked, number input boxes are shown next to each row and column head as well as a "Re-order" button in the top-left cell if the table. After the numbers are adjusted to the desired order, the "Re-order" button will apply the new ordering. Negative and decimal numbers can be used.

  • Connectivity matrices can now be exported as PDF. The "Export PDF" button on the "Main" tab will open a dialog explaining that this PDF export is made through having the browser print the table and how to enable colors. Pressing "Print" will show the browser's print dialog for only the table.

Settings widget:

  • Tracing overlay colors customized in the settings widget are now persistent.

  • Neuron name settings customized in the settings widget are now persistent.

  • The delimiter used to separate annotations in a neuron name can now be configured in the Annotations section of the Settings Widget.

  • It is now possible to configure the available page length options used by most tables from a central place. This is done through the "Table page length options" setting, which is available from the Settings widget. For widgets to be aware of page length setting changes, they have to be reloaded.

History tables:

  • Starting with this release, CATMAID will record every single change to its database tables in so called history tables. This makes it possible to reconstruct the actual history of data (e.g. neurons) and user contributions. Even data deleted in CATMAID can now be recovered without touching backups.

  • The log widget in the front-end provides a way to few the history: It has a new tab called "History", where each event that caused related database changes is listed.


  • Alt + Y will always create a new selection table and add the active neuron to it. Also works with Shift.

  • Images on CATMAID's front-page are now loaded lazily, i.e. they are only requested and shown once they come into view. This improves performance significantly when displaying many sample images.

  • New filter "Label Color Map" will false-color stacks of label ID images.

  • The button "Add annotations to neurons" above annotation lists in the Neuron Navigator makes it possible to send currently selected annotations to other neurons. Those target neurons are selected by choosing a skeleton source in a dialog box, which is shown to the user once the button is pressed.

Bug fixes

  • Additive blending between layers now works also when filters are in use. This allows for proper in-browser composite generation.

  • Hidden nodes are no longer selected by G or Shift + Y.

  • All skeleton sources are now selectable when exporting NeuroML.

  • Fix "Reset to inherited default" and "Lock this setting" buttons in settings controls not being clickable.

  • All layouts of the color picker can be used again (i.e. resizing it).


Contributors:: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


  • The default image base setting for the importer has changed. If you use the importer along with this setting, please update your file to now use IMPORTER_DEFAULT_IMAGE_BASE instead of CATMAID_IMPORT_URL. The semantics stay the same.

Features and enhancements

Graph widget:

  • If a skeleton is appended that already exists in a group, the group's color and label now doesn't change anymore. Instead a info message is shown.

  • Selected edges can now be removed with the help of the "Remove" button in the "Selection" tab. Also, a help text icon has been added to the title bar. The widget help window currently only contains information on how edges/links between nodes can be hidden.

Volume widget:

  • Preview for alpha shapes is now disabled by default due to its potential re-computation cost.

  • Convex hull and alpha shape meshes are now only automatically re-generated on property changes if preview is enabled.

  • Saving a new volume makes sure the volume's mesh is up-to-date and will re-generate it if needed. Re-generations will now also show an info dialog. If no mesh could be generated, saving is not allowed and the edit form will stay open.

  • Two new filters for convex hulls and alpha shapes are now available: "only end nodes" (optionally including the root) and "only branch nodes". These will restrict the base point set for volume generation.

  • Alpha shapes now use the inverse of the alpha value used so far. This makes it easier to use since it translates directly into nanometers.

  • If a synaptic connection filter is used with Alpha shapes and convex hulls, it is now possible to select all synaptic nodes, regardless of the partner skeleton (select "None" as partner neurons), and to select both pre- and post-synaptic nodes at the same time.

  • Alpha shapes now use a different implementation which takes a little bit more time to compute, but doesn't require re-computation if different alpha values are used. This makes finding a good alpha value much quicker. The input field for the alpha value to use is now also a numeric field in which arrow keys and mouse wheel can be used to change the value. A second numeric input allows to change the step size of alpha value changes.

  • For preview, volumes now use the color and opacity defined in the 3D viewer.

Tile layer:

  • An efficient browsing mode is now available that will not load tiles at the periphery of the stack viewer. This is useful to reduce data use and browsing latency on bandwidth-limited connections. To use this mode, increase the "Tile area efficiency threshold" in the tile layer controls.

3D viewer:

  • Meshes and volumes can now optionally be displayed with visible faces instead of wireframe only.

  • Volume list is now updated when new volumes are added, re-opening the widget is not required anymore.

  • Transparent volumes are now displayed correctly.


  • If a client tries to perform an operation without having the most recent data available and the performed action is canceled, a more helpful dialog is now shown. It explains the situation and offers to refresh the client view (currently only nodes in the tracing layer are refreshed).


  • The image data importer available from CATMAID's admin interface supports now the specification of stack groups. It can also apply custom translations when mapping imported stacks to imported projects.

Bug fixes

  • Creating nodes using the Z key without other nodes in close proximity works again.

  • Zoom level slider initialized correctly for stacks with eight zoom levels.

  • Showing connector info for edge in Graph widget (Alt+Click) now works also if the source is a single neuron and the target a group or split node.

  • Activate target node of a joined-in skeleton again.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements


  • The skeleton projection layer can now draw the colors used from the selected source. This is now the default and can be changed in the settings widget with the help of the "Use source colors" checkbox.

  • Unavailable images on CATMAID's front pages are now displayed as a gray placeholder box, instead of the broken image icon of the browser.

  • A new volume type was added: alpha shapes can now be created in practically the same way as convex hull volumes are created. Alpha shapes have one additional parameter: alpha. It is used to filter edges for result mesh and has to be fairly low with our spatial dimensions. Values around 0.00001 seemed to work well in some cases. The preview of alpha shapes is disabled by default, because they can take much longer to compute.

  • Materialized virtual nodes have now the correct edition time set, which make operations like adding a child to a virtual node work again (state checks prevent this with wrong edition time).

  • The neuron search will now show a warning and cancel a search if a query annotation doesn't exist and the query term doesn't start with a forward slash (used for regular expressions).

Bug fixes

  • Creating synaptic connections from connector nodes across sections works again.

  • Inserting a node along an edge will now render correctly right after using ctrl+alt+click.

  • Merging two skeletons while the losing skeleton was loaded into another widget (e.g. Selection Table) doesn't trigger an error anymore.

  • Undoing confidence changes works again.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Daniel Witvliet, Stephan Gerhard, Tom Kazimiers


Starting with this release CATMAID uses a new database migration system. To update an existing CATMAID instance safely, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have CATMAID updated to the last release (2015.12.21), including all database migrations and up-to-date Python packages.

  2. Upgrade to this version (or a newer one) and update pip and all Python packages (in within your virtualenv), South can be removed afterwards:

    pip install -U pip
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip uninstall south
  3. Remove the following variables from file (in django/projects/mysite/): TEMPLATE_DIRS, TEMPLATE_DEBUG

  4. Fake initial migrations (and only the initial migration!) of the contenttypes app and apply its other migrations:

    python migrate --fake contenttypes 0001_initial
    python migrate contenttypes
  5. Fake initial migrations (and only the initial migrations!) of all used Django applications to register current database state:

    python migrate --fake admin 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake auth 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake authtoken 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake catmaid 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake djcelery 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake guardian 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake kombu_transport_django 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake performancetests 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake sessions 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake sites 0001_initial
    python migrate --fake taggit 0001_initial
  6. In the future no syncdb step is required anymore. Continue with the rest of the regular update procedure:

    python migrate
    python collectstatic [-l]

This procedure will only be required for upgrading an existing instance to a release newer than 2015.12.21. It won't be needed to migrate from newer releases.

Also note that if you are running an Apache/mod_wsgi setup (or referencing django.wsgi), you have to re-generate your configuration with:


Additionally, PostgreSQL is now required to be of version 9.4.

Features and enhancements

Tracing overlay:

  • Colors of skeleton nodes and edges in the tracing overlay can now be configured to follow colors from selection tables. To configure which skeleton sources to use to select colors, click the skeleton source control icon (the gear) in the title bar of the stack viewer.

  • Visibility of skeletons in the tracing overlay can also be controlled by skeleton source subscriptions. To enable this, check "Hide skeletons not in the skeleton source subscriptions" in the Settings widget under Tracing Overlay > Skeleton colors. Note that it the tracing overlay may not update the visibility of some skeletons until a navigation action is performed.

Gap junctions:

  • A new non-directional connector type for gap junctions can now be created when tracing by Alt + clicking in the tracing overlay. Edges for gap junctions are displayed in purple.

  • Gap junction partners can optionally be displayed in a separate table in the Connectivity Widget by checking "Show gap junctions". This table has its own selections for confidence and count thresholds.


  • The volume widget can create a new volume type: convex hulls. These can be created around a set of nodes from any skeleton source. Different filters can be combined: filters to allow only nodes that have a certain tag, a sub-arbor relative to such nodes (optionally occurring a definable number of times), a region between two tags tag or nodes that are synaptic to skeletons of another skeleton source. Node radii can optionally be ignored, but they are respected by default. A preview of the current filter set can be displayed in the first available 3D viewer.

3D Viewer:

  • Gap junctions are displayed like synapse edges in purple.

  • Stack related settings (bounding box, missing sections and z planes) are now moved to a tab called "Stacks".

  • Stack bounding boxes and missing sections now update when stack viewer focus changes.

  • A new sphere shading allows for a better depth perception.

  • Volumes (created in the Volume Widget) can be displayed. A new selection control in the "View settings" tab allows to select individual volumes. They are colored the same way as they regular mesh. Currently, the color isn't updated on purpose to allow the easy creation of differently colored volumes.

  • When the current Z plane is displayed, it will now have the section's images data mapped to it. The used zoom level (resolution) and the opacity can be adjusted and orthogonal stacks are supported, too.

  • When restricting connectors to those shared by groups, you can now choose to include only those linking pre->post between the two groups in a specific direction.

Skeleton Projection layer:

  • Instead of supporting only the display of the active skeleton, the projection layer can now subscribe to other skeleton sources and display multiple skeleton projections at the same time. The used source can be selected in the Settings Widget. This way, for instance, a Selection Table could provide input to the projection layer and effectively control which skeletons will be projected. And Through its own subscriptions, the Selection Table could even provide a dynamic list that includes the active node.

Neuron Search:

  • A search result can now be exported as CSV. Only selected rows are exported. The resulting CSV will contain neuron IDs and neuron names. If annotations are displayed, a third column includes annotations.


  • Some actions are now stored as so called commands in a history, which can be displayed in a dialog by pressing the F9 key. Commands in this history can are reversible. They can be undone either through the history dialog or by pressing Ctrl+Z.

  • Through the history dialog, undone commands can also be redone. Of course, once one diverges from the list of previously undone commands by executing a completely new command (e.g. creating a node), redo is not possible anymore.

  • The following actions are recorded into history: tag add/remove/edit, annotation add/remove/edit, node radius edit, neuron rename, confidence change, connector link/unlink and node add/insert/move/remove/.

Ontologies, classification and clustering:

  • Ontology tool widgets don't reset each other anymore if they are loaded.

  • The Classification Editor and Ontology Editor open sub-trees now quicker.

  • Clustering ontology based classifications is much faster and works for multi-level ontologies on thousands of classification graphs.

Administration and Performance:

  • The return type of many performance-critical queries, like querying nodes for the tracing overlay, is now correctly specified as 'application/json' rather than 'text/html'. Make sure your nginx has gzip enabled for the 'application/json' type in its 'gzip_types' setting so that these responses are compressed.


  • Dragging a window into the center of another window now creates a tabbed window where both windows share the same area of the screen and can be switched between using tabs at the top of the window. Additional tabs can be added by dragging more windows into the center of the tabbed window. The active tab can be removed from the tabbed window by dragging it to another location in the window layout.

  • Dragging a window onto the top, left, bottom, or right edge of an already tabbed window while holding SHIFT will add it to that location inside the tab.

  • There is now a setting to invert the behavior of CTRL when navigating parent/child topology, i.e., when enabled [ and ] will navigate to the next real node by default, while holding CTRL will go to virtual nodes.

  • Which layers are hidden when Space is held is now configurable by checkboxes in the Stack Viewer's layer controls.

  • Scroll bar positions in widgets are now maintained when they change their size.

  • Non-superusers can now see user analytics and proficiency reports for projects for which they are administrators.

  • WebGL layers are now compatible with DVID stacks.

  • Tile layers now have an option in the layer controls to hide the tile layer if the nearest section is marked as broken, rather than the default behavior of displaying the nearest non-broken section.

  • Clustering over large sets of ontology based classification is now much faster.

Bug fixes

  • The skeleton projection layer can be used again and now renders lines with the same width as the tracing layer. This width can be configured in the settings widget.

  • Color pickers will now update the color of color picker enabled DOM elements again.

  • Fixed hiding edges with less than 2 synapses in the Graph Widget resulting in no edges.

  • Fixed an issue where cloning the Graph Widget cloned into the wrong widget.

  • Fixed an issue preventing removing split neurons from the Graph Widget.

  • Fixed an intermittent exception when renaming neurons.

  • Fixed a second Neuron Search widget not working properly.

  • Adding a neuron to a Selection Table now re-runs the sorting scheme.

  • Fixed Connectivity Matrix cloning.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Eric Trautman, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Selection table:

  • A new option ("Append with batch color") allows to override the color and opacity of appended skeletons with the current batch color and batch opacity. It is deselected by default.

  • Clearing the table doesn't ask for confirmation anymore. This has been removed for consistency with other widgets and because of the now available option to save/open skeleton lists.

New widget "Synapse Distribution Plot":

  • For one or more neurons, plot distances of postsynaptic sites relative to an axon initial segment, represented by a skeleton node that is either computed or given via text tags. Each row represents the inputs contributed by a presynaptic arbor. Presynaptic arbors (rows) are sorted from more to less synapses. Presynaptic arbors can be filtered (i.e. hidden away) by a threshold on the number of inputs each provides, or by being listed in another widget that has selected skeletons. Individual synapses take by default the color of the postsynaptic arbor (that is, the arbors added via "Append"), but can be colored as well according to neuron colors in another widget. Click on an individual postsynaptic site to go to the corresponding skeleton node. Click on the legend to jump to the skeleton node representing the axon initial segment, relative to which all distance measurements where made. All presynaptic neurons are available in a separate skeleton source for each widget to pull neurons from.

New widget "Synapse Fraction":

  • For one or more neurons, render a normalized stacked bar chart with the number of synapses for/from each partner skeletons (directly either upstream or downstream). Can group partner skeletons: add groups by selecting a skeleton source (another widget listing skeletons). Click on the legend to edit (title, color) the group, or remove it. Click on the legend to go to the nearest node in the partner skeleton. To open this new widget, open a connectivity widget and push the button named "Open partner chart".

Settings widget:

  • Persistent settings are now scoped, so that default settings may be configured for an entire CATMAID instance ("global"), for each project ("project"), for each user ("user"), and for each user for each project ("session"). Only administrators have access to change project settings, and only superusers have access to change global settings. This allows, for example, administrators to set up recommended defaults for projects so that users only need to adjust their settings where their preferences differ from the project defaults. A selection box for which scope to adjust is at the top of the settings widget. Persistent settings will display information about scopes and defaults when hovering over them with the cursor.

  • Administrators may also lock persistent settings so that global or project defaults can not be changed by users.

Graph widget:

  • In the main tab, a new remove button removes skeletons in the selected skeleton source from the graph.

3D Viewer:

  • Added new buttons under the "Export" tab to export connectors and synapses as CSV. And Skeletons are now exported to CSV with a new column, the radius at each skeleton node, and another new column for the neuron name as rendered by the NeuronNameService (controlled by the Settings). The connectors CSV contains, for each row, the connector ID, the treenode ID, the skeleton ID and the relation ID, mimicking the treenode_connector table. The synapses CSV exports two files: 1. The skeleton ID vs the neuron name 2. The list of synaptic relations of any arbor visible in the 3D Viewer, with columns for the presynaptic skeleton ID, its treenode ID emitting the synapse, the postsynaptic skeleton ID, and its treenode ID that receives the synapse.

Review system:

  • Creation, deletion, and edition of synapses and relations now causes related nodes to become unreviewed. Changes to presynaptic relations or the connector itself cause all related treenodes to become unreviewed, while changes to postsynaptic relations affect only that specific related treenode. Changes to other connection relations (abutment, etc.) behave like presynaptic relations, propagating to all related treenodes.

Skeleton source subscriptions:

  • So far some widgets allowed to synchronize their skeleton list along with individual property changes. This was done through a "Sync to" selection which pushed this information to other widgets. This has now been replaced with a subscription option. Many widgets allow now to react to changes in skeleton lists in other widgets. Widgets supporting this got a new small chain icon in their title bar with which a subscription management user interface can be shown and hidden. Widgets that contain multiple sources, like the connectivity matrix, have one icon per source. A hover title will show which one to use for each source.

  • The UI allows to add subscriptions to multiple sources which can then be combined through set operations. Currently sources are combined in a strict left-associative fashion from top to bottom of the list. When "Override existing" is checked, widget local skeletons are not used when subscriptions are refreshed and will subsequently be removed. Otherwise, the local set is united with the first subscription before all other subscription sources are applied.

  • The scope of individual subscriptions can be adjusted: By default each subscription reacts to skeletons added, removed and updated in a source. The "Filter" selection allows to listen to only one of these events. For instance, subscribing to the active skeleton with the "Only additions" filter, allows to collect skeletons selected active skeletons without removing them again from a widget.

  • By default, only selected skeletons are subscribed to. This means if a skeleton becomes unselected in a source it is removed from the target widget. If the "Only selected" checkbox is unchecked, also unselected skeletons are added to a target widget. They are removed when skeletons are removed from the source and their selection state is synced.

  • All widget still feature the "From [Source] Append/Clear/Refresh" work-flow. The subscription UI's "Pull" button does the same as the regular "Append" button: a one-time sync from a source.


  • Many tracing widgets now allow a user to hide their controls. A little gear icon in their title bar toggles their visibility.

  • Rather than only specifying annotations that are used as successive fallbacks for labeling neurons, neuron labels can now be specified as arbitrary combinations of annotation-based components using a format string. This is still configured in the annotations section of the settings widget.

  • Volumes can now be edited when clicked on in the volume widget. This will also display the edited volume as layer in the active stack viewer.

  • Moving a node in the tracing overlay now updates its position in the database as soon as the mouse is released, rather than waiting until the section changes.

  • Changes to the CATMAID API are now documented in

  • A docker image of a running CATMAID instance is now available for evaluating or developing CATMAID without needing to perform a complete install. The latest release is available via the "stable" tag, and the current development version is available via the "latest" tag. To try it:

    docker run -p 8080:80 aschampion/catmaid

    Then point your browser to http://localhost:8080. The default superuser has username "admin" and password "admin".

Bug fixes

  • API testing URL generated by Swagger (used for the API documentation at /apis) now respect a sub-directory that CATMAID might run from.

  • Fixed near active node shading in the 3D viewer.

  • Pre- and post-synaptic edges in the tracing overlay now update when dragging a related treenode.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Pressing \ now brings up a dialog to go to the nearest node with a label matching a query regex. If a node is active, this search is limited to the active skeleton. Shift + \ cycles through matching nodes in ascending distance order. Ctrl + \ repeats the last search regex without prompting.

  • Deleting a virtual node with DELETE or Ctrl+Shift+click instead suppresses the virtual node. Suppressed virtual nodes are skipped during review. A setting is available to also skip suppressed virtual nodes during normal navigation with [ and ].

Selection table:

  • Batch coloring is now much quicker.

  • If the batch color button is pressed a second time the color picker will not only close but also will the batch coloring be re-applied. This won't happen if the color picker is closed by clicking somewhere else.

  • The status text line at the bottom of the table includes now the number of selected neurons. This is helpful when a filter is active and more neurons are selected than visible.

  • Sorting for visibility columns has been removed.

  • Neurons part of a Selection Table can now also be filtered based on annotations. This can be done with the help of the input field next to the name filter. Like with the name filter input, pressing the Enter key will activate both filters and starting with a slash character ("/") will make the input be treated as a regular expression (to e.g. only show neurons that are annotated with a1 and b2, use "/a1|b2"). For now no meta-annotations are taken into account.

  • With the help of the new "Open" and "Close" buttons, skeleton lists can be stored into JSON files as well as loaded from them. Along with each skeleton ID, the current color and opacity is stored.

Skeleton projection layer

  • With the new "Skeleton color gradient" coloring mode, the skeleton's tracing color (currently only yellow fo the active skeleton) is used for coloring. It fades into downstream and upstream colors, respectively (which are black and white by default).

  • Nodes can be selected by placing the mouse close to them (regardless if displayed or not) and pressing 'g'. If no node is found in close proximity (<50px screen space), the tracing layer's node selection is used.

Graph widget:

  • Synapses can be filtered from edges based on their confidence. The confidence threshold is applied to the minimum of the pre- and post-synaptic relation confidences. Confidence filtering is applied prior to synapse count filtering.

  • Synapse count coloring on edges can now be configured independently from edge colors.


  • A new widget, the Volume Manager, allows to create and list volumetric geometries. These geometries are not yet displayable and for now only box volumes can be created. The widget is available through a new 3D box icon, last in the list of tracing tool widgets.

  • New nodes can now be tested for intersection with a certain volume. The Tracing section of the settings widget allows to choose a volume against which new nodes will be tested. If they are outside of it, a warning will be shown.

Neuron Search:

  • Partial annotations as well as regular expressions are now supported for searching. If the text entered in an 'annotated' search field matches a single existing annotation (i.e. one that would also show up in the auto-completion), it is used as search constraint, just like before. However, if no matching annotation was found, the input text is treated as a regular expression on annotation names if it starts with a slash character ('/'), otherwise it is treated as a regular search pattern over all annotations. For instance, finding all things that are are annotated by either A1 or B2 would look like '/A1|B2' or requiring annotations that end on 'xyz' could be searched for by '/xyz$'. This also works with sub-annotation queries.

3D viewer:

  • Different neuron visibility modes are now available for animations. A drop down list replaces the check-box and an option dialog is shown if a particular animation mode requires user input. Besides the 'show one neuron per rotation' mode, there is now also the 'Show n neurons per rotation' mode and a mode which uses a pattern to explicitly define the visibility of particular neurons after a particular rotation. The animation export now uses the visibility mode selected in the 3D viewer.


  • CATMAID has been able to use DVID as a project/stack back-end and as a image source for quite a wile now. To make the latter option easier to setup, a new admin tool is available to create CATMAID stacks based on a DVID server. It can be found in the "Custom views" section of CATMAID's admin interface, labeled as "DVID stack importer". With the help of this tool on can inspect all available repositories and data instances on a DVID server and create a stack based on one data instance. CATMAID will make sure that all pre-conditions are met by a stack created this way.


  • By default new widgets will now select the last widget created as skeleton source. If wanted, this can be adjusted to the previous behavior (always select 'Active skeleton') through the 'Auto-select widget created last as source for new widgets' option in the settings widget.

  • Multiple stacks opened through a URL can now optionally be opened in the same stack viewer window by adding "&composite=1" to the URL.

  • If an already reviewed node is moved it will now become unreviewed again.

  • Links clicked in the message menu will now open in a new page.

Bug fixes

  • The skeleton projection layer will now update automatically on skeleton changes like new or removed nodes as well as splits and merges. It will also not complain anymore if a connector was selected.

  • Text rendered in the 3D viewer is now upright again (instead of upside-down).


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements


  • The widget instance associated with the focused window can be retrieved with the convenience function CATMAID.front().

Orthogonal views and multi-channel data:

  • Stack groups can be used to relate different stacks to each other within one project, e.g. to make clear that some stacks are different orthogonal views or different channels of the same dataset. If there are stack groups defined in a project, they are for now available through the "Projects" menu, which provides sub-menus for stacks and stack groups for each project. When opened, the stacks of a channel based stack groups are added as layers to the first stack. Ortho-view stacks are all opened in a separate stack viewer.

  • If a stack group consists of the three different orthogonal views for a dataset, the window layout is adapted automatically as soon as the stack group is opened. The layout will be a four-pane layout in which the left half of the screen is the XY view on top of the XZ view and the right half of the screen is the ZY view on top of a selection table.

  • Since stack group are instances of the 'stackgroup' class, they can be referenced from within ontologies. All projects now have a 'stackgroup' class and the relations 'has_view' and 'has_channel' created by default. They are also created for projects that don't have them, yet.

  • Stack groups can be created and managed from with the admin interface through either the new Stack group page or while editing/creating a stack.

3D viewer:

  • Skeletons can be shaded by distance from a plane through the active node. The plane can either be a Z-plane in project space or a plane normal to the ray from the camera to the active node.

  • New "Count" button to count the number of pre- or postsynaptic sites, or the number of treenodes tagged with a given text tag, within a distance of the active node in the selected arbor along the cable of the arbor, or within a given Euclidean distance for any arbor present in the 3D viewer.

Tile layer:

  • WebGL rendering is now compatible with orthogonal views.

  • Tiles can now be rendered either with linear pixel interpolation (previous default behavior) or nearest neighbor interpolation. This is controlled by the "Image tile interpolation" setting.

Graph widget:

  • When growing by circles, the set of neurons added can be filtered to include only those with annotations matching a regex.


  • A new color picker replaces the color wheel. The new control hovers over other elements so it can be moved, has color memory slots, defaults to a smaller size and can be resized to show input elements for different color spaces. To save a color in a memory slot, click on the rectangle containing the small circle next to the memory slots.

  • Documentation for some HTTP API endpoints is now available from your CATMAID server at the /apis/ URL.

Bug fixes

Tile layer:

  • Fixed a major WebGL tile layer GPU memory leak.

3D viewer:

  • In orthographic mode, the correct depth ordering is now used again.

Selection table:

  • Color sorting works again.


  • An error no longer appears when selecting an un-annotated skeleton while neuron labels are configured to use a meta-annotation.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Neuron Navigator:

  • It is now possible to remove multiple annotations at once from a neuron. A new column is added to annotation tables, each annotation row has now a checkbox in its first column. A click on the de-annotate link in this column's header or footer will remove all selected annotations from the current neuron.


  • If a single-node skeleton is merged into another skeleton, no merge dialog is now shown by default. All annotations of this single-node skeleton are merged into the target skeleton without asking. This behavior can be changed to again show a merge UI if the single-node skeleton has annotations (behavior so far) through a new entry in the Tracing section of the settings widget.

Graph widget:

  • New layout modes "dagre", "cola", "spread" and "springy". The first is based on DAGs (directed acyclic graphs) and the last three are force-directed. To note that "spread" will evenly layout neurons in trying to occupy as much space as possible, and also leads to symmetric-looking graphs when rendering multiple disconnected graphs of e.g. left and right homologous neurons. Try it.

Connectivity matrix:

  • Descending and ascending sorting is now available for all sorting modes.

  • The new 'order of other' sorting mode will try to follow the column order for rows and vice versa. If skeletons are not found in the reference dimension, they are pushed to the end.

Selection table:

  • When changing the color of a neuron, all other selected neurons can be colored at the same time, when the new 'all selected' checkbox (right above the color wheel) is checked.

Neuron sarch:

  • The "select all" checkbox now does what it says and selects all neurons in the results set.

  • Pagination now works like in other widgets and the number of elements per page can be adjusted.

  • Annotations are not loaded by default anymore, but can be shown with the help of the new "Show annotations" checkbox.


  • When a connector is selected, basic information about it is displayed at the top of the window (where otherwise the neuron name is displayed).

  • A neuron search result's annotation list is now kept in sync with the rest of the widgets. If annotations change on a listed neuron or annotation, the search query is re-done.

  • If only transparency is changed in the batch color picker of the Selection Table, the transparency alone (and not the color) of the target skeletons will be updated. To also update the skeleton color, the color has to be changed in the color picker, too.


  • Adding custom code to CATMAID's front end is now easier: Add file names to the STATIC_EXTENSION_FILES array variable and have your web-server point the URL defined in STATIC_EXTENSION_URL (defaults to /staticext/) to the folder were those files live. CATMAID will then load those files after its own files.

Bug fixes

  • Nodes are now correctly scaled in skeleton projection layers.

  • Neuron navigator now updates if a skeleton is changed (e.g. due to a merge).

  • 'Sync to' selections to push changes from one widget to another (e.g. 3D viewer controlled by selection table) are now updated correctly, if a selected target is closed.

  • Changing the order of rows and columns of the connectivity matrix manually does now work like expected.

  • From within the neuron search removed annotations will now disappear again from the search widget after they are unlinked.

  • Using the CATMAID coloring scheme in the Selection Table is not random anymore.

  • CSV files exported from the Connectivity Widget now respect the table ordering and include the target neuron names.

  • Spheres that intersect in the 3D viewer (e.g. somas) don't appear broken up anymore.

  • The 3D viewer's SVG export will now correctly calculate the size of exported spheres (e.g. soma tags).


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Ctrl + [ or ] now navigates to the next real (non-virtual) parent or child of the active node, respectively.

Connectivity widget:

  • Upstream and downstream partners can now be filtered by synaptic confidence in addition to synaptic count. Synaptic confidence filtering is applied before count filtering. Confidence is taken to be the minimum of the presynaptic and postsynaptic connector confidence.

3D Viewer:

  • Tags matching a custom regex can be shown as handle spheres in addition to tags containing "uncertain" or "end". Note that after entering the regex in the "View Settings" tab the viewer must be refreshed from the "Main" tab before tag spheres are updated.

  • The active node marker now resizes based on the radius of the active node.

  • The active node marker can now optionally always be drawn on top of other objects, even if it is occluded.


  • A default neuron name can now be specified in the settings widget. Similar to annotations, the pattern "{nX}" can be used to add an automatically incrementing number to each new neuron created, starting at X. Omitting X will be interpreted to start from 1. This default name does not persist between sessions.

  • Neuron navigator: neuron name and annotation search are now case-insensitive.

  • The client now checks every 15 minutes whether it is the same version as the server. If not, an error dialog is shown prompting the user to refresh their browser.

  • It is now possible to show a projection of the active skeleton in the tracing overlay. All nodes will be displayed in the current slice, but no interaction is allowed with them. This feature can be useful to get more context on the current location in the active skeleton. This mode can be toggled with F10 or through a new entry in the settings (Tracing Overlay > Active skeleton projection), where different parameters can be adjusted. The color for the upstream and downstream part can be independently changed and various shading modes can be selected (plain color, Z distance transparency, Strahler based transparency or cut off).

Bug fixes

  • 3D viewer: the correct synapse colors are now used when connectors are restricted.

  • If annotations are added or removed, annotation search widgets are updated correctly. You can now search for newly created annotations without having to open a new search widget.

  • The order of the selection table is now remembered before it is refreshed.

  • Connectivity widget: common partners filtering now correctly enforces that partners are partnered with all target neurons, not just any two.

  • Review widget: the skipped node warning will now only show up when in fact more nodes have been skipped than allowed.

  • Fixed a vulnerability that allowed any user with "browse" access permissions to any project to execute arbitrary SQL statements on the CATMAID database.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Connectivity widget:

  • Partners can now be filtered by a minimum threshold on number of nodes, rather than only being able to filter single-node partners.

  • The user's review team is now an option in the partner review filter.

  • Changing the review filter no longer reloads the entire widget.

  • Many small performance improvements.

Selection table:

  • The table layout has been streamlined with other tables in CATMAID. All columns except 'action columns' can now be used for sorting. Pagination is now done with the buttons to the right above and below the table, the page length can now be adjusted, too. The summary info button moved into the button panel while the filter input is now part of the table.

  • It is now possible to add a new annotation to individual neurons without changing the current selection. This can be done with the little tag icon in the actions column on the right. The former info button was replaced by a small 'i' icon and clicking the folder icon in the same column will open a Neuron Navigator window for the respective neuron.

  • All visibility related colums can be hidden with a new checkbox in the button panel. This might be useful to save space if a selection table is not used to control a 3D viewer.


  • Neuron search: annotations can now be searched for those by users in the review team.

  • Log: entries can now be filtered to include only actions from the user's review team.

  • The maximum number of nodes returned to the tracing overlay is now configurable as a server setting: NODE_LIST_MAXIMUM_COUNT (default 5000).

  • Group graph: a new lock buttons in the Selection tab allows to lock selected nodes, so that their position doesn't change until they are unlocked again.

Bug fixes

  • Fix display of intermediate nodes on edge between two joined skeletons.

  • The last lines of the review widget were hidden sometimes. This is not the case anymore.


CATMAID now uses the GPLv3 license and moved away from the stricter AGPLv3. This move was discussed with all previous contributors and agreed on. See the corresponding commit for more details.

Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers


This release includes database changes that require manual intervention if you are upgrading from an existing installation. A new dependency is now required: PostGIS, an extension to PostgreSQL. After its installation, it has to be activated for the CATMAID database. To do so, connect to the database using a Postgres system user. Assuming a Postgres system user named "postgres" and a CATMAID database named "catmaid", this could be done by calling

sudo -u postgres psql -d catmaid

Being connected to the database, PostGIS can be enabled by executing


Now PostGIS is enabled and the connection can be closed again. Now a regular update can be performed. Please note that this update can take quite some time to complete. On bigger neuron tracing installations, multiple hours are realistic.

Features and enhancements

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Ctrl + mouse wheel now zooms the stack, while shift zooms by smaller increments.

  • Pressing X in the tracing tool will begin measuring distance from the current cursor position. The mouse wheel can be used to measure along the stack Z axis. Clicking will close the measurement tool and show the final distance in the status bar. ESC cancels the tool.

Multi-view tracing and virtual nodes:

  • Orthogonal views on a regular XY stack can now also be used for neuron reconstruction. If they are available as CATMAID stacks and opened while the tracing tool is activated, tracing data will be shown in the respective orthogonal views as well. Tracing can be done in these views just like in the regular XY view.

  • When tracing, it is not required anymore to place a node in every section. If no node has been placed in a section, CATMAID will place a so called virtual node where the skeleton and the section meet. If this virtual node is modified in any way, e.g. tagging, joining, moving, etc. it will be created. This also slightly changes the way reviews work. Review information is only stored on real nodes.

  • The review widget has a new settings: in-between node step. It specifies how many sections can be skipped between adjacent real nodes. This is done with respect to the currently focused stack. This stack is also used to determine in which direction to move to look beyond the start of a segment.

Stack viewer:

  • Other stacks in a project can be added to an open stack view by selecting the "Add to focused viewer" option from the stacks menu. This allows multiple stacks to exist in the same view like overlays, while accounting for differences in translation and resolution. The navigator will expand the available zoom levels to accomodate the maximum and minimum zoom possible in all of the open stacks.

  • Tile layers for stacks added to a viewer can be removed from a viewer via an "x" in the tile layer control.

  • Multiple viewers into the same stack can now be opened.

  • Each stack viewer can be toggled between coupling its navigation with other open stack viewers. Toggle this via the "Navigate with project" checkbox in the tile layer control.

Tile layer:

  • New filter (WebGL only): intensity thresholded transparency

3D Viewer:

  • Connector restriction can now explicitly be turned on and off with a pull down list. One can select between "Show all" (i.e. restriction turned off), "All shared connectors" will only show connectors with partners in the current selection and "All pre->post connectors" will only allow connectors with at least one presynaptic partner and one postsynaptic partner in the current selection. The last option, "All group shared" allows to select two skeleton sources (e.g. two selection table) and it will only show connectors that are part of the 3D viewer and that connect between both selected groups of skeletons. There is also a pre->post enforcing variant of it.

Neuron search:

  • The name displayed for neurons now follows the same naming mechanism used for other widgets. It can be controlled through the settings widget and will automatically update if a neuron name is changed.


  • In the connectivity widget, upstream and downstream thresholds can now be set at once for all seed neurons. Two drop down controls used for this will be displayed if there is more than one seed neuron.

  • Treenode Table refurbishing: far faster, supports multiple skeletons, can do tag search with regular expressions and lists the skeleton treenode ID.

  • Rows and columns of the connectivity matrix can now be moved around with little buttons that appear when the mouse is over row and column header cells.

  • There are now three options to change focus if a pointer enters a window: don't change focus (how it has been so far), focus stacks (will activate stacks when hovered, but won't change focus for other windows) and focus all (will change focus to every window hovered). The default will be stack focus follows the pointer. The settings widget makes these options available in general settings area.

  • There are three new controls in the split/merge dialog: Toggle the display of input and output markers on neurons in the embedded 3D viewer and select which shading method is used (default: "active node split"). Alternatively, "Strahler index" coloring can be used, which helps with depth perception.

  • Attempting to reload a CATMAID browser tab or go back in history, will now result in a warning dialog, asking for confirmation. It makes clear that CATMAID's window layout and content won't be saved if the acton isn't canceled.


  • Now that virtual nodes are available, existing database can (but don't have to) be optimized. A new management command will look for straight skeleton parts that are not referenced in any way and prunes them. In other words, if there are three successive collinear nodes and the middle one is not referenced, it will be removed. catmaid_prune_skeletons

Bug fixes

  • The Neuron Search widget doesn't throw an error anymore when a neuron listed in it is merged.

  • There is no longer a race condition in the database during concurrent split/merge of a skeleton and creation of a treenode in that skeleton. While this is not a comprehensive guarantee of conflict-free concurrency, it does remove the most likely scenario resulting in corruption of the database model.


Bug fixes

  • Fix radius based neuron selection in tracing window.


Contributors: Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Cycling through open end nodes will now only visit the root node if it is an actual leaf. That is, when it has only one child node and is untagged.

3D Viewer:

  • A light background shading variant for connectors was added. It uses a darker cyan color which provides more contrast if a white background is used.


  • The location of messages and notifications can be configured in the settings widget. The default location is still the upper right corner.

  • If the node display limit is hit while panning the field of view in tracing mode, node refresh will be temporary disabled. Once the mouse button is released again an no further panning happens within one second, node update is reset to normal. This allows for smoother panning if many nodes are visible.

Bug fixes

Review system:

  • Review teams are now respected when Shift + W is used to jump to the next unreviewed node.

3D viewer:

  • Skeletons with other coloring than "Source", will now be visible when exported as SVG in the 3D viewer.


  • Skeletons added to a selection table, will now honor the table's "global" settings for pre, post, meta and text visibility.

  • If an annotation is removed from a neuron, the annotation itself will be deleted, too, if it is not used anywhere else. Now also meta annotations of the deleted annotation will be removed (and their meta annotations...), if they are not used anywhere else.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

Connectivity widget:

  • Partner filtering now supports regular expressions when the first character of the search input is "/".

Treenode table:

  • REMOVED: Radii can no longer be edited by clicking on their cell in the table.

Connectivity matrix:

  • The tracing tool has got a new widget: a connectivity matrix. It can be opened with the "M" frame icon next to the button for the connectivity widget. To use it, one has to append skeletons for its rows and columns. Skeletons can also be added as group. Each cell shows two sub-cells, the first one shows the number of synapses from row to column and the second one the number synapses from column to row. When a synapse count number is clicked, a connector selection is opened, that contains the corresponding synapses. Both pre- and post-synaptic count cells can be colored individually. By default a coloring similar to the tracing layer's red and cyan is used. There are also color gradients available to produce heat maps (i.e. color cells based on the actual synapse count).

  • Graph widget: ability to split neurons by text tag on their skeletons. It's the "Tag" button under the "Subgraph" tab. Enables you to manually define regions on a neuronal arbor (like axon and dendrite, or multiple dendritic domains) and then have them be represented each as a node in the graph. The skeleton will be virtually cut at the nodes containing the tags, with the tagged node belonging to the downstream part (relative to the root node).

3D Viewer:

  • Color mode "Downstream of tag" is now a shading mode.

  • New synapse coloring mode "Same as skeleton". If you then hide the skeletons and show only the synapses you will e.g. see spatial tiling of ORN axons, each defining a glomerulus in the larval olfactory lobe.

  • For PNG and SVG export one can now specify the dimensions of the result files. A dialog shown before exporting asks for width and height.

Neuron dendrogram:

  • The horizontal and vertical spacing between nodes in the neuron dendrogram can now be fine tuned.


  • A new tool 'Group membership helper' has been added to add multiple users to multiple groups or to revoke their group membership. This can be used to control access over the data created by individual users.


  • A node-placement-and-radius-edit mode has been added. If enabled through the settings widget (Tracing > "Edit radius after node creation"), the radius for a node will be edited immediately after it has been created. This allows for easier volumetric reconstruction. In this mode, the radius circle editing tool is used to specify the radius. No dialog is shown once a radius is selected for a node and it will only be saved for the new node.

  • A new connector type ("abutting") can now be created. In contrast to the regular synaptic connector, it can be used to represent the fact that two or more neurons are in abutting processes. For now this mode can be activated through the settings widget (Tracing > "Create abutting connectors"). For abutting connectors the lines representing the links to nodes will appear in a green color.

Bug fixes

3D viewer:

  • Adding and removing neurons and static data lead in some situations to many errors that were displayed on the console (and therefore not visible to most users) and caused minor performance problems. This has been fixed and all data should now be added and removed correctly.

  • Following the active node should now work much more reliable. Before, it could happen that this stopped working after a second 3D viewer was closed.

Connectivity widget:

  • Fix one cause of sluggish behavior for widgets that have been modified many times. Also fixes repeated alert dialogs when clicking a neuron in the partner tables that no longer exists or does not have any treenodes.

Neuron Navigator:

  • Don't show an error if an invalid regular expression was entered for searching. Instead, color the search box red and show a warning message.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers, Stephan Gerhard

Features and enhancements

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Shift+T removes all tags from the currently active node.

  • After using R to go the nearest open leaf, shift+R cycles through other open leaves in the skeleton in order of ascending distance from the starting location. Combining alt with these operations orders open leaves by most recent creation instead of distance.

  • Ctrl+Y removes the active skeleton from the last used selection widget.

  • Shift+Y selects skeletons within a radius of the active node in the tracing layer and adds them to the last used selection widget. Ctrl+shift+Y works in the same way to remove skeletons from the last used selection widget.

  • If the next (or previous) branch/end point is already selected when V (or B) is pressed, the view will center on it nevertheless.

  • If the mouse is over the stack when zooming, the view will recenter so that the same stack location remains under the mouse at the new scale.

  • During review, Q and W during will refocus on the last reviewed neuron if review is interrupted (another node is selected), regardless of the auto centering setting. If one looks beyond the current segment, the last reviewed node will be selected by Q and W as well, but auto centering is respected.

Review system:

  • New "Reviewer Team" system allows filtering reviews in visualizations and statistics to include only those by particular reviewers. Each user can control which reviewers to include in her team. A date can be configured for each reviewer in the team, so that only reviews from that reviewer after this date are included.
    • A user's reviewer team is configured through the Settings widget.
    • The review widget includes a team column between the user and union columns.
    • The percent reviewed column in the selection widget can be set to team or union.
    • Team review coloring is available in the 3D viewer and group graph.

3D viewer:

  • With Ctrl + mouse wheel, only the camera is moved in target direction, the target stays fixed. If Alt + mouse wheel is used, the target moves as well.

  • The CSV export not also includes the parent ID for each node, which can be used to reconstruct the topological tree.

  • The auto-created selection widget is now 50% smaller, giving more vertical space to the 3D viewer.

  • With the help of controls of the Animation tab, simple animations can be played. Currently, rotation around the X, Y and Z axis as well as the current "up" direction of the camera. is supported. The back-and-forth mode will reverse rotation direction once a full circle is reached. With the help of the stepwise visibility option, individual neurons can be made visible after a certain amount of time the animation is running. Additionally, neurons can be made sequentially visible after each rotation.

  • Animations can also be exported as WebM movie file. The "Export animation" button in the Export tab, will show a dialog with basic export settings. Like with the other view export options, the current 3D view setup is used. The frame size can be adjusted in the export dialog. Creating the file can take some seconds and currently only works for the Chrome browser (due to the lack of WebP support in others). The resulting WebM video file can be converted to any other format using e.g. VLC player, if needed.

  • New shading mode "synapse-free chunks". Has one parameter, the minimum amount of synapse-free cable to consider between two consecutive synapses, adjustable from the "Shading Parameters" tab.

  • New shading mode "dendritic backbone". Depends on 'microtubules end' tags, or will approximate twigs by using the Strahler number entered in the "Shading Parameters" tab.

  • The view settings tab now contains a control to scale the size of the node handles (e.g. active node, special tags).

Tile layer:

  • Tiles can now be rendered with WebGL, which enables new visualization features and fixes some flickering issues. Enable via "Prefer WebGL Layers" in Settings. The WebGL renderer is currently considered experimental and may have stability issues on some clients. See catmaid#186 (comment) for details on using WebGL layers with your image stack host.

  • The blend mode used to combine stacks and overlays is now configurable when using WebGL. This greatly improves visualization of confocal and other multichannel data. Blend mode is selectable from the layers control, activated via the toggle at the bottom left of the stack view.

  • Filters can be applied to layers when using WebGL. Filters can be added and removed from layers through the layers control. Available filters currently include:

    • Gaussian blur
    • Color inversion
    • Brightness, contrast and saturation adjustment
    • Color matrix transform

Connectivity widget:

  • It is now possible to remove added neurons again. Each row of the table of target neurons now contains a small 'x' icon in the first column to remove it.

  • The selection column is not included anymore in the CSV export.

Analyze Arbor:

  • Options are provided to approximate twigs by using a branch Strahler number defined in the "Options".

  • Dimensions of the pie charts and XY plots is now configurable from the "Options" dialog.

Graph widget:

  • New button to "Clone" the graph widget: opens a new widget with identical content.

  • New buttons to "Save" and "Open..." to/from JSON, so that complex graphs can be reloaded later on. Skeletons not present in the database are not loaded.


  • Selecting tags for highlighting in the neuron dendrogram

  • Synchronization between widgets was improved. Deleting a neuron in one widget, will remove it from other widgets as well.

  • Hovering over the CATMAID text on the front page will display CATMAID's version.


  • For projects, stacks, overlays and data views there is now the option to duplicate objects from within the admin view. To copy objects without their relations, there is now a new action in the list view's action menu. To duplicate an entity with its relations, select the object and use the "save as new" button.


  • A basic JSON export of all treenodes and connectors of the selected neurons is now possible.

Bug fixes

Tracing overlay:

  • Trying to remove a non-existent tag from a node now doesn't show an error dialog anymore, but only a notification.

Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • Fix bug where tagged nodes were not considered open by R regardless of tag content.

Neuron search:

  • Make neuron names wrap and use the next line, if there is not enough space for it. This makes the table not expand in width until the name fits anymore.

3D viewer:

  • Picking a synapse or other selectable elements is now more robust and now works also in orthographic mode.

  • The projection mode (orthographic or perspective) is now also stored in a saved view.

  • The 3D viewer's drawing canvas is now correctly sized again. Since the tab panel has been introduced, the 3D viewer has been too high. Now the pre-defined views (XY, XZ, ZY, ZX) are display correctly again, i.e. the whole bounding box is now seen again.

  • Performance enhancement when smoothing skeletons with a Gaussian by avoiding to update the same Vector3 instances twice.


  • Pressing 'E' during review will now go to the next unreviewed segment as seen from the currently reviewed one. Before, the first unreviewed segment as seen from the top of the table was selected.

  • Pressing 'Q' on the first node (leaf) brings one back one section to check if the segment really ends. Pressing 'W' afterwards now brings one back to the first node, not the second like it has been before.

Connectivity widget:

  • CSV export works again.


  • Vertical resizing of widgets now doesn't lead to strange size changes anymore.

  • An alternative DVID tile source was added to support its multiscale API.


Contributors: Albert Cardona, Andrew Champion, Tom Kazimiers

Features and enhancements

General neuron tracing:

  • A new radius editing option has been added that propagates from the current node root-ward to the previous node with an undefined radius (exclusive). Here undefined is taken to be a negative radius, since though the column default is 0 Django initializes it to -1.


  • Users need now to confirm the closing of the last stack.

Bug fixes

Tracing overlay:

  • A label is now hidden when the mouse hovers over it. Note that this only works for one label at a time, so it is not effective for overlapping labels. A robust solution would require more expensive event propagation over label elements.

  • Fullscreen on OS X Safari should now work, too.

  • Nodes and arrows are now drawn in order: lines, arrows, nodes, labels

  • Fix bug that could occur during radius propagation when the previous node already had a radius defined.

  • Fix mouse handlers of node and error drawing, which were broken by adding ordered drawing.

Synapse clustering:

  • A long-standing error has been fixed where a few nodes where added to an undefined cluster.

Group graph:

  • The root node computation has been fixed.

  • Listing edge synapses now also works with split grouped neurons.

3D viewer:

  • Make synapse clustering fetch synapses properly (like it is done in the Group Graph).


Key shortcuts / mouse operations:

  • A new shortcut key to navigate to a node's child has been added: ]. It behaves like V by navigating to the largest descendant branch. With Shift+] one cycles through sibling branches in order of descending size.

  • For consistency, the P shortcut to navigate to the parent has been replaced with [.

  • Navigation to the next branch has changed a bit: The V key now moves to the next branch node or end of the largest descendant branch of the active node, and subsequent presses of shift+V cycle through other possible descending branches in order of decreasing size.

  • While editing the radius of a node with the help of the surrounding circle, a click will confirm the current radius (not only pressing 'o' again). The radius editing can now also be canceled with the Esc key.

  • With Ctrl+Alt+click one can now insert a node into the active skeleton between two existing nodes.


  • Zooming is now also possible in smaller steps. The plus and minus buttons zoom in steps of 1 and with having the Shift key pressed additionally, steps of 0.1 are used.

3D viewer:

  • New export options (Export tab):

    • CVS representation of the rendered skeletons;
    • PNG and SVG image of the current view;
    • SVG catalogue of the current view. The catalogue contains each neuron a separate panel on the same SVG document--very useful to generate figures for a paper. Options are provided to sort and arrange panels, and to define pinned neurons that appear in each panel (e.g. a somatosensory axon that acts as reference for each neuron connected to it).
  • New "Spatial select" button (Main tab) that allows to select skeletons near the active node or connected to the active skeleton, within a specified distance. Matching skeletons will be shown in a new selection table. This is useful to e.g. select all single-node skeletons connected to the dorsal lobe part of a Kenyon cell.

  • Supports orthographic projection (see checkbox in View tab) so that no perspective distortion is applied and distances become comparable between different parts of the view.

  • The 3D viewer now has the option to follow the active node (View tab). This acts like clicking "Center active" after each active node change.

  • One can bookmark views in the 3D viewer, by pressing "Save view" in the Main tab. Views can be loaded by selecting them from the drop down list next to the button. These bookmarks are currently discarded once CATMAID is reloaded.

  • When Ctrl is pressed while zooming in the 3D viewer with the scroll wheel, the camera is actually moved towards its target. This is useful to overcome zooming limits and strong perspective distortion due to a high focal length when zooming.

Selection table:

  • "Randomize colors" in the selection table was replaced by a drop down list with different color schemes and the button "Colorize" to apply the selected one. The default is the coloring scheme that existed before. Some of the new color schemes are from Cynthia Brewer (see ).

  • Neurons are activated by clicking on the name, like in all other widgets. The green tick icon has been removed.

  • New check box for each neuron called "meta" to toggle the display of extra information like the orange spheres for specially tagged nodes (TODO, uncertain end, etc.) or low confidence nodes.


  • Can now collapse nodes belonging to a branch that ends in a node tagged "not a branch".

  • One can now highlight multiple tags in the dendrogram by separating them with commas.

Graph widget:

  • Subgraphs (like axon & dendrite) can now be reset in the graph widget.


  • When adding an annotation, the pattern "{nX}" can be used to add an automatically incrementing number to each neuron annotated, starting at X. So if e.g. three neurons are annotated at once with the annotation "test-{n5}", the first one is annotated with "test-5", the second one with "test-6" and the last one with "test-7". Omitting X will be interpreted to start from 1.

  • When skeletons are joined, the name of the "losing" skeleton can now be added as an annotation to the "winning" skeleton right in the dialog. Its checkbox is unchecked by default, if the name follows the auto-generated name pattern "neuron 12345".


  • The neuron name input boxes in both search widgets will now remember entries that have been used before.

Handling the unexpected:

  • A general error handler has been added so that CATMAID should hopefully not crash anymore, even if an error occurs. In such situations an error dialog is shown and the error is logged on the server so that we can investigate better what went wrong.

General neuron tracing:

  • A robust synapse clustering method was added: centrifugal synapse flow centrality. Many widgets now support a new method for finding axons based on it (e.g. in the 3D viewer as a shading method.

  • The connector table now displays the confidence of each link

  • Basic import/export support was added. There are two new management commands that can be used by admins to import and export tracing data.

Users and groups:

  • Support user registration (disabled by default). Default user groups for new users can be set.


  • A new ROI tool was added, which can be activated for each user through the user settings. It currently supports only the creation of new ROIs. Additional sub-tools will be added for more functionality.


This update brought to you by Tom Kazimiers, Andrew Champion, Stephan Gerhard and Albert Cardona.