A text info viewer with two-bitplan colours (25fps colour mixing like
, a ZX-Spectrum software screen mode).
nfo viewer
was done, but wasn't ever released. I wrote this in
summer 2005, but I totally left the scene in autumn of 2005. Actually it was planned for games with a lot of info,
description and magazine articles.
- info_viewer_converter.asm - sources of text converter for info viewer (from
text editor to special format). - info_viewer_for_crp3.asm - viewer sources.
- nfo_view.scl - complete .scl image for ZX-Spectrum emulators with executable binaries of this viewer.
- view_mus.C.bin - music by c-jeff/bw (or seajeff nowdays).
- view_mus.C.bin - viewer font by me.