is a backend service that manages file storage and retrieval in the delivery service app.
The possible functionalities of this service include:
- Uploading files to the server (images, videos, Word, Excel, PDF)
- Downloading files from the server (images, Word, Excel, PDF)
- Storing files on the server
- Retrieving files from the server
- Checking file integrity
- Generation of a QR code
- Handling file permissions and access control
- It is possible to make only one method for the service (input parameters: session token, file type, values for generating a file; output parameters: session token, uid of the generated file, file type, file body as an array of bytes)
- uid of the generated file is needed so that the generated file can be cached and easily found in the database
- Saves generated file
- From the point of view of this service, there is no difference whether files are uploaded to the server or from it
- It is necessary to provide in the system the ability to save files on a separate dedicated server and periodically clean the file system from the created files: since the system processes a large number of requests, a lot of files are also created, respectively, there is a risk of running out of hard disk space.
- Files size
- Image resolution
- Files could be transmitted during streaming