A Ganeti cluster node evacuation tool.
The main idea of this tool is to give someone (more specifically a technician)
a Web UI to evacuate a node from a Ganeti cluser and poweroff the machine
without requiring SSH access to the hosts.
Written in Flask and uses Celery for async tasks (with Redis as a broker).
This project makes the following assumptions:
- You have one or more Ganeti clusters
- You have a Rapi user for each of the clusters and the RAPI port is accesible
- You have access to the IPMI interface of each machine in order to issue poweroff/on commands
- The hosts are pingable from the server the project runs in order to detect host status
- Alls hosts share the same IPMI credentials
- The IPMI hostname is assigned on each node with an ipmi: Ganeti tag
- Any non mirrored VM on the cluster (file,plain templates) will be shutdown during evacuation (not implemented yet)
Current limitations (mainly Ganeti's) that I would like to find a workaround for:
- You can't failover/demote a master node (this is by design)
- This means we can't shutdown a master node
- You can't properly readd a node to the cluster - we fallback to modify --offline no which is not clean
- Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/alexkiousis/nodEvac.git
- Create a virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install redis
apt-get install redis-server
- Install ipmitool
apt-get install ipmitool
- Create a config file named cluster_config.py in the root of the repository with the Ganeti credentials
- See ganeti_utils.py for more clear instructions
- Run celery
celery -A tasks.celery_app_worker --log-level=info -E --concurrency=10
- Run nodEvac
Full dependency state is in the requirements.txt file.
These are the explanations for the root dependencies:
- Flask: the backend software the project runs on
- Celery: a worker queue for running asyncronus jobs
- all ganeti jobs and ipmitool commands run through celery
- redis: library to communicate with a redis instance
- used as a broker for celery and for job state caching for the application
- pycurl and simplejson: are dependencies for the Ganeti rapi client library in contrib