- Description
- Example Videos
- Reddit Youtube Channels
- Install Prerequisite Components
- Git clone repository
- Generate Reddit Tokens
- Copy auth config
- Python Pip Install Dependencies
- Install Playwright
- Run Python Script
- Generate a Video for a Specific Post
- Generate Only Thumbnails
- Enable a Newscaster
- Settings.py File
Scrape posts from Reddit and automatically generate Youtube Videos and Thumbnails
Checkout my Youtube Channel for example videos made by this repo :
What crime are you okay with people committing?
What show has no likable characters?
Youtube Channels generated using this repo :
If your Youtube Channel is generated using this repository and you would like it listed above please comment on this issue #91 with your youtube channel url and channel name and mention you'd like it listed in the main README file.
Watch the Python Reddit Youtube Bot Tutorial Video :
Install these prerequisite components first :
Python 3.10 - https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.10.0/python-3.10.0-amd64.exe
Microsoft C++ Build Tools - https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/
ImageMagick - https://imagemagick.org/script/download.php#windows
git clone git@github.com:alexlaverty/python-reddit-youtube-bot.git
cd python-reddit-youtube-bot
Generate Reddit PRAW Tokens - https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/
Create a copy of the auth-example.py file and name it auth.py :
copy config/auth-example.py config/auth.py
Update the auth.py
file to contain the Reddit Auth tokens you generated in the previous step.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install and configure playwright by running :
playwright install
Run the python script :
python app.py
when it completes the video will be generated into the videos
folder and will be named final.mp4
If you want to add a video background then install yt-dlp :
then create a backgrounds
folder and run the following command :
mkdir -p assets/backgrounds
cd assets/backgrounds
yt-dlp --playlist-items 1:10 -f 22 --output "%(uploader)s_%(id)s.%(ext)s" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGmxyVGSCDKvmLInHxJ9VdiwEb82Lxd2E
You can view available parameters by passing in --help
python app.py --help
usage: app.py [-h] [-l VIDEO_LENGTH] [-o] [-s] [-t] [-u URL]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l VIDEO_LENGTH, --video-length VIDEO_LENGTH
Set how long you want the video to be
-o, --disable-overlay
Disable video overlay
-s, --story-mode Generate video for post title and selftext only, disables user comments
-t, --thumbnail-only Generate thumbnail image only
-u URL, --url URL Specify Reddit post url, seperate with a comma for multiple posts.
or if you want to generate a video for a specific reddit post you can specify it via the --url
param :
python app.py --url https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/hvsxty/which_legendary_reddit_post_comment_can_you_still/
or you can do multiple url's by seperating with a comma, ie :
python app.py --url https://www.reddit.com/r/post1,https://www.reddit.com/r/post2,https://www.reddit.com/r/post3
if you want to generate only thumbnails you can specify --thumbnail-only
mode, this will skip video compilation process :
python app.py --thumbnail-only
If you want to enable a Newscaster, edit settings.py and set :
enable_newscaster = True
If the newcaster video has a green screen you can remove it with the following settings, use an eye dropper to get the RGB colour of the greenscreen and set it to have it removed :
newscaster_remove_greenscreen = True
newscaster_greenscreen_color = [1, 255, 17] # Enter the Green Screen RGB Colour
newscaster_greenscreen_remove_threshold = 100
Theres quite a few options you can customise in the settings.py
file :
Specify which subreddits you want to scrape :
subreddits = [
Subreddits to exclude :
subreddits_excluded = [
Filter out reddit posts via specified keywords
banned_keywords =["my", "nasty", "keywords"]
Change the Text to Speech engine you want to use, note AWS Polly requires and AWS account and auth tokens and can incur costs :
Supports Speech Engines :
# choices "polly","balcon","gtts"
voice_engine = "polly"
Total number of reddit Videos to generate
total_posts_to_process = 5
The next settings are to automatically filter out posts
Skip reddit posts that less than this amount of updates
minimum_submission_score = 5000
Filtering out reddit posts based on the reddit post title length
title_length_minimum = 20
title_length_maximum = 100
Filter out posts that exceed the maximum self text length
maximum_length_self_text = 5000
Filter out reddit posts that don't have enough comments
minimum_num_comments = 200
Only attempt to process a maximum amount of reddit posts
submission_limit = 1000
Specify how many thumbnail images you want to generate
number_of_thumbnails = 3
Specify the maximum video length
max_video_length = 600 # Seconds
Specify maximum amount of comments to generate in the video
comment_limit = 600
Specifying various folder paths
assets_directory = "assets"
temp_directory = "temp"
audio_directory = str(Path("temp"))
fonts_directory = str(Path(assets_directory,"fonts"))
image_backgrounds_directory = str(Path(assets_directory,"image_backgrounds"))
images_directory = str(Path(assets_directory,"images"))
thumbnails_directory = str(Path(assets_directory,"images"))
background_directory = str(Path(assets_directory,"backgrounds"))
video_overlay_filepath = str(Path(assets_directory,"particles.mp4"))
videos_directory = "videos"
Specify video height and width
video_height = 720
video_width = 1280
clip_size = (video_width, video_height)
Skip compiling the video and just exit instead
enable_compilation = True
Skip uploading to youtube
enable_upload = False
Add a video overlay to the video, for example snow falling effect
enable_overlay = True
Add in a newscaster reader to the video
enable_newscaster = True
If newcaster video is a green screen attempt to remove the green screen
newscaster_remove_greenscreen = True
Specify the color of the green screen in RGB
newscaster_greenscreen_color = [1, 255, 17] # Enter the Green Screen RGB Colour
The higher the greenscreen threshold number the more it will attempt to remove
newscaster_greenscreen_remove_threshold = 100
Path to newcaster file
newscaster_filepath = str(Path(assets_directory,"newscaster.mp4").resolve())
Position on the screen of the newscaster
newscaster_position = ("left","bottom")
The size of the newscaster
newcaster_size = (video_width * 0.5, video_height * 0.5)
Add a pause after each text to speech audio file
pause = 1 # Pause after speech
Text style settings
text_bg_color = "#1A1A1B"
text_bg_opacity = 1
text_color = "white"
text_font = "Verdana-Bold"
text_fontsize = 32
Download images from lexica or skip trying to download
lexica_download_enabled = True