EXILED SCP:SL Plugin which report at regular intervals about the presence of personnel, operators and SCPs in the facility.
The plugin is currently under development. There may be bugs and errors. Please report to Issues
if you find a problem.
is_enabled: true
debug: false
# Should CASSIE report about this roles?
report_dclass: true
report_scientist: true
report_guard: true
report_ntf: true
report_ci: true
report_scp: true
# Time interval between reports in seconds
report_timer: 300
# CASSIE report at the start of the round (May cause conflict if cassie is called by another plugin)
report_on_start: true
# Text that CASSIE will say. $Info$ - reporting message
cassie_text: 'Personnel Report . . . <color=red> $Info$ </color> . . .'