This is a web application that allows users to exchange their unwanted used books with other users.
Created by Giada Simonetti || Agata Golebiewska || Lewis Moore || Benjamin Pourian || Alex Wilson || Alexandra Fina
This application was build with:
- Elixir
- Phoenix
- ReactJs
Tested with:
- ExUnit
- Jest
- Enzyme
The user stories for PickABook are as follows:
As a user
So I can make my book available to other users
I would like to be able to add a book
As a user
So I can see what books are available
I would like to see a list of all books
As a user
So I can see more details about a book
I would like to see an individual book page
As a user
So I can remove my books
I would like to be able to delete a book
As a user
So I can use PickABook
I would like to be able to register
As a user
So I can return to PickABook
I would like to be able to log in and out
As a user
So I can find the books I need
I would like to search for books by title
As a user
So I can rate my experience
I would like to give other users a review
As a user
So I can ask for books I like
I would like to request to swap a book
As a user
So I can swap my books
I would like to respond to requests for my books
Follow these steps to get started with the application:
- Clone the repo
in to the folder, open the application and runmix deps.get
to install Phoenix dependencies- Run
npm install
to install node dependencies - Run
mix ecto.create
andmix ecto.migrate
to create and setup the database - Run
mix phx.server
to run the application - You are now running on localhost 4000!