This jingling not same like Jingling Auto Visitor (Desktop Software). Basicly, this script just sending traffic to target url by accessing an image from target url even the image doesn't exist. And the template for Blogger, if you want to make in another version, you can contribute on this repository.
Please use the following setting for your blog
- Login into your Dashboard
- Select which blog you want to install with this template
- Go to Settings > Basic
- Fill the Title and Description
- Then go to Settings > Posts, comments and sharing
- In the Comments section, set the
Comment Location
- Go to Settings > Search preferences
- In Meta tags section, fill the
- And the last one, go to Theme
- In Mobile section, follow this setting
config: {
'name': 'Jinxprooo - Auto Jingling Visitor',
'description': 'From Blogger For Blogger'
for website name
for website description