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WIP: Build a reactive real-time Markdown-based website with Phoenix LiveView and PardallMarkdown

THIS WRITTEN TUTORIAL IS STILL WIP, for now, check the video instead:


TODO: ...write intro here...

This article assumes you have knowledge of Elixir and Phoenix.


This tutorial is also available as a video on YouTube: The video also shows a working website with PardallMarkdown, which is the demo repository (see below).

Finished Product: a Blog and a Documentation website

If you want to jump straight to the end and see the final result and final code, clone and run the master branch of the pardall_markdown_phoenix_demo repository.

The final project has:

  • A Phoenix.LiveView website with both a Blog and a Documentation section.
  • Sample content in nested categories.
  • Source code of the Phoenix.LiveView routes, views, components and templates, for single posts, archives and categories sidebars.
  • Helpers to render the nested content trees and individual posts' table of contents.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the starter/skeleton project from the tutorial_starter branch. The starter project contains:
    • Phoenix.LiveView templates for posts, post archives and content hierarchies (with HTML lists)
    • Phoenix helpers for generating HTML lists from PardallMarkdown content trees (we're going to talk about that below)
    • A Phoenix.LiveView component for showing single posts.
    • The templates use Bootstrap for styling.
  2. Into mix.exs, add PardallMarkdown as dependency and inside extra_applications:
defp deps do
  [{:pardall_markdown, "~> 0.1.3"} ...]

def application do
  [extra_applications: [:pardall_markdown, ...], ...]


PardallMarkdown requires top level application configuration, you can see all the possible options here.

The most important ones to keep in mind are:

  • root_path: This is your content folder, where all Markdown files live on. This is the folder which PardallMarkdown.FileWatcher keeps watching for file events, in order to broadcast new and changed content.
    • The path can be either relative or absolute.
  • recheck_pending_file_events_interval: How often should FileWatcher send the content to be rebuilt IF there are pending file events? It does nothing if there are no pending file events.
  • notify_content_reloaded: Callback to be called everytime the content is rebuilt. This is where you can notify your application about new content, such as calling Phoenix.PubSub (or via Phoenix.Endpoint.broadcast).

Open the starter project config.exs and check those main keys:

config :pardall_markdown, PardallMarkdown.Content,
  root_path: "./sample_content",
  recheck_pending_file_events_interval: 1_000,
  notify_content_reloaded: &PardallMarkdownWeb.pardall_markdown_notifier/0
  # [...]

The starter project points to a local content folder called ./sample_content, recheck for pending events every second and calls a content modifier from a root module.

For development purposes, change recheck_pending_file_events_interval to a very low value, such as 100 (which is 100ms), so new content is rebuilt immediatelly.

This is the notification callback:

  def pardall_markdown_notifier do
    PardallMarkdownWeb.Endpoint.broadcast!("pardall_markdown_web", "content_reloaded", :all)

In our project Phoenix.LiveView views will subscribe to the "pardall_markdown_web" topic and then re-fetch and re-publish the content. Naturally you can place any callback into notify_content_reloaded, because by being an independent OTP/Elixir application/framework, PardallMarkdown does not require the usage of Phoenix.

First post

Getting data with Repository

Post template

Instant reload

Content tree

Draft status

Custom titles

Showing single posts

Route catch-all slugs

Post slug in LiveView

Image static path

Table of contents from a Post

Single post template

Archives, taxonomy posts

Archives template

Multiple templates

Next and previous links

Taxonomy _index


Taxonomy index content

Sidebars and content trees

Build a Documentation website

Multiple contents at once

Sidebar inside a single post

Sitemap, content and taxonomy trees

Index page with updated posts

Sitemap contd.

Content folder outside the application

Writing content offline