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- Still very busy as I prepare to start officially with Efabless next week.
- TT04 chips have come back and are with tnt.
- tnt could do some basic tests even just with oscilloscope so I'll work on preparing helpful instructions for that.
- Need to prepare proper instructions for structured testing/debugging anyway.
- I've added to some of the hardware stack for my DE0-Nano FPGA devboard, so I need to document that and make sure both the
target still works correctly with it, and which GPIO signals are required for normal operation now. See 0194 and actual current GPIO-1 pinout. - Document raybox-zero versions in README, and how they relate to tt04-raybox-zero
- Work out which are the latest versions of raybox-zero (e.g. GFMPW1 version) but also find which version was submitted to EW
- Check which versions can be run in Verilator & Quartus. Fix if required.
Below are all the connections that I have on my GPIO-1 header right now, though not necessarily all of them are used for all raybox-zero versions.
NOTE: The below RGB333 DAC pinout is only used by raybox-zero/de0nano
target if `define RGB3_DAC
is used (and it typically is), in which case R0, G0, and B0 are all unused (off), and only the upper 2 bits of each colour channel are driven by the design...
/(ROM pin 6) SCLK O 40|io33 |io32 |39 (NC) \
| +-----+-----+ |
| (NC) 38|io31 |io30 |37 I io3 (ROM pin 7) |
| +-----+-----+ | BOTH sides are for
| (ROM pin 3) io2 I 36|io29 |io28 |35 IO io0 (ROM pin 5) (MOSI) | SPI ROM module:
| +-----+-----+ > Newer versions of raybox-zero
| (NC) 34|io27 |io26 |33 I io1 (ROM pin 2) (MISO) | use this for texture ROM.
| +-----+-----+ | NC for older versions
| (ROM pin 1) /CS O 32|io25 |io24 |31 (NC) | (e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 1.2)
| +-----+-----+ |
| (ROM pin 4) GND - 30| GND |VCC3 |29 + VCC3P3 (+3V3) (ROM pin 8) |
hblank O 28|io23 |io22 |27 O vblank
K3 I 26|io21 |io20 |25 (NC)
K2 I 24|io19 |io18 |23 (NC)
(NC) 22|io17 |io16 |21 (NC)
--------------(NC)----20|io15 |io14 |19----(NC) <-----(these 2 pins blocked by VGA DAC plug-in PCB below)
/ (unused:0) G0 O 18|io13 |io12 |17 O B0 (unused:0) \
| +-----+-----+ |
| G1 O 16|io11 |io10 |15 O B1 |
| +-----+-----+ |
| G2 O 14| io9 | io8 |13 O B2 |
| +-----+-----+ |
| GND - 12| GND |VCCS |11 + VCC_SYS (+5V) |
| +-----+-----+ | BOTH sides are for
| HSYNC O 10| io7 | io6 |9 (NC) > VGA RGB333 DAC module
| +-----+-----+ | with K1/K4 buttons
| VSYNC O 8| io5 | io4 |7 (NC) | on IN0/1 respectively.
| +-----+-----+ |
| (unused:0) R0 O 6| io3 | io2 |5 (NC) | NOTE: All of these pins
| +-----+-----+ | are populated in my header
| R1 O 4| io1 | IN1 |3 I K4 | as long pass-through pins
| +-----+-----+ | so they can be used
| R2 O 2| io0 | IN0 |1 I K1 | for other purposes.
PIN 1 of GPIO1 header.
The K1..K4 buttons are active-high. They are pulled low by 22k resistors when open,
and pulled high by 100R when pressed.
The system clock is provided by the DE0-Nano's CLOCK_50 (50MHz) and is divided by 2 to make the typical
25MHz VGA clock.
The DE0-Nano's KEY[0] provides the reset signal.
I've updated the main
branch of so that the de0nano
target now matches the above new pinout, and tested it on the hardware.
This update is tagged 1.2
- 1.0 (
branch):- Actual version submitted to TT04.
- SPI for POV.
- SPI2 for 'registers', supporting: FLOOR, SKY, LEAK
- inc_px & inc_py inputs for demo
- H/VBLANK outputs
- de0nano target assumes RGB111 VGA adapter
- Sim
make csr
works; constantly 'animates' FLOOR/SKY/LEAK (no option to turn it off).
- 1.1 (
branch):- Adds OTHER to SPI2
- de0nano target updated to use RGB333 VGA DAC by default
- Sim
make csr
works as per 1.0
- 1.2 (
branch):- Fix for different Q values
- Adds VINF to SPI2
- Sim timing is now adaptive; adds optional MouseY=>TexV slide;
toggles VINF;/
toggles SPI2 'animation'. - de0nano target updated for newer GPIO-1 pinout (compatible with TT03p5 too).