A CRD (the "U" wasn't needed in this app, but I commented the update code in the file in case anyone else needs some inspiration) app that serves the function of being a Daily Sleep Tracker. The technologies used are the following:
- React (with Hooks, Context & Router)
- JavaScript (ES6)
- TailwindCSS (including Dark Mode and custom classes & functions)
- GSAP for animations
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Firestore Database
- React-Vis (for graph)
- Moment time plugin (for turning time decimals -> hh:mm format)
The web app is not finished yet, still needs more polishing and additional content/styling. This was done following a brief with some personal takes on some of the points (
To be added:
FooterAbout page with additional GSAP animationsStats Dashboard reworkResponsive Dashboard page- Remember me & forgot password Authentication implementation
- QoL changes