`yarn start` or `npm run start`
build your project:
`yarn build` or `npm run build`
config: webpack part (eject from create-react-app)
scripts: package.json scripts order && DIY webpack plugin and component
app- project layout part and app part of state
common- Static Resource in folder images or anything else
middleware use for kos-core in folder middlewares
style part of the project in folder themes
util function or component in folder utils
components- DIY component
pages- your bussiness module
path: "/dashboard", // Path for the component in address bar, as a part of namespace's key(replace '/' with '_' in key).
Component: Dashboard, // Using component
icon: "appstore", // Prefix icon
name: "Title on page", // Page title
stage 2:
Lazy load components and routes by code splitting.
Import package(s) or module(s) from CDN.
stage 1:
Combine routes, namespace, module and file directory into the 1 configeration.
New features comming soon! We are looking forward your PR and your issues!