Design of a Basic Compiler in Java using JFlex and Cup
or make run
runs the tokenization, parsing and finally type checking on the test files provided in p3TestsCorrected directory.
Program → class id { Memberdecls }
Memberdecls → Fielddecls Methoddecls
Fielddecls → Fielddecl Fielddecls | λ
Methoddecls → Methoddecl Methoddecls | λ
Fielddecl → Optionalfinal Type id Optionalexpr ; | Type id [ intlit ] ;
Optionalfinal → final | λ
Optionalexpr → = Expr | λ
Methoddecl → Returntype id ( Argdecls ) { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
Optionalsemi → ; | λ
Returntype → Type | void
Type → int | char | bool | float
Argdecls → ArgdeclList | λ
ArgdeclList → Argdecl , ArgdeclList | Argdecl
Argdecl → Type id | Type id [ ]
Stmts → Stmt Stmts | λ
Stmt → if ( Expr ) Stmt OptionalElse | while ( Expr ) Stmt | Name = Expr ;
| read ( Readlist ) ; | print ( Printlist ) ; | printline ( Printlinelist ) ;
| id ( ) ; | id ( Args ) ; | return ; | return Expr ; | Name ++ ; | Name -- ;
| { Fielddecls Stmts } Optionalsemi
OptionalElse → else Stmt | λ
Name → id | id [ Expr ]
Args → Expr , Args | Expr
Readlist → Name , Readlist | Name
Printlist → Expr , Printlist | Expr
Printlinelist → Printlist | λ
Expr → Name | id ( ) | id ( Args ) | intlit | charlit | strlit | floatlit | true | false
| ( Expr ) | ~ Expr | - Expr | + Expr | ( Type ) Expr | Expr Binaryop Expr | ( Expr ? Expr : Expr )
Binaryop → * | / | + | - | < | > | <= | >= | == | <> | || | &&