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李豪 edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 11 revisions

Interception logs

All interception logs will be recorded inn {user_home}/logs/csp/sentinel-block.log:

2014-06-20 16:35:10|1|sayHello(java.lang.String,long),FlowException,default,origin|61,0
2014-06-20 16:35:11|1|sayHello(java.lang.String,long),FlowException,default,origin|1,0
  1. 2014-06-20 16:35:10,timestamp;
  2. 1,index;
  3. sayHello(java.lang.String,long),resource;
  4. XXXException,what kinds of rules。FlowException for flow control,DegradeException for circuit break,SystemException for system protection
  5. default for callers defined in rules;
  6. origin,for the real caller of the request;
  7. 61,0,61 for block times,0 has no meaning, can be ignored

Metrics log

Metrics of resources can be recorded in {user_home}/logs/csp/{app_name}_{pid}_metrics.log:

1529573107000|2018-06-21 17:25:07|sayHello(java.lang.String,long)|10|3601|10|0|2
  1. 1529573107000,timestamp;
  2. 2018-06-21 17:25:07,format datetime;
  3. sayHello(java.lang.String,long),resource;
  4. 10,incoming request count;
  5. 3601,blocked count;
  6. 10,success handled count;
  7. 0,biz exception count;
  8. 2,average response time(ms)。

Other log

Other info is recorded in {user_home}/logs/csp/record.log

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