There are different ways to install Pipcook:
- Install via NPM. This is the best approach for most users. It will provide a stable version and pre-built packages are available for most platforms.
- Build from source. This is best for users who want the latest-and-greatest features and aren’t afraid of running a brand-new code. This is also needed for users who wish to contribute to the project.
Before starting the installation, please make sure the following environments are correct:
- macOS, Linux, Windows
- Node.js >= 12.17 or >= 14.0.0
Installing Pipcook via NPM is easy, just run:
$ npm install -g @pipcook/cli
Then check if installed via pipcook --help
You could also install pipcook with Docker. Just run command:
$ docker pull pipcook/pipcook:latest
After pulling successfully, run command below to start:
$ docker run -it pipcook/pipcook:latest /bin/bash
If you have any installation problems, please feedback to issue tracker.