This project is created for translating markdown files, I only tested for translating AWS workshops. More features will be added soon. Feel free to send a feature request here.
- Support translating file name with different name pattern
- Support using different LLM models
- Support translating PPTX files
- Let llm read an article before translating for improving translation accuracy
- Fine tune the translation using few shot learning prompt
- Add support for
- Node 20: Install Node.js 20 Download Node.js
- AWS credential: Install the AWS CLI, set up the AWS CLI, enable the Anthropic Haiku & Sonnet models from the AWS console and attach an IAM policy to invoke these Amazon Bedrock models (bedrock:InvokeModelWithResponseStream).
npm install -g br-translate
"en": "english",
"es": "spanish",
"ja": "japanese",
"fr": "french",
"ko": "korean",
"pt": "portuguese",
"de": "german",
"it": "italian",
"zh": "chinese (simplified)",
"zh-TW": "chinese (traditional)",
"uk": "ukrainian",
"pl": "polish",
"id": "indonesian",
"nl": "dutch",
"ar": "arabic"
// Simplified Chinese
br-translate start --file content/sms-v2-components/all-together/ \
--targetLanguageCode zh
// Spanish
br-translate start --file content/sms-v2-components/all-together/ \
--targetLanguageCode es
// Spanish
br-translate start --dir ./content/clean-up --targetLanguageCode es
// Simplified Chinese
br-translate start --dir ./content --targetLanguageCode zh
If you would like to improve the translation, this package also flexible to add extra prompt and few shot learning. You may follow this guide for more details.
-d, --dir <directory> Directory containing files to translate
-f, --file <filePath> single file translation
-tlc, --targetLanguageCode <targetLanguageCode> Target language you need
-p, --promptFilePath <promptFilePath> [Optional] Extra prompt for translation
-r, --referenceFilePath <referenceFilePath> [Optional] Sample translations you want the LLM to read before translation
-slc, --sourceLanguageCode <sourceLanguageCode> [Optional] The language you choose to translate from
-h, --help
Alick Wong
Pavlos Ioannou Katidis
Rex Law