I am Ali Eren, a software engineer and machine learning enthusiast. I have a huge interest in Computer Science and Mathematics, and I am especially experienced about Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. Nothing new here...
- Working on LLMs and LangChain 🚀
- Drumming when not coding 🥁
- Worked as a full-time Data Scientist at John Snow Labs and contributed to langtest 💻
- Worked as a part-time machine learning engineer at YAZI AI, where I trained turkish language models, classifiers, extractors and more.
- Interned at University of Amsterdam - IRLab, worked on project about attribute-value extraction from product profiles.
- Involved projects in Sabancı University Natural Language Processing Research Group, about background linking and wikification on news articles. Ranked #1 at 29th TREC News Track.
I am always open to new opportunities and collabrations. Do not hesitate to reach me out!
Last edited on: 11/09/2022