This repository contains the core contracts and logic for the Gyroscope alpha testnet reserves:
The documentation here is intended for contributors to this repository. For the general Gyro documentation, please visit
First, install the dependencies and compile using
yarn install
yarn build
and for development purposes, link the package using
yarn link
Start a node
yarn run-node
This will print the accounts, including their private keys. The first account holds many different tokens so we recommend importing this account to MetaMask using its private key.
Then, in another terminal, deploy the contracts, export information and compile everything using
yarn build:full
At this stage, the SDK should work properly, try running the tests following the instructions at:
yarn hardhat --network kovan deploy
yarn hardhat --network kovan run scripts/bind-pools.ts # bind balancer pools
yarn hardhat --network kovan run scripts/sync-prices.ts # set oracle prices
yarn hardhat --network kovan run scripts/setup-fund.ts # setup Gyro Fund
The tests are written using Brownie.
Brownie needs to be installed first, using pip install eth-brownie
Tests can then be ran using
brownie test
Run the following command
npx hardhat --network kovan etherscan-verify --api-key API_KEY --force-license --license MIT
The API_KEY can be generated from Etherscan: