Prepared by:
Ali Maher
This project involved designing and implementing a complete Android application to display movie data from a server. The application features five main screens, adhering to the MVVM architecture pattern, with additional requirements and potential features.
Splash Screen
- Displayed upon the first app install and on every subsequent launch.
- Navigates to the Register Screen if the user is not logged in.
- Navigates to the Home Screen if the user is already logged in.
Register Screen
- Collects user data and handles errors.
- Validates inputs using regex for name, student number, email, and password.
- Handles input types correctly.
- Encrypts the user password using MD5 before sending it to the server.
- Upon successful registration, navigates to the Home Screen.
Home Screen
- Displays a top recycler view with a half-image drag scroll.
- Fetches movie data from a JSON collection.
- Shows a list of all genres and movies within the selected genre.
- Navigates to the Detail Screen on movie click.
- Clicking a genre opens a new page displaying all movies in that genre.
- Top items change with a static time duration.
Detail Screen
- Scrollable view with a horizontal recycler for movie images.
- Images fade in with animations and load from the server.
- A favorite icon adds the movie to the favorites database.
- A back icon returns to the previous screen.
Search Screen
- Implements real-time search functionality.
- Searches dynamically with every change in the search query.
- Navigates to the Detail Screen on movie click.
- Images load with animations from the server.
Favorite Screen
- Displays movies added to the favorites database.
- Shows the latest added item at the top.
- Initially empty.
Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) is a software architectural pattern that promotes a clean and maintainable codebase by separating the UI and business logic.
- Model: Manages data logic and server communication. For this project, it fetches movie data from the server.
- View: Consists of UI components such as activities, fragments, and XML layouts.
- ViewModel: Bridges the View and Model, handling data presentation logic and updating the View with data from the Model.
- Model: Contains data models and repository classes for data handling.
- View: Includes activity and fragment classes for UI representation.
- ViewModel: Manages UI-related data and communicates between the View and Model.
- Dependency Injection (DI): Utilized Hilt for dependency injection.
- Paging: Implemented movie paging.
- Responsive Design: Ensured the app is reactive and supports all device sizes and orientations, including landscape mode.
- Custom Themes: Implemented custom themes as per personal preference.
- Fragments and Fragment Managers: Used fragments and fragment managers for UI navigation.
- Other Cool Features: Added dynamic genre pages and static time duration changes for top items.
- model/: Data models and repository classes.
- view/: Activity and fragment classes for UI representation.
- viewmodel/: ViewModel classes to handle UI-related data.
app/src/main/res/layout/: XML layout files defining the user interface.
app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml: Application components definition.