Most of this is not updated, since I do most of my work in google colab.
Note: Anomaly detection (cybersecurity) Repo related exercises are it my Cyber Security Repo
Note: Finance Repo
- Holt, Arima, LinearRegression, and SVM.ipynb
- non-ML approach to time series predictions prediction
- Notebooks in Time Series for different algorithmic trading methods
- Most my work in on Google Colab (stuff here is not necessary final)
- Attempting to predict a random walk, after I am done, I will combine to non ML method I learned into “my best trading algo”.... I will strive to best that with deep learning
- I doubt ill be able to without resorting to any cheap tricks (like only trading SPXL,SPXU; 3x leverage SP500 ETFs)
- Intrusion Detection System (cybersecurity) related exercises
- Cifar
- Transfer learning
- Dealing with over fitting; Where to add noise in a deep CNN
- Just the “normal” CNN approach. Will revisit after I formally learn this in CMPT 419 at SFU (my university)
- Pima indians diabetes dataset
- Evaluating effects of combinations of, Feature selection, Data cleaning, PCA for dim reduction
- Credit card Fraud
- AutoEncoder
- Boston Housing
- Recommendation system
- Price Prediction
- Any others..
Nothing worthy of note
- Students-performance-in-exams
- Titanic
- CallCenter
- Lower Back Pain Symptoms