OpenRewind is an open-source alternative to, forked from OpenRecall.
We want to create an open source app that provides similar core functionality to, and that app is OpenRewind.
Latest works: There is an Alpha version available! We currently only support Apple Silicon Macs. (Of course, thanks to building on Electron, there will definitely be support for multiple platforms in the beta/stable release)
- GUI app. No terminal windows, no need to install any dependencies
- Take a screenshot of your screen every 2 seconds
- Encode screenshots to video at regular intervals
- A full screen "rewind" page similar to Rewind, with scrolling to view captured screenshots
- Screenshots can be taken excluding the "rewind" window
We will use the OCR API provided by the OS for macOS and Windows.
Reference projects:
- ocrit
We forked this project to suit our needs
- Windows.Media.Ocr.Cli
We wrote a small Swift program that allows a given program to run at a selected QoS class. On ARM Mac, this means we can put some work (such as video encoding) to Efficient cores, reducing peak CPU usage and power consumption.
We will be implementing the feature list proposed in the OpenRecall repository. Stay tuned for updates.