This web part provides you the ability to collect and present additional metadata on a web page for group associated team sites. The web part may be configured to display site title, a site contacts powered by a people picker, and a term from the term store, often used to provide classification for the site.
This web part is intended to be used once within a group associated team site to provide additional metadata. This web part provides an extensability framework in which to customize the web part code base to include additional properties and thus site metadata. Additional method demonstrations include the PnP Property Control people picker and the PnP Property Control term picker.
The term store must include the term group name, PnPTermSets
, which incudes a Term Set, PnP-Organizations
. Terms should be placed within this term set. The term group, term set, and default terms are added by the Starter Kit provisioning process, in particular set within the ./provisioning/terms.xml
provisioning template.
- Place the page you want to add this web part to in edit mode.
- Search for and insert the Site Information web part.
- Configure the web part to update its properties.
The Site Information
web part can be configured with the following properties:
Label | Property | Type | Required | Description |
Site Title | siteTitle | string | no | Default: Contoso Portal - the title of the site |
Site Contact | siteContact | IPropertyFieldGroupOrPerson[] | no | A site contact based on a people picker |
Site Organization | siteOrganization | IPickerTerms | no | The site's organization, based on a taxonomy termset |
See getting started from SP-Starter-Kit repository readme.
You can also download just the SharePoint Framework solution package (spppkg) file and install that to your tenant. This web part requires access to the Microsoft Graph.
- Clone this repository
- Move to Solution folder
- in the command line run:
npm install
gulp serve
Version | Date | Comments |
1.0 | May 2018 | Initial release |
1.1 | June 2018 | Link webpart to proper term group and term set |