A Social Media Rest API built with Node.JS , Express and Mongo Db
- Make and Like posts, comments, replies
- See likes for posts, comments, replies
- Follow, unfollow
- Update user information
- User login, sign up, and authentication
- Image uploads
- See feed post of users you followed them
To run the application, follow these steps:
Set up environmental variables: Create a file named
at the root of the project and add the following lines to it:MONGO_URI=<your_mongo_uri> JWT_SEC =<your_JWT_secret>
with the appropriate values you obtained for your MongoDB Atlas database and JWT secret respectively. -
Navigate to the "DB" folder: Go to the "DB" folder in the project directory, and you'll find files related to your MongoDB database.
Fill your MongoDB Atlas database: Use the files in the "DB" folder to populate your MongoDB Atlas database with the required data for the application to function correctly.
Install dependencies: Open a terminal or command prompt in the root of the project directory, and run the following command to install the required dependencies:
npm install
Start the application: After the installation is complete, run the following command in the terminal to start the application:
npm start
Now the application should be up and running. You can access it through your browser at the specified URL
(usually http://localhost:3000)
Make sure your MongoDB Atlas database is properly connected, and you can interact with the application.
The application is built with:
- Node.js version 18.17.0 LTS
- MongoDB version 7.4.0
- Express version 4.18.2
- bcrypt version 5.1.0
- dotenv version 16.3.1
- jsonwebtoken version 9.0.1
- mongoose version 7.4.0
- nodemon version 3.0.1
- route version 0.2.5
All the models can be found in the models directory created using mongoose.
- name (String, required)
- username (String, required, unique)
- email (String, required, unique)
- password (String, required, minLength: 6)
- profilePic (String, default: "")
- followers (Array of Strings Of Users Ids, default: [])
- following (Array of Strings Of Users Ids, default: [])
- bio (String, default: "")
- postedBy (mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User", require: true)
- text (String, maxLength: 10000)
- img (String)
- likes (Array of mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User", default: [])
- replies (Array)
- userId (mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: "User", required: true)
- text (String, required: true)
- userProfilePic (String)
- username (String)
npm run start # starts server
npm run dev # starts server in watch mode, waiting for file changes
- MIT License
- Copyright 2023 © - MIT License
- Ali Nour