Calculates the geometric parameters for a closed/ open aortic valve based on the following paper: "Geometric modeling of functional trileaflet aortic valves: Development and clinical applications", Labrosse et al, 2006.
In the command window run the following:
x0 = [1,1,.1];
input.Rb = 26/2; input.Rc = 12;
input.Lf = 30; input.H = 16.8; input.Lh = 17;
labrosse(x0, input, 1);
parameters are taken from Fig 4, labrosse
et al (2006). The results match very well with
the results given under that figure.
Returns the coordinates of point B and the angle of attachment line to the basal planein Figs 2 and 3, Labrosse et al ("Geometric modeling of functional trileaflet aortic valves: Development and clinical applications", 2006).
In the command window run the following:
x0 = [1,1,.1];
input.Rb = 26/2; input.Rc = 12;
input.Lf = 30; input.H = 16.8; input.Lh = 17;
labrossePoints(x0, input);
parameters are taken from Fig 4, labrosse
et al (2006).