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142 lines (106 loc) · 3.69 KB

File metadata and controls

142 lines (106 loc) · 3.69 KB


from now on, every path will be considered relative to the 📁src folder.

render options :

A | set the render option

open include/settings/render.tex :

 ┣ 📂include
 ┃ ┣ 📂commands
 ┃ ┣ 📂definition
 ┃ ┣ 📂packages
 ┃ ┣ 📂settings
 ┃ ┃ ┣ 📜render.tex   ‹◀ [ that one ]
 ┃ ┃ ┗ 📜settings.tex

and then turn on or off with either 1 or 0 :

% ...
% & value
\setcounter{code}{1}  % render code blocks
\setcounter{proof}{0} % do not render proofs
% ...

B | use in document :


Custom commands :

the Latex-Template project comes with a lot of custom pre-made commands to be used in your projects. These are specifically tailored to make mathematical documents, but there are many more to make writing and formatting easier as well.

Special characters

character command definition
ℝᵈ \R d \mathds{R}{d}
\N \mathds{N}
\Z \mathds{Z}
\Q \mathds{Q}
\C \mathds{C}
𝕂 \K \mathds{K}
𝔽 \F \mathds{F}
𝔼 \E \mathds{E}
\P \mathds{P}
$\vdots$ $\vdots$ $\vdots$


Here are some commands created to make editing easier

command description
\lorem lorem ipsum generic text
\editorwarn{text} creates a warning in the compiled document fot the author

Pseudo environments

    You can add some text

    Even break lines

    and even include $\vec a$ mathematical expressions

        bro = bae

    but this is not an environment
icon command
ℹ️ \info
🧠 \brain
🧪 \flask
✈️ \avion
⚠️ \warn
⚙️ \cogs

Custom Environments

environments are meant to be used in the following way



Theorems environments :

environment environment without counting
Théorème thm thm*
Proposition prop prop*
Lemme lem lem*
Corollaire cor cor*
Exercice exo exo*
Remarque rem rem*

custom colors :

Some colors from flat ui colors website have been added to the template :

here are a few examples :

color custom color name [xcolor]
flatuicolors_orange_light #f5cba7
flatuicolors_orange #ff9f43
flatuicolors_red_light #e66767
flatuicolors_imperial #222f3e
flatuicolors_aqua #01a3a4

👀 all of them can be seen in the include/definition/custom_colors.tex file.