STAT 527 Nonparamatric Regression and Regression
Project Description:
- Spam classification by building Classification Tree and pruning the tree;
- Spam classification by building Ridge regression;
- College data regression and selected features by the forward stepwise selection
- Handwritten digit data identification by K-NN
STAT 534 Statistical Learning
Project Description: Hidden Markov Model with Multiple Sequence of Observations
- Derived the iterated formula based on EM algorithm and Lagrange Multiplier for multiple sequences; Introduced scaling factor to avoid underflow appeared in the process of forward and backward; Optimized the number of hidden states by grid search and cross validation
- Built the self defined class “HMM” without using built-in function
- Applied Viterbi Algorithm (Dynamic Programming) to predict the most possible hidden and output state at the next node
STAT 536 Analysis of Categorical and Count Data
Project Description:Log-linear models, Hierarchical model, Feature Selection
STAT 554 Statistical models for Spatial analysis Project Description: Death of drugs in Ohio - Spatial Analysis
- The data includes the health information of 88 counties in Ohio State. We want to explore the relationship between death due to drug abuse and HIV rate.
- Matched FIPS codes in Ohio State shape files, detected spatial dependence by mapping the residuals from OLS fit and by Moran’s I test
- Trained spatial lag model, improved the model by redefined the neighbors and introducing weighted spatial lag model
STAT 570 Advanced Regression Methods for Independent Data
Project Description: MLE, K-L divergence, Simulation