I'm a recent graduate with a Master's Degree in Engineering in Computer Science. For my Master's Thesis I worked on a Deep Learning research project involving improving Image Super-Resolution [WaDiGAN-SR]. I'm passionate about Deep Learning, Machine Learning and Software Engineering solutions and I'm actively looking for a job in these fields.
- Backend Software Engineer @
Discovery Reply
- Master of Science in Engineering in Computer Science @
Sapienza Università di Roma
- Bachelor of Science in Computer and Control Engineering @
Sapienza Università di Roma
- Manga Alert Italia - Manga Releases Tracker and Notification System
- A Wavelet-based Diffusion GAN approach to Image Super-Resolution
- Full-stack containerized platform connecting users with skilled professionals
- Modern treasure hunt mobile-app with image recognition, GPS, and competitive gameplay
- Web-based endless-runner car racing game built with three.js and WebGL
- Studying NLP [Stanford CS224N, Speech and Language Processing, Dive into Deep Learning]
- aloilor.github.io