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WordPress Front-end Editor

Contributors: avryl, wordpressdotorg
Tags: front-end editor, inline editing
Requires at least: 3.7
Tested up to: 3.7.1
Stable tag: 0.3.1
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:



Features as Plugins Tracking
Make WordPress UI Posts
GitHub Mirror

Weekly IRC Chat: Mondays, 16:00 UTC, #wordpress-ui

What problem(s) are you trying to solve?

  • Posts edited and created through the back-end end up looking very different on the front-end.
  • add_editor_style() tries to solve this, but it has its limits due to the way it works, it’s double work for theme authors and a lot of themes don’t even support it.
  • Post formats aren’t supported by add_editor_style() at all. They are.
  • [It’s also impossible at the moment to apply any css rules based on classes outside the content. A small example: the colour of the links and headings inside my post are based on the category of that post. Additional css rules have been added based on the post class, but they don’t affect the colour in the back-end editor.] Additional classes could be added to the back-end editor.
  • One of the main reasons the posts appear different is that the surrounding elements on the front-end are taken away from the content.
  • The title field isn’t styled the way it looks on the front-end.
  • So the the current editor isn’t really WYSIWYG and the content is taken out of context, causing confusing and frustration to users.

What proposal solution(s) are you interested in exploring?

The solution I’m interested in exploring is a true WYSIWYG front-end editor that doesn’t interfere with any css rules and still has all or most of the functionality of the current back-end editor. The scope of the project would be limited to editing and creating posts (meaning posts and pages, as well as CPTs that support it).

Edit mode

Edit mode

TinyMCE 4.x

TinyMCE 4.x



Distraction free writing?

Distraction free writing?

Post updated

Post updated



Other approaches:

  • @scribu made a great Front-end Editor plugin a few years ago.
  • Utilising the current customiser could be another approach.

Who has joined your group so far?

We're still looking for more people to join us - developers, UI designers and WordPress users/trainers for testing/feedback. Please get in touch on IRC, or leave a comment on one of the Make WordPress UI blog posts.

So far @avryl, @helen, @melchoyce, @samuelsidler, @shaunandrews and @ubernaut have shown interest.


This is just an experiment!



  • Removed mp6 dependency
  • Fixed permalinks
  • Added wordpressdotorg as a contributor
  • Updated to TinyMCE 4.0.10


  • Updated to TinyMCE 4.0.6


  • Refresh rewrite rules on activation


  • Initial release


No packages published


  • CSS 87.9%
  • PHP 7.1%
  • JavaScript 5.0%