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Altissimo - Google Project (Terraform Module)

The repo contains a terraform module for creating a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project.

In addition to creating the project, this module will enable project services, create service accounts, and manage the project IAM policy.



Name Version
external >= 2.2.0
google >= 4.42.0


Name Version
external >= 2.2.0
google >= 4.42.0


No modules.


Name Type
google_project.project resource
google_project_iam_policy.project resource resource
google_service_account.service_account resource
external_external.gcloud_iam_service_accounts_list data source
external_external.gcloud_services_list data source
google_iam_policy.project data source


Name Description Type Default Required
auto_create_network Automatically create a default VPC network (defaults to false) bool false no
billing_account Billing Account ID (defaults to null if not specified) string null no
folder_id Parent Google Folder ID (only one of org_id or folder_id may be specified) string null no
gcloud_command Path to the gcloud cli. Used to list enabled services and service accounts. string null no
iam_policy Map of Google Project IAM Policy Roles and Members map(list(string)) {} no
labels A map of labels to assign to the project map(string) {} no
org_id Parent Google Organization ID (only one of org_id or folder_id may be specified) string null no
project_id Google Project ID string n/a yes
project_name Google Project Display Name (defaults to project_id if not specified)) string null no
service_accounts Map of Google Service Accounts to Create
display_name = optional(string)
disabled = optional(bool)
roles = optional(list(string))
{} no
services List of Google Project Services to Enable list(string) [] no
skip_delete Skip deletion of the Project when the Terraform resource is deleted (defaults to true) bool true no


Name Description
name Google Name (string)
number Google Project Number (string)
project_iam_policy Google Project IAM Policy (list of binding objects)
project_id Google Project ID (string)
project_number Google Project Number (string) [deprecated - use number instead]
service_accounts Google Service Accounts (map of objects)
services Google Project Services (map of objects)
unmanaged_project_services Google Project Services that are enabled but are not managed by Terraform (list of strings)
unmanaged_service_accounts Google Service Accounts that exist but are not managed by Terraform (list of strings)