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artunit edited this page Aug 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Summary of changes for version 4.2

  • Change schema version to 4.2
  • Change BASELINE to accommodate a list of points in addition to a single point
  • Make FONTSIZE optional
  • Add "strikethrough" to list of allowed values for FONTSTYLE

Version 4.2 was released in August 2020.

You can find the version 4.2 schema here.

Comments about the schema and its documentation as well as additional use cases for the new schema features are encouraged (GitHub account required).

ALTO schemas will be updated by whole numbers upon making changes that break backward compatibility (version 1 to version 2), and decimals for changes that will not (4.0 to 4.1). The namespace itself will also only change on major versions (ns-v2 to ns-v3).

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