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Mxnet Install Shell Script [MISS]

MISS is a very friendly script to deploy CUDA Env and Mxnet


CUDA Installation[GPU Option]

OS Tested
Centos 7
Docker [GPU]
Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS
Ubuntu 16.04.3~4 LTS
  • Make sure u had download the CUDA & CUDNN Before Installation
  • Switch the terminal by Ctrl + Alt + F1~F6
  • Script may need to run twice
  • [Ubuntu Desktop OS are recommended to disable auto Update]
    System Settings -> Software & Updates -> Updates -> [Download and install automatically] -> [Display immediately]
   sudo bash

Evn Installation

  • Auto Deploy Basic Software
  • Auto Install Python2 & Python3 Plugins
  • Extract Pycharm[Option]
  • Export Mxnet Env
    sudo bash

Mxnet Installation

  • Auto Install Mxnet with Warp-CTC
  • Make sure u had Mxnet Warp-CTC Ready Before Installation
    sudo bash