(1) Graphic_Ray_traying: package: under OSX (apt-get under other Linux base environment) brew install libpng brew install gsl brew install scons
usage: compile by scons ( scons -c to clean ) ./ray_tracer -i [txt file] to generate outpu.pngby ./ray_tracer -i [txt file] -s [cmp pic file] to compute diff with answer python grading-script.py . to run the grading script (00.txt - 37.txt)
ray tracing process is included in the report: graphic_chek_point_chenyang_yu_0125.pdf
(2) Graphic_miniGL: usage: compile by scons ( scons -c to clean ) ./minigl -gi [txt file] to compute diff with answer python grading-script.py . to run the grading script
(3) Final_project: package: under OSX (apt-get under other Linux base environment)
usage: gcc demo.c solver.c -framework GLUT -framework OpenGL -Wno-deprecated ./a.out