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Repository files navigation

Entitier-Go Repository


This repository contains a collection of Go files that provide a robust structure for building entities and services for a Go application. It implements a generic repository and service pattern, allowing for flexible and reusable data access and business logic layers.

Directories and Files


The models directory contains Go files that define the data structures used by the application. Right now error messages.


The errors.go file defines a set of custom error types that can be used throughout the application. This allows for more specific error handling and reporting.


The repositories directory contains Go files that define the data access layer of the application.


The generic-repo.go file implements a generic repository using Go's generics feature. It provides the following methods:

  • Create: Adds a new entity to the database.
  • GetAll: Retrieves all entities of a specific type.
  • Get: Retrieves a single entity by ID, with an option to preload related data.
  • Update: Modifies an existing entity.
  • Delete: Removes an entity, with an option for soft or hard deletion.

This implementation uses GORM as the ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) library to interact with the database.


The interface-generic-repo.go file defines the IGenericRepo interface, which specifies the methods that any repository implementation should provide. This allows for easy swapping of repository implementations if needed.


The services directory contains Go files that define the business logic of the application.


The generic-service.go file implements a generic service that works with the generic repository. It provides a layer of abstraction between the repository and the application's business logic. The service includes methods that correspond to the repository operations:

  • GetAll: Retrieves all entities of a specific type.
  • Get: Retrieves a single entity by ID.
  • Create: Creates a new entity.
  • Delete: Removes an entity.
  • Update: Modifies an existing entity.

Key Features

  1. Generic Implementation: Both the repository and service are implemented using Go's generics, allowing them to work with various entity types.

  2. Flexibility: The generic approach allows for easy extension to new entity types without duplicating code.

  3. Separation of Concerns: The repository handles data access, while the service layer manages business logic, promoting a clean architecture.

  4. Error Handling: Custom error types are used to provide more meaningful error messages and easier error handling.

  5. GORM Integration: The repository uses GORM, a popular Go ORM, for database operations, providing powerful querying capabilities.


To use this structure in your project:

  1. Define your entity models in the models/ directory.
  2. Create instances of GenericRepository and GenericService for each of your entity types.
  3. Use these instances in your application logic to perform CRUD operations on your entities.


// Assuming you have a User entity
db := // your GORM database instance
userRepo := repositories.NewGenericRepository[User, uint](db)
userService := services.NewGenericService[User, uint](userRepo)

// Now you can use userService to perform operations on User entities
users, err := userService.GetAll()


Contributions to improve the generic repository and service implementations or to add new features are welcome. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss proposed changes.


A system in Go to create entities







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