Notification App.
It is required to create a system capable of receiving messages, which will have a category and the body of the message. These messages will need to be forwarded to the system's users, who will already be pre-populated. In addition to being subscribed to message categories, these users will have specified the channels through which they would like to be notified, such as SMS, Email or Push Notification. With this configuration, users will only receive notifications of messages that fall within the categories they are subscribed to and through the channels they have specified. There will be three message categories:
• Sports
• Finance
• Movies
And there will be three types of notifications, each requiring its own class to manage the sending logic independently:
• E-Mail
• Push Notification
It is necessary to design the architecture for sending notifications through various channels. At a minimum, there should be one class for each channel, along with a strategy to select the appropriate channel. Real messages need not be sent using third- party services; the focus is on establishing a structure to implement the logic in the future.
Additionally, it is essential to store all the relevant information required to verify that the notification has been successfully delivered to the respective subscriber. This includes details such as the message type, notification type, user data, timestamp, and any other pertinent information.
No user administration is required, you can use a Mock of users in the source code, and they must have the following information:
• ID
• Name
• Email
• Phone number
• Subscribed [ ] here you need to list all the categories where the user issubscribed.
• Channels [ ] a list of the notification's channels (SMS | E-Mail | Push Notification).
As a user interface, you must display 2 main elements.
Submission form. A simple form to send the message that contains 2 fields:
• Category. List of available categories.
• Message. Text area, confirm that the message is not empty.
For buildeng the application uses:
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:: Spring Boot :: (v3.3.4)
-> Docker Compose : KafKa - KAfKa Ui - MySql
-> Docker Compose Image :
-> Start Docker from Project's (cloned/downloaded) sorce folder:
/notification-docker-compose$ docker-compose up -d
-> *Needs to be added to hosts for building the app: broker
-> JDK : 21
-> HTTP Port External App: 8080
-> HTTP Port Docker Internal App: 6868
-> KafKa UI : 8081
-> JDBC Client for DB Connection - MySQL at Docker Compose
-> Thymeleaf Java engine for processing and creating HTML, XML, JavaScript, CSS and text
-> HTMX a small JavaScript library that allows you to use custom attributes in HTML
-> Dessign Pattern: Factory / Strategy for different notification channels like SMS, e-mail, Push notifications.
And Observer for the main objetive of Users receiving updates in their subsctipyed Message Categories.
-> Git / Github :D and Git Flow
-> Responsive Flex Design
-> Junit for Tests
20241010 Adding some testing results of the first Iteration:
The Log and some json files, related to users and categories are also uploaded in the root/xDocuments
In order to test creation of Messages, that fire the Notifications the User's that are Subscribed, using the REST API; this command can be executed:
curl -X POST localhost:nnnn/api/messages -H 'Content-type:application/json' -d '{"categoryId": "2", "messageBody": "the boddy"}'
Latest Commit includes the Notifications Sent List: