Mailer wrapper over SwiftMailer for Phalcon framework.
There are several types of Transport in Swift Mailer, you create a Transport, use it to create the Manager, then you use the Manager to send the mail.
$transport = new \Swift_SendmailTransport();
$view = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->getShared('view');
$mailer = new \Rotoscoping\Phalcon\Manager($transport, $view);
// Add mailer to container (optional)
\Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->setShared('mailer', $mailer);
// Get mailer from DI
$mailer = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->get('mailer');
// Compose mail
->subject('Simple subject')
->text('Simple text part message')
// Fin
There are two ways to configure the sender.
First, you may use the from method within your Mail class' build method:
// You must initialize and add Manager instance to DI as 'mailer' service (see above)
// or extend Mail class and owerride method getMailerInstance()
$mail = new Mail();
->from('', 'Support team')
->subject('Simple subject')
->text('Simple text part message');
Instead, you may specify a global "from" address throw draft mail in your Manager instance. This address will be used by default for all you mails:
$defaultMail = new Mail();
->from('', 'Support team');
// Get mailer from DI (see initializatio section)
$mailer = \Phalcon\Di::getDefault()->get('mailer');
$mail = new Mail();
->subject('Simple subject')
->text('Simple text part message');
// Initialize manager with mail and view services from DI
$mailer = new \Rotoscoping\Phalcon\Manager('mail', 'view');
// template email_confirmation.phtml in your viewDir
// view path
// Swift params
'subject' => 'Example email confirmation',
'from' => '',
'to' => ''
// View params
'username' => 'User Name',
'token' => 'aq1sw2de3'
// word of the send from the beginning and the template filename in camelCase notation
'subject' => 'Example email confirmation',
'from' => '',
'to' => ''
'username' => 'User Name',
'token' => 'aq1sw2de3'
Using mailable classes are a lot more elegant than the basic usage example above. Building up the mail in a mailable class cleans up controllers and routes, making things look a more tidy and less cluttered as well as making things so much more manageable.
All of a mailable class' configuration is done in the compose method. Within this method, you may call various methods such as from, subject, view, and attach to configure the email's presentation and delivery.
Mailable classes are required to extend the base Rotoscoping\Phalcon\Mailer\Mailable class;