Most of the blocks are clickable!
%% This is a comment! TD means "Top-Down"
graph TD
%% No need to "define" a new block in a special way, the first mention is the definition.
%% The connection length is determined by the number of dashes, but the minimum is three ---.
%% If you need to skip a level, use more than three dashes.
Rust --- Bellman
Rust --- arkworks
Rust --- Halo2
Halo2 ---- UltraPLONK
arkworks ---- Groth16
Bellman ---- PLONK
Lurk ----- Nova
Lurk ----- SnarkPack[SnarkPack+]
TypeScript --- SnarkyJS
Lurk ----- Groth16
snarkjs ---- Groth16
snarkjs ---- PLONK
gnark ---- Groth16
R1CS --- Groth16
gnark ---- PLONK
arkworks --- R1CS
SnarkyJS ---- PLONK
Circom --- snarkjs
Go --- gnark
arkworks ---- Marlin
arkworks ---- ripp
arkworks ---- gm17
arkworks ---- gemini
ripp --- QAP
gm17 --- QAP
gemini --- QAP
Groth16 --- QAP
Nova --- QAP
Noir ---- ACIR
SnarkPack --- QAP
Marlin --- QAP
Leo ---- R1CS
ZoKrates ---- R1CS
snarkjs --- R1CS
Circom ---- R1CS
gnark --- R1CS
UltraPLONK ---- zkSNARK
ACIR --- Marlin
ACIR --- Groth16
Cairo ---- RAP
RAP ----- zkSTARK
%% Visual style definition. Color here refers to text color.
%% If you want to modify a style, please modify the corresponding style of the legend below.
classDef framework fill:#f94144,color:#fff
classDef lang fill:#277da1,color:#fff
classDef compiler fill:#f8961e,color:#000
classDef intermediate fill:#f9844a,color:#000
classDef lib fill:#f9c74f,color:#000
classDef provingSystem fill:#90be6d,color:#000
classDef algForm fill:#43aa8b,color:#000
classDef tech fill:#4d908e,color:#fff
classDef color9 fill:#f3722c,color:#000
classDef color10 fill:#577590,color:#000
%% These are class assignments. There should be no spaces around commas.
class SnarkyJS framework
class Circom,ZoKrates,Leo,Noir,Cairo,Lurk,Rust,TypeScript,Go lang
class R1CS,ACIR,RAP intermediate
class snarkjs,Bellman,Halo2,arkworks,gnark lib
class Groth16,PLONK,Marlin,SnarkPack,Nova,UltraPLONK,gm17,gemini,ripp provingSystem
class QAP algForm
class zkSNARK,zkSTARK tech
%% These are onclicks. Docs say you can even use an arbitrary JS callback.
click Circom href ""
click ZoKrates href ""
click Leo href ""
click Noir href ""
click snarkjs href ""
click Cairo href ""
click RAP href ""
click Lurk href ""
click SnarkPack href ""
click Nova href ""
click Bellman href ""
click Rust href ""
click SnarkyJS href ""
click TypeScript href ""
click ACIR href ""
click PLONK href ""
click Groth16 href ""
click Marlin href ""
click zkSTARK href ""
click Halo2 href ""
click arkworks href ""
click gm17 href ""
click gemini href ""
click ripp href ""
click Go href ""
click gnark href ""
%% This legend graph is separate because I couldn't find a way to force the subgrapg to be rendered within the main graph in the same position
graph LR
subgraph Legend
direction LR
Lang([Language])---Framework([Framework])---Compiler([Compiler])---Intermediate([Intermediate Format])---Library([Library])---ProvingSystem([Proving System])---AlgebraicForm([Algebraic Form])---Tech([Technology])
%% This styling makes the connections invisible
linkStyle default stroke-width:0px;
classDef framework fill:#f94144,color:#fff
classDef lang fill:#277da1,color:#fff
classDef compiler fill:#f8961e,color:#000
classDef intermediate fill:#f9844a,color:#000
classDef lib fill:#f9c74f,color:#000
classDef provingSystem fill:#90be6d,color:#000
classDef algForm fill:#43aa8b,color:#000
classDef tech fill:#4d908e,color:#fff
classDef color9 fill:#f3722c,color:#000
classDef color10 fill:#577590,color:#000
class Framework framework
class Lang lang
class Compiler compiler
class Intermediate intermediate
class Library lib
class ProvingSystem provingSystem
class AlgebraicForm algForm
class Tech tech
Inspired by This diagram uses Mermaid syntax. Its learning curve is relatively shallow, so the comments inside this file would probably be enough for you to start contributing.