Software for calculating movement parameters of objects on video stream
System requirements:
Python >=3.9
# Clone repo to local machine
git clone
# Go to downloaded directory
cd movement_params
# Create python virtual environment
python3 -m venv ./venv
# Activate virtual environment (on Linux)
source ./venv/bin/activate
# Activate virtual environment (on Windows)
# Install pip requirements
python3 -m pip install -r ./requirements.txt
files to ./movement_params/model
In you can change paths of input/output resources and some settings.
There are two configurations - Default and Debug (based on Default)
# Run as module with default configuration
python3 -m ./movement_params
# Run as module with DEBUG configuration
python3 -m ./movement_params --debug
Use separated branches for each feature.
# Be up-to-date
git pull
# Go to main branch
git checkout main
# Move on new branch
git checkout -b 'feature/name-of-feature'
# After realisation and testing, make changed files indexed
git add .
# Commit changes
git commit -m 'Write what you did in this commit'
# Don't forget to push it on server
git push origin 'feature/name-of-feature'
Make pull-request on GitHub and wait for code review.