This is a collection of bits and bobs that make running Octoprint a tad easier.
The most notable component is webcamd which is a minimalist drop-in replacement for mjpeg_streamer
- Octoprint appends a seemingly-random session ID to the camera URI, which confuses the hell out of
doesn't appear to be capable of handle multiple simultaneous streams, resulting in the infuriating403: Forbidden! frame already sent
itself is complete overkill here
is based on Igor Maculan’s “Simple Python Motion Jpeg” daemon. It has been reworked to run under python-3.x, accept command-line arguments, to fine-tune the webcam streaming experience.
The user running webcamd
must have sufficient access to the webcam device. On most Linux systems, this is as simple as adding the user to the video
group. Otherwise the daemon will have to be run as root, which is NOT recommended.
webcam@.service is a systemd unit file for
haproxy.cfg is a configuration file for haproxy that actually works with non-ancient versions of haproxy, and enforces SSL connections to Octoprint.
pip install .
python3 -m webcamd
webcamd --help
Open the following file and copy these contents:
Description=Webcam Daemon. A minimalist webcam streaming service.
ExecStop=killall -u webcam webcamd
Then restart the systemd daemon loader:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
And enable the service, to allow the service to start automatically on boot:
sudo systemctl enable webcamd.service
pip install -e .[dev]
This repository is a derevation of the octoprint-stuff repo maintained by Christopher RYU and Shell Shrader. The specific webcampy script that inspired this repository was originally authored by Igor Maculan.