- Node.js >= v10.15.0 (npm v6.4.1)
Clone the project:
# Clone the project
git clone <repository.git> nuls-light-explorer
cd nuls-light-explorer
Once you have downloaded:
# with npm
npm install
nnpm run build:ts
npm run serve:prod
# or using yarn
yarn install
yarn run build:ts
yarn run serve:prod
With docker:
# Build the docker image
docker build -f environment/prod/Dockerfile -t nuls-light-explorer .
# Run the docker container
docker run -d -it --name nuls-light-explorer -p 80:3000 nuls-light-explorer
Once the installation of the service have finished, we need to fix some environment vars. You can find all environment vars
availables to configure the service in config/custom-environment-variables.yaml
An example of configuration of the most important vars:
# Service port:
export NLE_SERVER_PORT="3000"
# Nuls rpc node:
export NLE_NULS_HOST="http://localhost:8001"
# Level db path:
export NLE_LEVEL_PATH="/data/nuls-light-explorer"
If you are thinking in contribute to the project you should know that:
The code has been written following the clean architecture principles, as well as SOLID design principles.
The project is built in typescript v2.9.2 using the recommended guidelines. Also there is a linter rules configured to follow this guidelines, so you can search for a plugin for your favourite IDE to be warned about this linter errors. first version of docs