This is a sample Rest API test solution for sample endpoints available in The published APIs represent a blog application where users can publish post and comment on them.
Tests are written using a combination of SerenityBDD, RestAssured, Junit & Maven.
- Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high quality automated acceptance tests, with powerful reporting and living documentation features. It has strong support for both web testing with Selenium, and API testing using RestAssured.
- API calls & validations are made using RestAssured and SerenityRest which is a wrapper on top of RestAssured.
- This solution is designed in an Action-Question pattern with the code base categorized into domain model packages based on user actions and questions to understand/validate results.
- Each domain package consist of an Action class where API actions are defined and another Question class where user questions/assertions are written.
- These domain models are called from a step-definitions class which are in-turn called from BDD tests.
- A test scenario to validate API response schema has been included for each endpoint in the respective feature file. The API spec for schema comparison is placed inside "schema" folder in test resources. The specs are generated from
- Check out my other project( if you are interested to have a look at how the same solution can be implemented with Cucumber in a BDD format.
+ main
+ java Test runners and supporting code
+ posts Domain model package consisting of all actions/questions on blog posts functionality
BlogPostActions API calls/User actions on blog post APIs
BlogPostQuestions User questions/validations on blog post API response
+ commontasks Package for all common actions and questions
CommonQuestions All common questions/validations across all the domain models
CommonRequestSpec Common Request Spec for the API calls
+ commonutilies Common utility methods
+ features Test cases files directory Class containing JUnit tests
+ schema Folder containing json schema for API schema validation
Serenity.conf Configurations file
Run mvn clean verify
from the command line.
The test results will be recorded here target/site/serenity/index.html
Please run the below command from root directory to open the result after execution.
open target/site/serenity/index.html
Reports can be seen in circleci, under the artifacts section serenity/index.html
Here is the direct link to one of the build artifact:
The report records the API calls and its response in a very readable format as shown below.
Each step in tests are very clearly documented for readability and debugging in case of failures.
Additional command line parameters can be passed for switching the application environment.
$ mvn clean verify -Denvironment=dev
Configurations to for different environments are set in the test/resources/serenity.conf
file. In real time projects each environment can be configured with its baseurl to run the tests based on different environments.
environments {
default {
baseurl = ""
dev {
baseurl = ""
staging {
baseurl = ""