This library provides a modern and smooth slider bar style button that you can use in your Android app. The user needs to slide the button to the end to perform a particular action in your Android app.
I tried to make this library very userfriendly and flixiable. To use this library you need to first include it in your project. You cant do it via JitPack or Jcenter
Add this lines in your gradle files
- build.gradel (App level)
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url '' } } } ```
- build.gradel (App level)
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.amannirala13:PixSlideBar:{Latest_version}'
Add the dependency to build.gradle (App Level) of your project
implementation 'com.amannirala13.pixslidebar:PixSlideBar:{Latest_version}'
Once imported, add the slidebar to your UI as follows:
To perform an action on while complete use the following code in your kt class:
override fun execute() {
Toast.makeText(this@MainActivity, "Slide Complete", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
To see implementation example and more features visit here.