Modular system configuration and package installation.
- Encapsulates user settings to manage by version control systems.
- Aimed for development purposes with bias to vim, tiling WM and terminals.
- Automatic setup on clean system, with following update/maintenance.
Currently supported host systems:
- Arch Linux (preferable)
- Ubuntu-based distro (clean if possible)
TEMP: Manually symlink or mount --bind
ln -s /data/chroots /chroot
ln -s /home/work /work
ln -s ~/Downloads /_dld
ln -s /data/music ~/.config/mpd/music
- encrypt your SSH keys
- add SSH keys to github/gitlab
If you wish to feel what it's like, default setup contains only necessary symlinks and terminal tools, preserving your system as much as possible.
mkdir -p ~/aura && cd ~/aura
git clone
cd airy
make # install basic 'airy' symlinks
make all # clean all and then install pkgs
make continue # to continue installation after error was fixed
Go make some tea, in one minute basic shell tools will be installed.
You can keep your system profiles and private modules/resources in your own private repository (,, dropbox, etc).
Overall directories structure (in repo's root or some subdirectory) is next:
├── airy
│ ├── hostname1 # home
│ ├── hostname2 # work
│ └── hostname3 # server (headless)
├── fonts
│ └── setup
├── mutt
│ └── acc
│ ├── home
│ └── work
└── Makefile
Main repo/Makefile
must be launched on clean system before everything else.
It will symlink your chosen profile/modules and launches system setup.
#!/usr/bin/make -f
.DEFAULT_GOAL = install
MAKEFLAGS += -rR --silent
d_airy := $(HOME)/aura/airy
d_cfg := $(or $(AIRY_CONFIG),$(or $(XDG_CONFIG_HOME),$(HOME)/.config)/airy)
prf := $(shell pwd)/airy/$(shell hostname)
$(MAKE) -C '$(d_airy)' -- configure
ln -svfT '$(prf)' '$(d_cfg)/profile'
In such way your own clean system setup will be as simple as:
mkdir -p ~/aura && cd ~/aura
git clone
git clone$yourname/$airyprivate
cd $airyprivate
cd ../airy
make -B
Note, that in case of using Xorg mods, to fully setup system you must run setup command inside Xorg session -- because some vars (like dpi) impossible to extract from plain console. Therefore on clean system install the setup script must be run twice -- in console and then in Xorg.
Each profile prf/hostname
is written in plain bash.
These text files usually non-executable and sourced by scripts explicitly.
# vim: ft=sh
AIRY_MODS=( airy pacman git zsh vim ranger tmux xorg )
### Git ###
MAIN_NAME="<Full Name>"
Profiles can be nested/inherited. This allows to distribute settings and nicely reuse parts of configs for similar hosts.
dprf=$(dirname "$(readlink -e "$BASH_SOURCE")")
source "$dprf/home" || return
AIRY_SKIP+=( browser )
Example how to use profile vars in your own modules/scripts:
#!/bin/bash -e
source ~/.shell/profile
r.mutt-acc ${MAIN_MAIL:?}