Hey, ⛅
Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to explore my repos and view my resume - https://drive.google.com/file/d/17_cFVrzhB1egVfm5BVdCkbbOnNFdGwMN/view?usp=sharing
Key Programming Languages -
Also worked with -
Skills & Tools 🚀 -
- Full-Stack Web Development
- Machine Learning
Chrome Extension Development
Projects -
- PetSpot - Pet Owners' Social Networking application
- Trend Store - An online shopping app using Django
- Pro-Manage - A Kanban Board application to manage projects
- HorcruxZ - A FPS Shooter with Horcruxes to protect and kill zombies
- tf-stitch - Pip Package to quick start deep learning projects.
- Chrome-Extensions -
- Dark-Mode-Chrome : Makes reading easy in dark on any website.
- Scrape-Pad : Quickly take down notes and create a document.
- Piano-Synth - Virtual Piano with Deep Learning assist to create music.
- Recommendation System - SVD, KNN, and Bandits for Movie recommendation
- Reinforcement Learning - Popular Algorithms of RL implemented in GYM
- Deep Learning - I love DL. I won't call it research but I do tweaking and experimenting with Neural Networks.
- Save-Your-Head Game : My new interest is making games. Do try it out.
- CommentX : A Chrome extension to read and write comments on any web url. It is a complete discussion platform in form of extension.
My DDPG tutorial on Keras website - https://keras.io/examples/rl/ddpg_pendulum/